When I think of Heidi I don't think of Kerry Katona, and I don't think you should let that put you off at all! It's a nice name, it makes me think of a pretty little girl with plaits in her hair ha
I don't think of Kerry Katona either....but I do think of Heidi from the hills haha, although I would think they will both fade from memory soon...so it wouldn't be the first thing people think of when they meet a heidi...pick a name YOU like
Heidi Elsa would be gorgeous and I love Heidi but here are some facts.
1, Its the name of Kerry Katona's youngest daughter. Kerry, who until recently I really disliked, but since turning her life around its a name I actually like!
2, Heidi 'The Hills' Montag (or whatever she's called) is probably the worst connection you could get right now.
3, Mum's come to love the child's name anyway and its your baby.
Heidi is beautiful but also remember there's Heidi from the Sugababes and she's cool.
I don't rate Heidi from the Sugababes and then I remember also how her name sounds in her accent (Liverpool - where I live, though not my accent) and shuddered!
I don't know anything about the Hills
My Mum named about 4 horrible Heidis she's known which further put me off haha!
Safe to say it's officially off the list but I'm still very open to suggestions
My favourite at the moment is still Jessamy but it's got a less than favourable response fom my partner lol
It's cute - although I like Jessamy because it's a derivative of Jasmine without the 'mine' ending. There is also the name Jessamine which again has the 'mine' ending I don't really like - I think it's the possibility of Minnie that I don't like haha!
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