

Mummy to Alice
Aug 8, 2010
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My LO is only 5 months and we wont be TTCing again for a good while but I cant stop thinking about how I would have another baby. The consultant said I could VBAC, which yes, great...but I have a massive fear of going into hospital to give birth again, I get all anxious if I have to drive past the hospital I had her in. I would only VBAC in a hospital if they could guarentee they wouldnt force me to labour on my back for constant monitoring (weirdly enough the only position I was comfortable in during my labour) and if a waterbirth was a possibility.

So that got me to thinking about HBACs. The thought of homebirths scared me when I was pregnant but tbh the thought of birth in general scares me now and I wonder whether a homebirth would be a better option and also would it even be possible as I have had an EMCS.

Has anyone ever had an HBAC? Did you have a massive battle to have it? What kind of monitoring did you have during pregnancy and your labour?

I know Im not TTCing but its something I just cannot stop thinking about.

Im also considering going with a doula and giving hypnobirthing another shot...anything to prevent what happened to me happening again.
Jeez I'm overwhelmed with responses, thanks! :haha: :wacko:
I planned HBAC best thing I ever did! My MW's were incredibly supportive, saying well done you'll get better care!!

My OB was an ass so I didn't bother going back to see him.

No fight at all.

I did transfer in to hospital but I was 10 cm, so only had the last bit to do. I was bleeding a lot hence the transfer but I VBACed on gas and air with no problem and no stitches.
Thankyou Chuck, when the time comes i'll be picking your brains!
dont forget the vbac thread in labour and birth its stickied there now. lots of info there
I know Ive already checked it out :flower:
I know, just wasn't sure if you'd found us since we moved LOL!

The yahoo email groups are brilliant for HBAC help and support check them out.
I planned HBAC best thing I ever did! My MW's were incredibly supportive, saying well done you'll get better care!!

My OB was an ass so I didn't bother going back to see him.

No fight at all.

I did transfer in to hospital but I was 10 cm, so only had the last bit to do. I was bleeding a lot hence the transfer but I VBACed on gas and air with no problem and no stitches.

Chuck, did you have to see the OB because of the emcs? Is this common practise, what if you didn't.
If you have had a CS you are usually automatically put under OB care for the next pregnancy as you are classed as higher risk.

I saw him once, and he was an ass, he was reading my notes and the first question he asked was which hospital I was going to...errr it says very clearly on the front of my notes in big block capitals place of birth ... HOME.

He then regaled me with tales of how he saw a UR just last week and it was only because of them being in hospital he managed to save their lives and what I was planning was dangerous and that he would talk to me again at 34 weeks.

He never pushed me to have an ELCS thought thankfully.

I also saw a senior MW at a VBAC clinic, that was useful for hubby to hear that was I was doing was the best option for me to VBAC that is not the HBAC.

I didn't bother making that appointment.

My MW encouraged me not to bother as my pregnancy was uncomplicated and I wasn't planning an ELCS so there was no point wasting my time.

You need to remember that in the NHS if you dont want to go to an appointment nothing bad will happen if you cancel!
That is one appointment that I won't bother, some of these 'professionals' honestly deserve a slap.
Well Ive been deemed VBAC-able which is great, Im sure when the 'H' is introduced into that though there will be trouble. In truth, I could probably accept VBACing in hospital but I genuinely fear for the MW/Obs who dares mention the word INDUCTION to me again because I believe (correct me if Im wrong) there is talk of inducing previous CS ladies in the future. I know, I know, I had pre-eclampsia and needed to be induced, fair enough, but my management was piss-poor and frankly they should have just gone straight for the bloody EMCS with my ridiculously low Bishops score. If I HAVE to have an induction for medical reasons/pre eclampsia then I want an ELCS and no f*cking around next time.

Oh well, this is all academic for me as we wont be TTCing for about 3 years but forewarned is forarmed and I will NOT stand for any sh*t after last time.
MrsPOP, I too won't be having another for 3 years and have started to seriously research this whole thing. I feared induction but I hate it now and will be avoiding it. Heck,I may not even attend the routine scans as I believe this is where all this clock watching stems from.
Oh well, this is all academic for me as we wont be TTCing for about 3 years but forewarned is forarmed and I will NOT stand for any sh*t after last time.

No matter where or how you birth this is the important part.
A little inspo for you missus

HBA2C story

oooh, I like BWF, Ive checked out a good few things on there! Im freaking out DH with all my hbac research, he's worried Im going to want to TTC now :haha:
I'm with you on not wanting another induction! I was told once ds was out I could vbac next time but as we are ntnp now I have been thinking more and more that I would prefer hbac!
Even Planning to HBAC makes you so much more educated and empowered.
Yeah you know I never even got the whole 'empowerment' thing until now. I just thought it was all a bit wishy washy like a lot of 'new-fangled' parenting things (as my mum would say, she shouted at me for getting a moby wrap!) but after all this I completely and utterly understand why women are so passionate about being as automonous as they can be throughout their pregnancies, labours, births and parenting. Ive never had the control taken away from a situation so much before and I never want to feel like that again. And its odd because Im not angry with the NHS as much as Ive seen other mothers to be. After all, I had preeclampsia, so Alice had to be born pretty sharpish. But I do feel my labour/birth had a massive impact on me postnatally and contributed a lot to my failing to BF and that is something I dont think I will ever get over.

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