having LO at home with us during my HB



Hi girls, I'm 9 weeks with my second and planning a HB, LO will be 18 months when this baby is born, and we are VERY keen to keep him at home with us, has anyone else done this, we're experencing negativity from my mother about this fact and she seems to think that we are going to need to call her for help with Luke. Has anyone kept a LO with them whilst having a HB? thanks ladies
I've attended several women who have had their toddlers at home while they birthed and without exception they have laboured over night and their LOs have slept through the while thing and woken to a wonderful surprise!!
^ thats what I'm hoping although Amelie was born at 3.15pm so that could work too if it was a weekday as she could do a full day at nursery! I only trust amelie with my mum and OH and theyre both my birthing partners :dohh:
Thanks. I've never left Luke with anyone, and I'm not prepared to in the near (or slightly distant lol) future. Luke is a very chilled out kid and with some peppa pig or willy wonka on the TV you can't distract him from it. I want him to be involved with us, it is a big thing for him too. I'm convinced that he'll want'm praying for an over night!! :)
I think it's wonderful that you're including your child in your birth. Don't be discouraged. And remember that if he or you becomes uncomfortable with it at any time during labor, you can simply request someone take him to another room.
I planning to have my daughter there too, she's a bit older than your son (4) but I'd still be planning the same thing had she been younger. To us, everything about our baby including the arrival is a family thing :) I've been talking alot to her about what will happen and showing her a few basic clips.

My mum is negative about the whole birthing process anyway and would be happy if I just booked myself in for an elective c-section (but that's another story altogether) so I'm not sharing too much info about my plans, but I'm sure she'd be negative about having her there. I'm 95% sure that she will be absolutely fine, but if the 5% comes and I'm wrong I have already asked someone who will come and watch a dvd/play toys with her in another room.

Good luck with your pregnancy! :flower:
I had both my girls home when I had Kara, and up until I really really really needed OH to do his birthing partner duties he dealt with them, between checking on me and MW and getting everything set up for me. Didn't have any choice in the matter as our babysitter ended up being in work, thankfully though my 10 yr old was in school as he is a nosey sod LOL

They had a TV set up in their room with their sofa, Rosa played with her toys, Mia watched some cartoon film about fish. As their room is open (with stairgate instead of door) they could be heard, also had the baby monitor set up so there was no chance of missing them. And it was quite sweet at times, they were happily playing together and you could hear them giggling together over the monitor and even while having quite big contraction (just before LO made her appearance in the world) it made me smile, mostly to myself but I'm sure I did crack a smile and if anyone could have seen my face I am sure they would have thought me barking mad.

Was lovely that once everything was done and dusted and I was sat up on our sofa having a cuddle with Kara he nipped back up to them and bought them to meet their new sister, though to be honest neither really cared a bit about it
I wanted to have Aaron at home with me when Tabitha was born. I went into labour in the early morning. By late morning my mum offered to have Aaron for the rest of the day and we agreed. My labour completely stalled while he was gone. He came home at bed time and my contractions started again, Tabitha was born a couple of hours later while he was asleep upstairs in bed. In the future I would definitely keep the children with me at home. :)
I had my then 7 and 18 month old children with me in the room when i had my youngest, and in fact when he was crowning it was only me and them in the room and they really helped me to focus and stay calm. My eldest was a great support with drinks and cuddles etc and she cut the cord when he was born it was wonderful. This time my eldest now 10 has asked if she can be there again and i am more than happy for her to be. Im not sure about my younger ones, im hoping i will have another nighttime birth and they will sleep through it. I recommend having them there, plus its lush all getting into bed together after the birth too for big family cuddles :cloud9:
It's a nice bonding experience for the two siblings :) Just have someone there to watch your child like your mom.

I had ds1 there, but he was asleep when ds2 was born.
ohhh I'm totally gonna have DS#1 there. I don't really trust anyone else with him either TBH!
I was fully intending to have DS with us but I saw a different midwife last week and she was saying how some children get distressed by it and it could be an issue which set me back a bit because I'd just considered having him there to be one of the perks of a home birth rather than a potential issue!
Im planning on having River at home with us. If im struggling with pain she will be upstairs or downstairs with my DH depending on time. Were going to have people come over and keep her company for a little while as well.

Im hoping she will be able to meet the baby within minutes of her being born if not be there when shes born
An interesting blog post on the subject....

I had my toddler there at my home birth... I did have my mum and mil looking after her but that's because I wanted them all there :dohh: it was just amazing having her there and I wouldnt have changed it for anything.

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