Going fcking mental, cant get her to drink!


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
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I am seriously going to fecking scream!!!!!!!!

When we switched to the SMA staydown LO was not able to drink it through the TT size 1 teats but most of the time was ok with the size 2. Occasionally she just wasn't getting anything.

Went back to tesco bottles as this was the only other ones we had.. I had a dr browns but its only 2oz and cos the teat was so narrow compared to the TT she just didnt drink it right.

So used some of the NUK teats I nicked from the hospital til I could get to the shop and found I had to hold the bottle a bit further out of her mouth to get her to suck hard enough to get milk.

I couldn't find narrow NUK teats so bought some wide bottles and teats that came with 0-6months teats.

But she can only take a mouthfull or two because of WIND!! I though these teats were supposed to STOP the wind?!

I had some size 0 teats I ordered by mistake and sometimes she is fine with these, sometimes she cant get anything out.
But most of the time she just spurts it everywhere as if she has the tiniest bit of wind she wont drink properly!

Today she had a full 4oz bottle for breakfast and at lunch happily ate half a pot of fruit (the cow and gate ones) mixed with a bit of plain rice powder. But as soon as I tried to give her the milk she just spits it all over the place and I was burping her for over half an hour still no luck!

Went to get my son from school thinking having her in the buggy will help any wind, and tried her on the size 0 teat but she couldnt get anything out now she is just spittingit all over the place and wont burp even after gripe water! :(

At the start of last week she was full of the cold and really didn't take as much milk, she just couldn't be bothered I am worrid the HV will tell me she has to go into hospital :(
what size nuk teats are you using hun? NUK are weird when it comes to sizes!
They seem to only have prem, size 1 (what I have) that is 0-6months and 2, 6m+

I am hoing to have to go and search for something else.

I got further tonight with the latex teat. I have two latex wide necked teats size 1 and 3 latex free ones. But sometimes she gets nowhere with the latex ones :/

Anyway she took 3.5oz and woke up when I moved her to bed but has been fast asleep since.

I don't know what to do :( I get so stressed when it takes so long to feed her and she seems to have SO much wind. I hate the HV as it is without worrying she is going to come and have a go at me :(
HV are muppets, you know it babe!!!

You could try stage 2, they arent a hell of a lot bigger hun? Ignore the ages? Alex has been on size 2 for like - forever!
i was just going to say try the next size coz i was reading somewhere that wind can also get caused by teats being too small so when babies suck theyre sucking in too much air too. Huggles hun and hope it gets sorted soon.

Know what u mean about feeding takin forever, some of Ellas feeds can take over an hour coz of trapped wind :(
I always felt like this it was a nightmare untill he was around 10months or so still sometimes now but doesn't matter as much cos over a year! He used to take an hr to drink 3-4oz milk NUK are great I found but you can get the hospital teats from Cow and Gate customer service if they are the only ones your little one uses well!!
She still isn't eating any better. It is driving me mental the HV is coming tomorrow and I really am dreading it!

Today so far she has drank 3oz at 9.30. She ate a whole organic fruit pot mixed with plain rice at lunch, normally she will keep spitting it out after 5-6 spoons but not today, managed to get her to drink almost an ounce after the first 10 spoons but she refused to drink it no matter what bottle or teat I tried so offered more food and she ate the lot.

She has had an ounce of milk I started feeding her over an hour ago it took me ages to burp her and she still refuses to drink it!
She is fine if I hold her upright but as soon as I put the bottle in her mouth she spits it out and screams she screams if I put her down Aaargh!!!
ahh bless ya I know the feeling, hopefully ur hv understands and gives advice, I am sure she will take it eventually esp when hungry
:hugs: try not to stress about the hv.

If you don't give her any solids for a day does she drink the milk better?
no I tried that, I didn't give her solids for a couple of days there wasn't any change.

I think its with the cold, she is swallowing much more air when drinking cos her nose is snuffly.

After that thread she happily ate 2 rusks mixed in with her milk. If I am feeding solids I try to make sure its mixed with her milk so at least she is getting some!

Bed time she drank 3.5oz and is happily sleeping away she wont wake to the morning but think I will get OH to feed her before he goes bed anyway.
Poor wee Anna having the cold. It must be hard for her sucking, swallowing and trying to breath with a snuffly nose. Hopefully she will get better soon and be back on her milk.

Have you tried using saline drops (most chemist's sell them I think) in her nose before a feed of milk to help clear the stuffiness a little bit?

Hoping she feels a bit better soon and her feeds pick up for you :flower:
Her nose isn't snuffly today and she still wont drink properly! :(

She will only take a few mouthfulls and she gulps loads of air down then starts screaming because of wind!
No matter what bottle and teat I try!
Its worse with the dr browns bottle because its narrow teat. The NUK teats are terrible and so are the TT she just wont drink it properly!

She only put on 2oz in 11 days.

Today she drank 3.5 oz at breakfast, ate some fruit flavour breakfast stuff (powder mixed with her milk) but would not drink milk. I ended up using a syringe to give her the 3oz drop by drop to make sure she ate!

Now she is spitting it everywhere no matter how much I burp her I have no idea how much of the ounce she has actually taken its all just going down her chin!
Iv tried the TT 1 and 2 teats, the NUK hospital ones and the 0-6m. The cheapo tesco teats and the dr browns.

I tried going back to the nutriprem2 to see if it was the milk.

I tried feeding lying down, more upright, swaddled.

AAARRRGHHH yep now I am crying I am just so frustrated I feel like a failure like its my fault she cant eat because she was so early. I am so scared they will just put her in hospital over this.
Do you want me to send over some cow and gate hospital ones? I have waaaaaayyyy to many ere lol
ooh, what shape are they?

Have got much further on with the TT 1 teat. But, she is lying on the couch behind me with the bottle propped up with a blanket.
Don't worry! I haven't even left my seat let alone the room! Would never leave her like that but if thats how she is happy to drink, thats where she can be!
They are kinda weird shaped. Narrow, but weird. I have plenty (we are talking about 30!) so if u wanna pm me ur address on fb I'll send a few tomorrow and you can see how you get on. They are the same as edinburgh neonatal use. x

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