had a day...


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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surrounded by babies! and just feeling soooo broody! this is just an out of the blue question, but if you found out you were expecting, what week would you tell people and who first?? its so cute thinking about it! xxx :kiss:
surrounded by babies! and just feeling soooo broody! this is just an out of the blue question, but if you found out you were expecting, what week would you tell people and who first?? its so cute thinking about it! xxx :kiss:

i think i would wait for 3 months before telling anyone BUT i would have to tell my momma first (maybe as soon as i found out, haha)

but when and if i do, i want to suprise my OH in a fun kind of way!
surrounded by babies! and just feeling soooo broody! this is just an out of the blue question, but if you found out you were expecting, what week would you tell people and who first?? its so cute thinking about it! xxx :kiss:

i think i would wait for 3 months before telling anyone BUT i would have to tell my momma first (maybe as soon as i found out, haha)

but when and if i do, i want to suprise my OH in a fun kind of way!

awww! i know i feel the same! my friend said she was going to put it inside a cake and give it to her SO! but i was like EWWW, you pee on that stick!!

I'd like it to be fun though!!

I'd tell my mum! and my SO's aunty! as she's never been able to have children, and i see her as a second mum! so i think id want her to know before anyone!!! then everyone else i'd TRY too wait till 4 months passes! My brother did that, and their pregnancy seemed to flyyyyyy past! xxx
haha! i don't know what my OH would think of my stick in a cake!
i can't think of how i want to do it... maybe a University of Texas onesie - just gift it to him randomly - i think he'd love it!
i get worried about people finding out! my work friends and i do happy hour a couple times a month so i worry that they'd know something is up! and everyone i know, knows i like my wine so i'm sure they'd be like "hmmmmm" haha. we are ttc in secret and it's so hard to keep quiet!
haha! i don't know what my OH would think of my stick in a cake!
i can't think of how i want to do it... maybe a University of Texas onesie - just gift it to him randomly - i think he'd love it!
i get worried about people finding out! my work friends and i do happy hour a couple times a month so i worry that they'd know something is up! and everyone i know, knows i like my wine so i'm sure they'd be like "hmmmmm" haha. we are ttc in secret and it's so hard to keep quiet!

we are the same! no one knowss! and i am also known to have a glass of vino in my hand, so i completly know where you are coming from...

that onesie sounds SOOO cute!! would look soo adorable too!!
our friends are so ANTI baby! :( like my SO is 30 and NONE of his friends have babies, so we might be the first, so its scary! I dont care what anyone thinks, but I want it to just be a secret between us!!

I always thought about putting it in an envepole next to his pillow when i go to work and he lies in! but i would HATE miss seeing his face when he finds out!

we will have to think of something exciting!! :) xxxx :flower:
he loves loves loves UT so i figure that'd be a cute way~ i like the envelope idea too, but i'm the same - i'd want to see the look on his face!

ah our closest couple friends are the same! they aren't too interested in babies yet and most of them are a little older so him and i are alone in it. my brother just had a baby so i get a lot of urging from him. little does he know! haha!
he loves loves loves UT so i figure that'd be a cute way~ i like the envelope idea too, but i'm the same - i'd want to see the look on his face!

ah our closest couple friends are the same! they aren't too interested in babies yet and most of them are a little older so him and i are alone in it. my brother just had a baby so i get a lot of urging from him. little does he know! haha!

haha! so cute! how long have you been trying honey?? xxx
With our DD OH was there when I POS and I was NOT happy (she was a "surprise") and I threw the stick at him, yelled (through me tears) that I was having my last cigarette and left.

This time around, I am ready ( and wanting so badly!). I am going to put DD in a "I'm a Big Sister" t-shirt and e-mail it to him while he is at work. I've been planning htis for awhile and can't wait to surprise him!
With our DD OH was there when I POS and I was NOT happy (she was a "surprise") and I threw the stick at him, yelled (through me tears) that I was having my last cigarette and left.

This time around, I am ready ( and wanting so badly!). I am going to put DD in a "I'm a Big Sister" t-shirt and e-mail it to him while he is at work. I've been planning htis for awhile and can't wait to surprise him!

haha i love the throwing of the stick!!!
that would be soooo cute!! he'd always have that photo too! xxxx
With our first, I wanted to wait before telling anyone. Before that was out of my mouth DH was on the phone with his mom. Of course then I had to tell my family. I wanted to order those personalized M&M's for everyone with something on them about the baby. Now, this time around...I would like to have everyone over for dinner and have my 2 1/2 year old walk out wearing a Big Brother shirt.
Haha! It's always men who seem to spill the beans!! I like the Tshirt idea!!
I've always thought about putting the test in a wrapped up box and then giving it to my SO over a candlelit meal! But I know before he even walked through the door I'd be down the stairs attacking him with the stick to his face!! We should make a thread of how us Girlies told their SO's and how we should do it if we find out!! xxxxxx
we've only been trying for a couple of months!

love the stick throwing, maybe i can do that to the OH after he gets the shirt, bahaha
My OH may be with me when I test, in that case it won't be an elaborate surprise. And I may not be able to contain myself long enough to do much other than call him or ambush him when he gets home with my stick, lol. I like the idea of giving him a onesie or dressing my daughter in a big sister t-shirt. I'll most likely tell my parents, sisters and best friend right away as well and I'm sure Nick will want to tell his mom right away at least. Everyone else: my boss, extended family, etc I'll wait until month three.
I bought a T-shirt for my OH that says WORLD'S GREATEST DADDY. It's a gray t-shirt with blue text outlined in pink so we wouldn't know the gender obviously. I'm going to wrap it up and give it to him with the BFP HPT (in a baggy or something!) and newborn socks that says I LOVE DADDY. Oh and I also bought him a book...I'm totally blanking on the title but it's a pregnant dads type book that he expressed interest in. We've wanted to be parents for so long....I just hope we don't have to wait too much longer....

Oh and as far as telling everyone else....I have no idea. I really want to tell my mom but she'd spill the beans and tell everyone else so I probably wouldn't be able to tell anyone until the second trimester...
i like the t-shit idea!! id liek to think SO would test with me! but im so impatient and he works full time, So i pretty much know I'd test before waiting for him to get home haha! then i would have to spend the whole day going mental by myself haha! id probably phone him and tell him by that point too haha!! xxx
We got our bfp this morning and I just wandered into the bedroom (he was still in bed, half asleep), just stood there and said "we're pregnant". His response? "I thought you were"!!!!!

lol! I've kept it quiet from anyone else just yet (though there are two ladies at work who know we're NTNPing), but I will tell my parents this evening and we'll tell his on Sunday when we see them. Not sure about our sisters just yet. Will take Mum's advice on that! My sister's husband is one of OH's friends and apparently he's not so good with keeping secrets. So, if she knows, he should know and I don't think I want that to happen just yet.

I'm planning on popping into town to buy some "World's best Grandparents" somethings at lunchtime. One for each set of grandparents (!) and I'll just give them to them without any other explanation :D
We got our bfp this morning and I just wandered into the bedroom (he was still in bed, half asleep), just stood there and said "we're pregnant". His response? "I thought you were"!!!!!

lol! I've kept it quiet from anyone else just yet (though there are two ladies at work who know we're NTNPing), but I will tell my parents this evening and we'll tell his on Sunday when we see them. Not sure about our sisters just yet. Will take Mum's advice on that! My sister's husband is one of OH's friends and apparently he's not so good with keeping secrets. So, if she knows, he should know and I don't think I want that to happen just yet.

I'm planning on popping into town to buy some "World's best Grandparents" somethings at lunchtime. One for each set of grandparents (!) and I'll just give them to them without any other explanation :D

HOORAY!!!!!!!! So many congrats to you!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:
OH MY GOSH!!!!! How exciting!!!! :)
So so happy for you! I hope you have a healthy an happy 9months!!!
Those tshirts sound cute! Let us know how telling them goes!!! ;))
:happydance: thank you ladies!! I'm over the moon (and terrified!! lol!) :cloud9:
To be honest me and my OH have already discussed this, we said if Iam pregnant now, We will go for 1st scan on the 22nd august (I would be 8weeks 4days) then the day after will be my 21st birthday, we going to tell our parents then by giving them the picture and we've agreed to tell only one of our closest friends each

Then at the 12 week mark we will let tell the whole world! :D xx

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