

Mum of 2 pg with no3!
Sep 4, 2006
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Is what i have :cry: i feel so ill :cry: im never drinkin again!
I have had about 3 hours sleep couldnt stop bein sick :sick:
On a plus side had a brill night (what i can remember of it anyway)
Did everyone else have a good weekend?
lol piss head :lol:

glad you had a good night :)

im joining you in the hangover club. i feel like dying
I dunno if to eat or be sick :-k
Where u go Dionne?
We went the old fire station an its really good in there!
I have no sympathy :D

Only joking hun, hope u aint suffering too much!xxx
sophie said:
I dunno if to eat or be sick :-k
Where u go Dionne?
We went the old fire station an its really good in there!

some one mentioned there, i have never been. ment to be good though.

all my mates went to "cottage" in earlsdon have you been its ment to be lovely just had a million pound make over. not my cupa T to be honest :lol:

i went yates ikon green room then ended up in the oak its open till 5am.

i go to all the dives :lol:
ooooh sounds like u had a good night though! We only went prague and then escape i think its called.
not been cottage no is it the old city arms?
I aint been yates in ages used to love goin there :lol:
Ive got to go shopping no :cry: an to make it worse Mark is still in bed an will not get up so im gonna have to walk down there :( :lol: Oh well my own fault for gettin so fooooked!
Hehe signs of a good night me thinks! I was drunk Friday but yesterday I was just feeling pants from the night in general rather than a good night & a hangover!
Wobbles said:
Hehe signs of a good night me thinks! I was drunk Friday but yesterday I was just feeling pants from the night in general rather than a good night & a hangover!


I still feel crap today! My poor head :lol:
My mum is a right litle goer she was on the dance floor till 2 not bad for a 58 yr old :lol: bless her! I had to tell her off a few times though!
I love yates :D I love the cheesey trashy places. Cant beat them for a good old dance :lol:

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