I'm just not happy breastfeeding and really want to give it up after 2 weeks of using ebm in nicu we have been home three weeks and i'm just not enjoying it at all.
But I feel like I failed to support my baby whilst I was carrying him so he had to come early as my palcenta gave up, I couldn't have a normal birth and now I feel like a failure even more with the breastfeeding as I should carry on and give LO the best milk, but I hate it!
I guess I just want to know if anyone else felt like this, I keep thinking every preemie mum breastfeeds so I should but I know this isn't the case.
I don't have any advice I'm afraid but wanted to say I know how you feel as I'm going through the same issues.
Before LO arrived, I had decided to try breastfeeding but was very apprehensive about it. Anyway I gave it a go and he seemed to get the hang of it quite well early on. There have been a few small issues on that front but nothing out of the ordinary and in the beginning I didn't think it was that bad.
However mostly, I just don't enjoy it at all. I hate the sensation of him suckling and I also hate getting my boobs out - and I don't mean in public, even just at home in front of OH or even when I'm on my own. My nipples are also really sore from getting used to breastfeeding and I'm having to use nipple shields which I hate. Some times I don't mind it quite as much but others, well I just hate every moment and get a bit frustrated when he isn't satisfied so I have to put him back on about three times within one feed when I think originally he's finished.
Originally I always said whilst it would be good if it worked, I had no qualms about switching to formula but now he's taking the breastmilk and seemingly thriving on it, it's very hard to make that decision as I feel that now he's getting that, I don't want to give him formula. I've bought a pump to be able to express the odd feed to relieve me, but I've heard stories that some women can't do that well so I really don't know what I'll do in that respect if that happens.
I think the feeding issue is one of the hardest things of motherhood, at least in the early stages. Although I can't offer advice, I wanted to let you know you're not alone in feeling that way - one thing you are definitely not though is a failure whatever choice you end up going with