grade IV plancter previa.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2009
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Hi a bit about myself and my other pregnancys before i carry on.

I was 15 when i had my first little girl full term normal delivery at 39 weeks weighed in at 6lbs 11oz.
When i was 17 i fell pregnant with my second little girl, all was going well untill i hit 27 weeks and i had a small bleed, they said i had plancter previa and had to take it easy. i had spotting for the next 2 weeks and at 29 weeks +5 days my waters broke, went to hosp and they couldnt stop the labour while having contractions i had a big bleed so was rushed to have a c-section, she was fine and because of the steriods they gave me at 27 weeks her lungs were healthy, she had to stay in hospital for 7 1/2 weeks and weighed 2lbs 11oz and is now 9 years old and healthy.

At 19 i had a miscraiage when i was 7 weeks pregnant reason unknown.

at 20 i fell pregnant with my son. again the pregnancy was going well, but at 23 weeks the day before my scan i started to bleed again, they kept me in did the scan to see that i had plancter previa again, was given steriods and was told if my baby was to be born that week he wouldnt stand a chance.
Through out the next 10 weeks i had on and of bleeds some resulting in me losing a liter of blood in mins others just spotting, so was in and out of hospital. at 33 weeks at about 10pm i started to gush out blood it was scary this time it was more then it had ever been before, we called 999 and just as they got there i collasped and started to fit on the floor, they got me to hospital and preped me for a c section, i had lost so much blood i needed 4 blood tranfusions. he had to stay in hosp for 3 1/2 weeks and he weighed 3lbs 8oz, his now 5 and healthy.

I split from there dad and met someone new, so new life and everything was going well untill i found out i was pregnant, i was scared as the last time nearly ended up fatal for me and my son, but also we was happy.
Everything was going well untill my 22 week scan and they told me i had grade 4 plancter previa yet again and its covering my cervix, this time they wanted to keep an extra close eye on me. so been having loads of doctors appointments etc, and have been told i will be booked in at 38 weeks for a c section.
At 25 weeks i was rushed into hospital with heavy bleeding, they said i lost about a liter of blood they kept me in for 2 days and have given me steriod injections to murture my sons lungs. they have said they cannot see me making it to 34 weeks and wanted me to stay in throughout the rest of my pregnancy but my other childrens dad can not look after them due to work and everyone i know works so it isnt an option to stay in hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy ( i live 10 mins away from the hospital)
All i have had is spotting since then and some bloody mucus. I'm so scared and know i should be in the hospital so please do not give me a lecture on this please.
Has anyone else been in a simliar situation?
No help sorry :( but ive got to say your one brave woman! i wish you the best.
in my opinion your putting yourself and your 3 children at risk by not staying in hospital. However, If theres absolutely no one to look after your children then its what you must do. If you get really bad again why not ask the staff at the hospital if you can bring them in with you?
Cant your new partner stay with them whilst your in hospital?

I feel for you hun ive had 3 pre-term deliverys due to placenta abruption been told that i wont make full term with this baby either, i was supposed to be on bed rest over easter as had a bad bleed but i have 3 children so its impossible. Are they keeping a close eye on you e.g regular scans etc? Try rest at home as much as you can to keep your little one in there as long as you can. Its really hard being in hospital when you have other children when i had my last dd i was in hospital nearly 4 wks it killed me being away from my other children.
If you ever want to talk pm me :hugs: xxx
hi thanks for replying, my partner has said he will look after the children he wants me to be in the hospital, but the children are still getting used to him, i'v been with him 10 months, he moved down here from where he lived so he knows no one so he will have no suport. his good with the kids but there still in the stage of getting to know him and they really do try and push the boundrys.
Yes i have appointments every week with either my midwife or the hospital and my next scan is when i'm 34 weeks. And yes i'm on bedrest at home, thanks bumpn3gals how far along are you now?
woohoo i'm 27 weeks today , everytime i get through another week i feel that bit better that things are gonna be ok for my little one :happydance:
Sounds kind of similar to my situation. Placenta Previa was showing at 20 week scan.

I went to hospital with some spotting at 26 weeks, they did an internal exam and I bled everywhere. They gave me steroids and another scan - again showing placenta previa - and kept me for a week then sent me home. I had a further week off work, went back for 2 days then was in for bleeding again on the friday night.

They were about to send me home on the monday as the bleeding had stopped but the doc hadn't had a chance to review my scan, I was going home the next day but my waters broke on the monday night. By that point I was 29 weeks. About an hour after that I started bleeding really heavily, I lost about 2 pints and I was rushed for an emergency section under general anaesthetic.

Abby was born that night and is doing fine in the NNICU.

I'm not sure if bedrest would have made any difference, but for sure, I knew that any bleeding, no matter how small, should be assessed at least by maternity triage. The bloody mucus is also something I'd want them to be aware of.

It all happened so fast, I'm not sure how it would have gone if I had been at home when my waters broke. The bleeding after that was the placenta abrupting and at that point, every second counts.

I know it must be hard with child care to consider. I was aware how lucky I was to only have me to worry about, but I'm so glad I was where I was. I'd say if there is an option, then going in to the hospital is the smart thing to do. (I'm not lecturing - honest!!) It might also help your partner to get more acquainted with your kids if he looks after them for a couple of days?

I have my fingers crossed for you and good luck with counting the weeks. Having had the steroids will make a big difference.
hi and thanks for your reply. Its scary when it all happens.
Well fingers crossed as i'm 28 weeks the mucus has stoped, been no more signs of bleeding apart from a week after i first went in with some bright red spotting, which stoped as quick as it started, but your right about the rest thing, throughtout all my pregnancys the bleeds usually happen when i have been resting lol.
in a way i'm happy when each week goes by and im getting nearer and nearer to the "safe mark" of the baby being born, but at the same time i'm also getting nearer to when the bigger bleeds start or the preterm labour starts, I'm having weekly check ups at the moment and even though they can not check me down there its good to know that everything else is fine for the moment.

Just wanted to say i'm so glad to hear that abby is doing well and hope she contuines to do well and that shes home soon (if she isnt already) xxxx
hi and thanks for your reply. Its scary when it all happens.
Well fingers crossed as i'm 28 weeks the mucus has stoped, been no more signs of bleeding apart from a week after i first went in with some bright red spotting, which stoped as quick as it started, but your right about the rest thing, throughtout all my pregnancys the bleeds usually happen when i have been resting lol.
in a way i'm happy when each week goes by and im getting nearer and nearer to the "safe mark" of the baby being born, but at the same time i'm also getting nearer to when the bigger bleeds start or the preterm labour starts, I'm having weekly check ups at the moment and even though they can not check me down there its good to know that everything else is fine for the moment.

Just wanted to say i'm so glad to hear that abby is doing well and hope she contuines to do well and that shes home soon (if she isnt already) xxxx

She's not home yet, but we are counting each day off as a day closer!

It sounds like you are being really cautious about it which is the sensible thing to do. Certainly don't let them do an internal exam as it was the start of all my troubles!
Everythings fine except my platelet count its to high, but they dont want to give me anything to thin my blood just in case i get another bleed it might thin it out to much. and with the internals they already have put it in my notes that its not to be done, the only reason they had to do it when i first had a bleed was because a blood clot the size of my fist was stuck so they had to help it out.
I'm glad to hear that abby is still doing really well :hug:
Everythings fine except my platelet count its to high, but they dont want to give me anything to thin my blood just in case i get another bleed it might thin it out to much.

Keep as many of those platelets. Mine was about as high as it could get without going off the chart. I'm glad it was as I lost 2 pints of blood and still only just went into anaemia!
so the platelets are a good thing in a way at the moment? thats good to hear then. had a very tiny amount of blood this morning when i wiped so gonna keep an eye on it and the most smallest blood clot, so much for saying everythings been ok, think i jinxed myself.
so the platelets are a good thing in a way at the moment? thats good to hear then. had a very tiny amount of blood this morning when i wiped so gonna keep an eye on it and the most smallest blood clot, so much for saying everythings been ok, think i jinxed myself.

Go, go, go. Or at least, call triage and let them know. Don't "keep an eye on it " for too long!
thanks i did end up calling them to put my mind at ease, they said because they cant do a check down there to see how things go. and it stoped nearly as quick as it started again. baby has been moving loads.
I'm just sick of everytime i go to the loo what i might find, or when i wake up in the mornings to see if i'm wet, although i really want to make it to the 38 week mark for my c section, i just want it to be over with aswell, i sit here all day worrying will it be today, or what if something happens and i cant get the kids somewhere in time . its driving me frigging mad.
I'm just sick of everytime i go to the loo what i might find, or when i wake up in the mornings to see if i'm wet
So familiar! It is such a terrible feeling isn't it.

I'm glad you are ok though. Just take it really easy. Maybe work out a contingency plan for the children to be on the safe side?

Which hospital are you going to?
So far i have a mate who can take the kids on short notice anytime of the night so thats one thing for the moment. had my blood results back and my platelets are back to normal.
Dont know if you have heard of it, its called kings collage hospital, they have a really good baby unit there and i have been going there with everyone of my pregnancys and they have been wonderfull in looking after my premmies.

How is little abby doing? and how is the pain now?
So far i have a mate who can take the kids on short notice anytime of the night so thats one thing for the moment. had my blood results back and my platelets are back to normal.
Dont know if you have heard of it, its called kings collage hospital, they have a really good baby unit there and i have been going there with everyone of my pregnancys and they have been wonderfull in looking after my premmies.

How is little abby doing? and how is the pain now?

I have heard of Kings College, I believe it has a good reputation. I ended up in St Thomas's for a week with my first bleed. I was in London on business when it all kicked off. I had a hell of a time getting them to let me go home!

Abby is doing fine. She was in for some booby action yesterday for the first time. She still feeds through the tube and at the moment we are just trying to get her used to what she is supposed to do, but she had a good go at it this morning. She was less than interested this evening though. She just wanted a full belly and then she just slept. It was lovely though.

The pain it is receeding. Still a dull thump for most of the day, and now it is starting to itch. But definitely on the mend.

Any more bleeding?
oh i'm so glad she is doing well, and already having a good try on the booby thats great news hun, That was the main thing that kept my other 2 in hosp longer was the learning how to suck.
The pain i remember that very well, with my last c section it seemed no matter how much pain relife they gave me the pain wouldnt go away, they sent me home on this pain tablets (cant remember the name now) but i nearly got addicted to them because i was so scared of not taking them incase the pain came back i could hardly move half the time, turned out i had caught a slight infection in the scar hurt like crazy.
no more bleeding fingers crossed, now 29 weeks :happydance: getting there slowly.
I got to say you are so brave to get through all those pregnancies and look after your children so well, super mum i think! i know kings college hospital it's the one i go to. they are great there and look after you so well, they know what they're doing!
since week 22 I've been told i've got a short cervix and have a high risk of preterm delivery, so I feel for you when it comes to counting the days that go by and worrying that your bubba might come a early. the steroid shots hurt!lol!
thats great that you have a friend on call to look after your kids, at least you know they will be safe and looked after well.
you are at the 29 week mark though so your baby does stand a great chance with a bit of TLC.the pregnancy you are having now sounds like it's been running more smoothly than the last so fingers crossed and I hope you make it to 38 weeks. I just can't wait to get to the 34 week mark because a lot of doctors have been telling me that it's the safe boundry!! I am 32 weeks at the moment.
all the best x

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