GTT later this morning - goodness I'm hungry!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2009
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Typical isn't it - I hoped that I might be able to sleep till 7/7.30, then arrive for my appointment at 8.30 this morning all refreshed - but baby didn't get that memo and is clearly as ravenous as I am and I have been awake since 4.30. I have loads of squiggling about, and can only have water until it's all over about lunch time.

I'm going to tease myself by making a packed lunch to take with me. So the very moment they have drawn the last lot of blood, I'm going to ram a sandwich down my throat!

I'm not looking forward to the dullness of it all; waiting about for 2 hours doing bugger-all. I can't at the moment think o a single thing that I want to take with me to keep me entertained??!? Well maybe the laptop? But will I get a wifi signal... do you think it would be cheeky if I phoned the maternity department at this hour and asked them?! hahahaha! (don't worry I won't)

I'm expecting my result to be positive for GD, as it was with my first pregnancy. OH, DD and I went out for dinner last night in a "final supper" way.. and I had Pizza AND spag carbonara, as this could be the end of carbs as I know it!

It's a royal pain in the jacksie having GD and being well diet controlled. I only had a few weeks of it last time round, but to think of the next 13 or 15 weeks of no toast.. oh I will miss you toast! I might have to amuse myself by making up a limerick or sonnet about chips ;-( "ode to chips..."

I know that my style of diet control is a little strict, but lordy, I don't want GD thrown back in my face, and let them use high blood sugars (I'm going to have to take readings every 2 hours after every meal) as a reason for not recommending/supporting my home birth choice, or baby getting too chunky to get out! Bless the potential fatty!

Sorry that was a bit of a brain-dump!

I'll let you know how it goes.
Here's hoping ti goes quickly hun, know the feeling when hoping for a good nights sleep. we were hoping for a good one as we're driving to Swansea today and hubby wanted to be rested but no Dewi was up 3 maybe 4 times in the night so big fat momma was also in and out of bed a few times LOL.
Good luck, hope the time passes quickly for you. I took a good book and honestly didn't notice the time at all :)
Good luck let us know how it goes :) I might have to have this test too soon, and not looking forward to the 2 hours in between, hoping my blood test comes back normal so I can get out of it. The packed lunch is definately where I'd be headed too, you'll be ridiculously ravenous by then!
What indicators are there you to have to have a GTT?
Hi Chuck, my BMI being slightly over (31), and having a previous baby in the 90th centile (9lbs) I think were the 2 main reasons, without digging my notes out. But now adding to that a little is that I'm measuring about 3weeks bigger than I should be, I know it could be just fluid etc...

So the MW said she'd book it there and then, even though she didn't know why I hadn't been given an appointment already considering it was in my notes to have had the GTT by now. I said I'd like to just see how I go as the idea of the parking nightmare, very very small carpark, then the 2hours wait, really wasn't too enthusiastic to have it, so she asked if I would like to have a blood test that she could do there and then, which would at least give us an indication of if there is glucose in there or not. So I agreed to that, find out Tuesday.

I'm sure it'll be fine, really hoping so, as I could do without another thing to add to the battling HB list! ;)
Ahhh the two hours is a killer. Mine was at the hospital, asked if I could go for a walk straight after I'd had my Lucozade and was advised not to leave hospital grounds... well, it's only 'advice', says I, so an hour and 45 mins later, round the block to the park and back, I returned and listened to the others in the waiting room moan how long they'd had to sit around for their second bloods :thumbup:
I'm back - well actually I've been back for a while, but not been able to get on the net!

Well, to gasps of great surprise, my results were fine!!! I'm chuffed to bits! I can't believe it - and it appears neither can my MW, so they have booked me another one in a month.

So my 12 hour fast blood was 4.4
and after my glucose drink 6.7

When I was diagnosed last preg my post-drink was 8.5 (just over the boarders of normal). I was also diagnosed late (33wks) in pregnancy last time, hormones reaching there interfering a peak, so it could change. I'm open minded.

I'm not chuffed to bits with doing another one, and I know I don't have to, but it would prefer to know rather than not, so there are things that I can do about it.. and not find out in labour when I'm trying to heave-ho my little chubster out of there! ;-)

And Rachie, I'm with you - it not normal to sit still for 2 hours (I don't even do that when I'm meant to be sleeping!) So I also went walkabout too; It was driving me nuts! It not recommended because if you are having serious GD problems, you don't want to be having a hyper-fit in the car park! (NB very very very rare!) But to sit in one place for 2 hours pregnant, is bonkers - it was hurting my tail bone anyway!

One lady in my waiting room, bought her laptop and watched a DVD - that was a great idea!

Chuck, my indicator with my first pregnancy was +++ glucose in my urine sample at a routine antenatal appointment. This time round with a family history of diabetes, and my prior obst history indicates a re-test.

I have to say that if I was a slightly larger lady I would be offended at going for a GTT, being big doesn’t mean that you have GD, anyone can have it (although, I admit that there is a higher prevalence in women with a higher BMI, but why routine urine samples are not good enough for this, I don’t know? - it irks me!
It also (sorry Indigo) that a random blood sample, really doesn’t give any idea of what is happening underneath and the full picture - so you would still have to do the GTT. Plus, unless it is just a finger prick test, they will do full blood counts, including HB levels.. And maybe highlight problems that you hadn’t even agreed to the test for?! (not that is a problem if you are told, but, if your not - it could hit you)
It also (sorry Indigo) that a random blood sample, really doesn’t give any idea of what is happening underneath and the full picture - so you would still have to do the GTT. Plus, unless it is just a finger prick test, they will do full blood counts, including HB levels.. And maybe highlight problems that you hadn’t even agreed to the test for?! (not that is a problem if you are told, but, if your not - it could hit you)

Nice... who the hell can you trust these days? You should be able to trust what your MW or doc says, but hey that's where I went wrong last labour/birth, trusting them :brat:

Glad your results came back good, hope the next ones do the same x
Glad all is well and no GDD Hun.

I was just curious about the indicators really as it's not something I've had to worry about thankfully. Just collecting facts really LOL.
Sorry, only just seen the thread. Glad the results were clear. :thumbup:

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