I'm currently on CD6 of another natural cycle - going to use OPKs again to see if I o, collecting a prescription for another 4 cycles of clomid and HCG jabs on Saturday which I am going to start again next cycle! After that I reckon that may be the last step for me assisted wise unless I have changed my mind about IUI then may give that a go but will wait and see! Sorry it looks like the hag is getting you Miel
carebear ? were you worried about doing IUI?
I was very much so as I find even smear tests very distressing plus I wanted to keep giving clomid a go as I had two chemical pregnancies on the clomd and therefore felt that IUI was trying to address a problem that wasn't there for us, so we are going to give clomid more goes with baby asprin. Also felt they didn't give us enough of a chance on it - only 4 cycles. The only issue we have is I don't ovulate regularly so as they say it takes the average couple a year to fall pregnant I felt they hadn't really given us much of a chance with only 4 cycles. I would like to put off more invasive procedures for as long as possible!