At this stage, they have lots of room to swim around in tree and if you have an anterior placenta, the baby may just be blocked from your feeling if you know what I mean?
Try having a cold drink and lying down and feeling out for movement. If you still don't feel anything, call your midwife and get her advice. X
I think it's pretty normal. I didn't feel baby too much on sat or during the day yesterday, woke up with a vengeance about 9 last night I was awake half the night lol. Still think they're small enough to hide at your gestation x
Yes, it can be very normal. I had an anterior placenta with my son and in all honesty I had a hard time feeling him at certain times until 39 weeks when I delivered! I am counting on not having one this time but if it turns out that I do then at least I know what to expect. It's still early so I wouldn't worry until you have to count kicks. Then it never hurts to get checked if you're worried.
I haven't felt baby at all yet, and this is number 3 for me.... I think like others have said, baby still has lots of room to move so not feeling him or her should be ok. I know it's hard not to worry!
I can't feel LO at all with my anterior placenta but if I lie down and put my hands very gently on my tummy I can feel baby roll around - it's like ripples on the outside. I'm 19w.
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