Hi my ds is 14 months, he has a huge appetite and was having 4 7oz formula bottles a day plus 3 meals, my hv said about a month ago to drop him down to 3 7oz bottles a day which we did. Now he seems ok being on just 2 7oz bottles a day. He has a big bowl of porridge and bottle for brekkie then a sandwich and goodies puffs for dinner then something like pasta or sausages or mash and veg for tea and a yoghurt for afters. Normally he'd have a bottle straight after to them another bottle at 8pm but he seems ok not to have his tea time one. He's perfect weight, he's in the 9th centile for weight and height. Was born in the 4th then dropped to the 2nd and now had been following the 9th for months and hv is very pleased with him. Just don't want him to lose weight. He goes on cows milk next week aswell