We have definitely had our ups and downs with our TTC journey, but on the whole it has made DH and I stronger than ever.
Something like this will either make you or break you.
Trust me, we've had our fair share of fights and tears. Communication is the key that is for sure.
I used to think DH and I were rock solid, now I know that we're unbreakable.
mine is really understanding he get me ...ttc have bring us even closer i have to say ..he knows what i endure he doesn't mine to share the burden with me ...
he feel and see thing like me ...we went to our yoga class together 2 weeks ago ( first time at the location ) we got there a little bit early to make sure we will be on time ...anyway the class before us of course we did not know but it was a prenatal class ...all the ladies with all kind of shape bumps walking out ...i don't say a thing but i can tell he is looking at me and he feel the same way...the always why ? why them and not us ? anyway last week end he decided we get there right before the class start ...we do , we get ready mats on the floor and all ...and at the last minute this woman walked in , first i am looking at her (she is putting herself just across the room front of him and i facing us )i am thinking mmm? does she have a bump ? is she preggo ? i turn side way and look at my husband , he make a sign with his head confirming she is ...but just the way he looked at me i can tell he gets me , my feelings ...i truly believe he feel the same way ...we are in the same boat him and i and we can only do this together not one without the other , morally and mentally ...
so i do agree without you said Curlysue but on the same time because they are men does give them excuses either to make you feel that because the woman is the ones making most of the ttc thing does mean she will be the ones responsible if the boat of relationship in the mariage is sinking a little...
anyway to answer your question...no it's our probleen ttc does not affect my mariage so far.
I'm really starting to question mine, and i thought we were rock solid. DH has been an arse hole of late. I don't know how much more i have to give? How do u get past it?
Have you sat him down and told him how he makes you feel when he is not being supportive? If not, then I think you need to do this and if need be give him the hard facts of how you're feeling about the 2 of you. It might give him a wake up call.
Like CS said, Men are programmed different and as much as they may want a baby, I definitely think it is harder on us women because we're the ones that have to suffer through the TWW, watching every little symptom etc...we're the ones that have to endure the painful and invasive tests and treatments etc.
We have to give them the benefit of the doubt that they aren't mind readers so we have to tell them how we're feeling and how what they're doing (or not doing) is making us feel. If they still choose not to care or change their ways then at least we know we've put our cards and hearts on the table.
I've gone ballistic at DH a few times because after my 2nd Lap and a few other things he's pissed off and left me at home alone in pain while he's gone out and done stuff. I told him that while he can't physically go what i'm going through, he should bloody well be there for me while I am going through it, that I can't just get up and do things to take my mind off it all because I'M NOT ALLOWED!!! That its easier for him because he can try and live normally while waiting but I can't because I have to change my whole life and activities around for treatment etc.
He is much better now...but if i'm not open and honest with how i'm feeling then he can tend to forget.
Daisy do you think having lost your little angel made him harden a little with the situation so he doesn't get hurt again?