Heavy Implantation?

i read all your posts, i am experiencing an unusual bleeding too. according to my ovulation pain on cd20 i start brown spotting on 6 dpo (or cd26) then on cd29 (last night) in the bathroom i had a few red blood dropping in toilet and i thought i need to put proper liner but nothing up to now just few watery brown discharge when i wiping. i test today with a cheap dolor store one nothing just an evap line after 10 min. :wacko:
:dust: to you
ive tried takin the photos with my phone but too blurry aswell i can get a good picture of them on my camera but laptop is broke so cant upload it grrrrrrr!!!x
Took another EPT and I swear I could see a faint line at 2 minutes on this one. However, its way too faint for me to be sure. I'll retest in a week.

I read some women take 3-4 weeks after their missed period to show up on HPT. Does anyone know how common this is?
I had a really weird month too with strange bleeding. I started spotting ten days before my period was due, and then it went into full-on bleeding and continued for 5 days. I chalked it up to an early period (I have recently started working out again and thought maybe it screwed my hormones up) and now am just waiting to figure out what that did to my cycles.

I think implantation bleeding only happens to a minority of women, and when it does it's barely noticable most of the time. I guess it COULD have been heavy IB, but I just feel like it's a longshot (don't know if you want it to be or not, so you know I'm being honest with you! :)).
I agree that it is highly unlikely that the bleeding I experienced was IB. According to my research, 30 percent of women have IB and it is usually 1 or 2 days very light pink or brown in color. Since that does not describe my bleeding, I would have nearly completely ruled out pregnancy....but its the other things I'm feeling that won't let me drop the thought.

I have been having really odd dull cramps or a mild pressure around the area of my ovaries. This has lasted about 2 weeks (maybe longer) and comes and goes. At first it was only on the left, but about a week ago it started on the other side as well. It seems to get worse after sex, eating heavily, when I have to pee/poo, or after exercising.

My appetite has been real screwy lately too...almost every food is a turnoff (except fruit) but I am always hungry. I have only been sick to my stomach twice, but any time my stomach is empty I feel like I will hurl.

I am completely exhausted and sore all the time. I can't get up on time, and I am falling to sleep two hours before I want to go to bed nearly every night.

I've also had headaches regularly, been irritable, and have bloated a lot. These are all symptoms that haven't gone away. I am probably wrong, but something feels different.
Also, I've learned not to rule out any possibility. A friend of mine at work recently just found out she was pregnant. Thinking she was 5 weeks along, she went in to the dr. only to find out she was 32 weeks along. She had her period every single month except the 7th and even took two hpt at 4 or 5 months which turned out negative. She didn't get a positive HPT until 7 months.

Now just to let you know, I found out about her situation less than a week ago, and until then it had no affect on whether or not I felt pregnant. Now, it just helps me to understand that every woman is different and their body will react differently when they do become pregnant.

And as for me wanting to be, I am indifferent. I really want kids some day, but my fiance and I are planning to wait two years (until we are married and settled). Yet, if it happens we will both be happy and have a plan should that situation arrise.
Oh if there's anything I've learned after watching several of my friends who got told they would never conceive actually give birth to perfect babies, it's that this is one area of medical science where the experts are constantly wrong and the 'norms' often don't apply. :)

I hope that you find out what's going on either way, soon...I know how much it can frustrate, waiting in limbo while your body tries to tell you something that you are not understanding. :) Hang in there...let us know what happens!
Still have all the same symptoms, so I am gonna retest again tomorrow morn. Light weird cramps, bloating, increased appetite, lower back pain, and most recently discomfort during sex (especially when he goes too deep) and dull achiness after sex.

I'll keep ya posted on how it goes tomorrow.
Hey there, I'm in a similar boat to everyone here and I'm wondering what everyone's results were?
Af is due within this next week.
It started with some cramping at about 4 dpo, since then I've been very bloated, nauseas, light headed, higher body temperature, lower back ache.
Already had a bfn but I did test too early.
Best wishes and sticky baby dust to you all! :)
Tested friday, still BFN. I've resolved to wait for my period due date to retest. All symptoms persist, but decided it wasnt good for me to worry about it. Will keep an eye on everything and post if anything changes. Looks negative though.

Jem2bee, I suggest you wait until at least 5 days before your period is due and retest. If it is still negative wait a few days and retest. Good luck and let us know what happens.
I love these stories (the didn't know I was pg and there's the baby)

my uncle worked with a lady who had gone to the ER over a weekend for bad pain and was convinced she was having some bad food poisoning or an ulcer or something.... Turns out she was in active labour and safely delivered a healthy baby.

She called work on the Monday to announce she was going on mat leave effective immediately. They never let her live it down!

here's hoping you get some positive pees :)
Wow, now that is a story! Bet she was completely shocked!

Here's another update from me:
I'm now at 14 dpo and still having the same symptoms.
Still getting bfn's.
Af due any day now so I'll keep everyone posted either way.
I've found so many similar threads online and not many people actually keep the thread updated despite saying they will.
Soooo for now all I can do is wait.
Best of luck and baby dust to anyone in the same boat!
I've been trying my best to keep my head off noticing symptoms at every second, and for the past week and a half have decided to wait until my next period due date to retest.

I am due on the 3rd, however on the 31st I woke up with what looks like a light period. Light red in color but became light brown and pink by afternoon. Then went away that night. The next late morning had some light brownish creamy colored discharge for short time, but by afternoon it was completely gone. Today nothing at all. I really don't know what to make of this. Didn't have any cramps at all before "period" like usual, and it would be a 25 day cycle instead of 28 days. I've been feeling sick a lot lately when my stomach is empty or if I eat too much at once.

I'll keep you posted if anything changes or I get an answer one way or another. GL to ya'll.
Test still negative. Thinking about getting bloodwork done, but would that make a difference. How much more accurate is a blood test than a urine test?
many don't get urine positive test for a few weeks but it will sow up in blood right away. waiting for your BFP post:thumbup:
Well the witch has showed her ugly face, started to feel like she was coming.
There's always next time!
Good luck for your bfps ladies!
Best of luck and lots of baby dust to you all :)
Took another test on the 5th. Still negative. However, I increasingly have this feeling almost like I've been kicked in my stomach or am heavy into my period (which I'm not bleeding at all). It doesn't seem to be related to my stomach but is usually worse when I'm hungry. Any ideas?

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