I have had specialist heart scans with all my children as my brother had a heart defect when he was born (hes fine now
). I had my scans done at a specialist hosptial. Im in Kent and the 2 hospitals I were offered are Kings College and St Thomas' in London. Depending on what your local hospital is, you may find that you need to go to a different one to get a heart scan done as doctors/sonographers there are much more knowelegable of what they are looking at - they literally look at the heart and nothing else. I had my scans done about 19 weeks, and then had my normal anomoly scans done around 20 weeks at my local hospital. It might be worth speaking to your midwife/gp/consultant about a heart scan and see what they suggest x
Just wanted to add that none of my heart scans have been in 4d, as they just look at the heart and no other part of your baby. If they do an anomoly scan at the same appointment, it will probably be a different sonographer doing it x