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Have you had any alcohol while breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2012
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I would love a half glass/ glass of wine but have not had any during pregnancy or since her birth 2 weeks ago while breastfeeding. Have any of you? I haven't expressed and am breastfeeding on demand, so I guess I can't have any?!
It's up to you how comfortable you are with it, but I always heard that if you are sober enough to drive, you can breastfeed. So a glass or half-glass would be fine.

I don't drink often, but I have had some drinks while breastfeeding. Even sometimes quite literally while my baby was nursing. I would have looked like a horrible mom to anyone watching, but I figured the baby would be done nursing before the alcohol reaches the milk anyways.
I usually try to drink when I know she wont nurse for a while. It's much easier now that she's older. But I did drink also when she was a newborn, just not very often.
Maybe i will have half a glass in a couple of weeks for my birthday :). It's weird that I have not had a single drink in nearly a year :). I think that as long as it has no negative effect on the baby there is no reason not to have a drink now and then :). I am looking forward to my first one :)
My LO had a good latch and I was comfortable with that so introduced a bottle at 4 weeks and began to express. If I had a glass of wine as a treat I would have OH give her a bottle when she was hungry. Now that she is older she of course goes a lot longer between feeds, but I always have a stash just in case. It's definitely do-able ;)
I have drunk alcohol. If I have more than 1-2 (small) glasses, we give him a bottle of ebm.
I absolutely enjoy a glass of wine, sometimes 2 (gasp!), there is nothing wrong with relaxing with a drink.
I didn't for the first few months, I think their livers are too immature to handle any accidental intake. LO is almost one now and I'll have a glass of wine a couple of times a week after he goes to bed.
Dr. Jack Newman is a breastfeeding expert in Canada and I read today actually that he said reasonable alcohol intake shouldn't be discouraged and by doing so it further isolates the mom. Here's the link to the lll page with a few opinions and studies cited. I think the jist is one or so drink per day is definitely fine and you can wait a few hours before nursing to be sure. I've had an odd beer here and there since she's been born usually right after nursing. I love it!!
and a few studies in there show that beer can increase milk production heh!!

I've not yet. I keep getting tempted to have a small glass of wine but then change my mind.

I know it can't hurt but DD has acid reflux and wine makes me acidy so it's more because of the acid than the alcohol that's stopping me really.
Once Ro started going more than an hour or two between feeds, I started allowing myself a glass of cider or small glass of wine, since I timed it that it would be basically gone from my milk before he needed his next feed. Wouldn't have done it when he was a newborn as he fed almost constantly.
oh yes! I often have a glass of wine in the evenings!
When she was a newborn, no. After 3 months, yes.

I still try to make sure I can go at least a few hours without feeding her if I plan on having 2-3 drinks, but if I'm just having one I'm not too worried about it.
I have wine!! Usually during last feed or after last fees of day. The occasional margarita at lunch on a weekend.

Sure, sometimes. I think the rule is try to limit it to one to two units one or two times a week and wait two hours until breastfeeding after the drink. I often just have an expressed bottle on hand in case.
Yes. DH often brings me a glass of cider in the evenings. Our LO sleeps from 7pm to 7:30 with a feed at 5am so I'm not worried. At first when she was waking every 2-4 hours I abstained, but now I am not so worried.
I've not had a single drop since I found out I was pregnant. There's a bottle of port on the cabinet that seems to call me to it... But I am resisting! I just don't like the idea of DD getting any trace of alcohol from me, but that's just my opinion. :)

I wish I could be more relaxed and enjoy a small glass!
I've not had a single drop since I found out I was pregnant. There's a bottle of port on the cabinet that seems to call me to it... But I am resisting! I just don't like the idea of DD getting any trace of alcohol from me, but that's just my opinion. :)

I wish I could be more relaxed and enjoy a small glass!
I may have a glass for my birthday and then have the occasional one once we have an established feeding pattern and once I can express :). As she is asleep during the day and mostly awake at night I would also worry that after a glass of wine it would be harder for me to stay awake at night...
Yep!! I have had champagne, wine & beer since Millie was newborn.

No harm in it, no need for bottles & no need to pump & dump milk
I have had about 5 glasses of wine in the 12 weeks since dd was born. the first 2 times I was so nervous about it, even tho I already had a frozen stash I could use if need be. I figured I'd be a complete light weight anyway from not drinking for 9 months so I took half a glass of pinot grigio and topped it off with seltzer so I had a nice wine spritzer of sorts. I then tested my breast milk both times using the test strips before I fed her again about 2 hrs later and there wasn't even a trace! I tried the same test on the later occasions using a full glass of wine with no seltzer but the test came back positive so my husband gave expressed in bottle. So for me I know I can have my " Spritzer" if I will be breastfeeding after and a regular glass if I want to give bottle for me to feel comfortable. the tests say they are super sensitive so I'm sure I would actually be fine with the trace that shows from the full glass, but I'm just not comfortable with that.

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