Have you ever known a child to be effected by formula milk?

I was BF my sister was FF

She gets ill more, I have eczema and allergies.. I know which I'd prefer to be honest :rofl:
I was FF, and so was my brother, neither of us have ever been really ill, apart from the odd cold, and common bugs etc... No allergies/health problems.
I think that environmental factors have a much bigger effect on how ill etc children are and not just whether they are bf/ff.
I was combine fed and was often ill as a child, now tho I rarely get ill. Noah is bf and has'nt been ill, but he's still young, but does have eczema. My OH was FF cos he would'nt latch and he has astma and eczema, my Mother in law thinks this is due to formula, because her other 2 were BF and they dont hav either illness. But whether it is the reason or not who knows :) I also know a lady I worked with who's little one was allergic to the formula he was given and lost alot of weight and ended up in hosp. She felt upset about this as if she had been breast feeding him it would not have happened, but I think that was probably just bad luck that she happened to choose that particular formula. xxx
Harry was breastfed from birth until he was about 3.5 months old and has been on formula since then. He started at nursery on 1 June and has had a cough and blocked, snotty nose since then. It's now 12 July, so he's had it for 6 weeks. However, he's not been "ill" with it if you know what i mean? He hasn't had a temperature and hasn't seemed to feel unwell at all. I'm not sure i've ever thought of the link between this and the fact he was breastfed though. I will still breastfeed my next baby.

One thing I have just thought of - Harry developed eczema at the time we began introducing more formula. Obviously, we'll never know if there was a link or if it was simply co-incidence, but he's had eczema since his formula intake was upped, and still has it now.
My daughter was 7 weeks premature, and for the first 6 weeks of her life was given a mix of formula and breast milk, pretty 50/50. I had milk production issues, so after much effort I moved onto formula.
I have no regrets about it, my daughter is bright (she has caught up to her actual age, no more worrying about that), BIG (21 LBS! not even 7 months. So heavy). She had reflux problems but a) that started when she was having both, and B) its quite common in premmies. and C) she has never been ill, short of a very unserious eye infection that was dealt with with warm water and some cotton balls, and she gets sick when she has her shots.
So really, over all, I'm not sorry I formula feed, except for the cost. Which is why I will try to breast feed the next one.
I was breastfed and I was hardly ever ill

Personally Aidan hasnt has any problems being on formula. He has put on weight etc. I have never know any baby to be effected by formula

caggimedicine... who knows about the excema.... Toria posted above that she was BF and had excema... so
Just wanted to come back and add that cause I didn't want it to look like I was saying Landon was worse off for it or anything, just some things I had noticed lol
You didn't have to ...your answer was that of yours.

The answers have been interesting :D
caggimedicine... who knows about the excema.... Toria posted above that she was BF and had excema... so
Yes, I know, which is why I said:

"Obviously, we'll never know if there was a link or if it was simply co-incidence".

I wish I knew what caused Harry's eczema. If I thought 100% that it was the formula, he wouldn't be on it now. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone truly knows what causes eczema - I was simply stating what happened at the time he started on formula - and that it could have been co-incidence.
Myself and my sister get everything going, my brothers rarely get ill. Only my youngest brother was breast fed. So in that way it seems pretty even.

My oldest two children were FF, and Kaysie was BF for a while. I will compare the first 14 months as that is how old Kaysie is. Morgan had meningitis at 6 weeks, two chest infections, asthma diagnosed and a few ear infections. Naomi-Mae was under the hospital for reflux, quite a few coughs and colds, and tonsillitis once. Kaysie Blossom has had one cold. Is it because of the FF or BF, I honestly dont know cos this the first time I have even realised the difference.

Has made me think though.
My brothers and I were all breastfed for 7 months and we're all healthy but we all get bad colds. One of my brothers suffers from asthma and I do wonder if this has anything to do with being weaned onto solids at 2 months (which was the thing to do in the early 70s). My three girls were all breastfed for 6 months and then onto formula. The oldest got a lactose allergy after going onto formula, but that had nothing to do with the formula, it was more to do with the vomiting bug she picked up from nursery that then made her allergic to formula....she grew out of that.
Would be interesting to know if there is a link between how one is fed as a baby and the occurances of serious illness later on in life as in your 50s/60s/70s/80s.
My eldest sister was FF and seems healthy, She always has a cough tho but i was always told thats cos her mum smoked while pregnant :shrug:

I was Breastfed but have excema and allergies but i really dont think that has any thing to do with the way i was fed as a baby?!?!?

We do have different mums tho so different genes. If you put 2 babies together a asked someone to say which one was breastfed and which was FF u wouldn't b able to say?!?! I really dont think it make THAT much different... if there is a difference it must b very small if u cant spot it apparently 5x but pfft!!!

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