Hello babies! - IAB's weekly threads. D days and newborns :)

Hello ladies. How is breast feeding going? We are good here. Hoping to enjoy the sunshine today. Yesterday Finlay was so grumpy that apart from a trip to the shops first thing I didn't get to enjoy it. We have jabs tomorrow too. Any UK ladies had their babies jabs yet? Xx
Hi NotNic! Bf is going really well for us too apart from our families sticking their noses in. They are telling me it's not normal for a baby to feed every two hours (it's every 3 now) saying he is obviously a hungry baby so I should swap to formula or put cereal in a bottle! Pfft! Really enjoying the sunshine, we are about to go to the park. Not had jabs yet, remember dreading it with my girl but it wasn't as bad as I imagined xx
Breast-feeding is going okay method-wise. Cluster feeds are rough, though. I am experiencing post-partum mood disorder -- specifically the high anxiety part of PND/PPD. A symptom of that problem is not being able to sleep (even when he's sleeping), which just makes everything worse. So added to the cluster feeds that happen on and off, and I'm pretty miserable about now.

I got a migraine the other day, so I had to take my special medication and pump n' dump for 24 hours. He was FF for that time period and mom has been suggesting supplementing (combi feeding) so that I can rely on my husband and family more when I'm absolutely shattered (I like this British term for exhaustion). But now he's completely constipated.

Been reading The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Karp. Great book! I'm trying some of the methods, but I can't tell if the swaddling isn't working so great because he was constipated last night or if it is because he prefers his tummy and being unswaddled (he slept on his back swaddled, but only for 1.5-3 hour periods, whereas he usually goes a 5-hour stretch and then two three hour stretches following the longer sleep). I'm so confused. Everything feels like a gamble of trial and error ALL the time.

I also read some passages in a PPD book recommended to my mom by one of her colleagues. Sometimes it helps me to know what others go through, but other times I just don't want to hear it because almost all of them say medication works for them, and it doesn't seem to be helping me much. I get frustrated and wonder what's wrong with me that it's not working for me.

I feel like there is never a way to get my sleep and stuff done during the day that I want to do: simple things even, like eating a full, balanced meal instead of snatches here and there. He does not like being put down right now. Of course we're at my parents for a month now and it is a new environment and they have dogs, which is a bit of a different experience for him... I don't mind the dogs, but they keep wanting to "help" and so they fret when he cries and frantically either try to lick his head or whine -- even when all he does is stir a little in his bassinet. This whining will wake him up.

To boot... it's HOT here. 105 degrees F for most of the day. Thank the Lord for A/C... but I am not wanting to go anywhere in this weather. That makes things worse. And I don't want to leave the baby with anyone because of my anxiety. I don't even know what I think will happen... I just don't want to leave the baby. Sometimes I can't even let people rock him, as if I am supposed to do it all myself. I feel like we're a burden on the others and I'm trying to lessen it as much as possible if that makes sense, but I suppose underneath of that could be fears -- if so, they are subconscious and inaccessible to me right now.

I guess I just needed to talk to someone. I miss my husband, although when I'm home he's fairly buried into his computer games. I'm afraid I don't give him enough attention. I know I'm putting massive amounts of pressure on myself, but I'm just not sure how to avoid it. I cannot bear being all alone with the baby, which is why I'm back with my parents in the States right now. (Spent $55 on a notarized letter that customs never even asked to see, that was lovely by the way...)
So sorry your having a rough time serenity. :flower: I have no experience of what your going through so don't really have any advice but over time it has to get better right? You should gain confidence and hopefully relax a bit more the more you see others around you handle your lo just fine. Also the cluster feeds have to stop at some point right, I know how you feel with that one. I worry about my husband too, I am so exhausted when he comes home. Our date nights are working wonders though. We always have one every Saturday, we haven't gone out yet but we either order a takeaway or both cook a nice meal together, phones and tv are off. It's a really nice time for us both. Hope your ok xx
BF is very hit and miss for us, my supply really sucks (no pun intended :) ) and I'm still struggling through the guilt of being unable to provide what she needs. It's looking likely that she will be totally formula fed within the next few weeks/months.

Serenity - Sorry to hear that you're struggling with PND/anxiety, I've been having a few issues myself and it's really not fun. Things will get better and hopefully some extra support at your parents will help x
Ah Serenity. I am sending huge hugs to you right now. As Ive mentioned before we combi-feed and it really suits us. The biggest mistake with ff is not being precise when you measure it out. I imagine it's the heat though that is causing Derek's constipation. Breastfed babies don't tend to get dehydrated but formula ones do. You can give him a bottle of cooled, boiled water. Don't let him fill himself up - just an ounce here or there.

Finlay HATES swaddling but he is very cuddly so likes to be in close. He didn't like a sling but he is happy in a baby carrier albeit after a minute of crying. I agree a lot of stuff is very hit and miss, but just trust your instincts. Things change regularly. That's the bit that's challenging for me but we are getting there.

Vixx - sorry to hear that bf'ing is hard. Don't worry about swapping to ff if you have to. You've given the most important bit.
How are you ladies and your lovely babies doing? Xxx
We're doing great thanks :)

Still managing to keep up with combi-feeding and it's working for us well at the moment (boobs for comfort mainly). Niamh is sleeping really well, which makes for well rested and happy parents that are able to deal with the majority of the trials and tribulations that a new baby can bring.

How are you doing Notnic?
Hi Vixx! We are pretty much the same as you really. Around 6 weeks his weight gain wasn't what it should be so we upped formula to three a day which worked really well. He became a giant overnight :haha: I then made a decision to start cutting bf'ing back with the view to stopping at 12 weeks. That hasn't quite happened though. We are still bf'ing now with us doing a big morning feed if he's hungry, plus another 2 more - normally mid-morning and either midday or before bed, and more if he's upset. My boobs no longer hurt during the periods I don't feed him and they've stopped feeling like rocks in the morning. I guess I'm drying up now, but I feel okay about it. It won't be that much longer until we move to weaning. Sleepwise things have hugely improved. He sleeps through most nights or wakes up once between 4 and 5 which is manageable. We are still learning the art of daytime naps though! :)

How's everyone else doing?
Hi everyone. Not sure how many of you are still on BnB, but if you are I'd love to catch up and see any photos of your beautiful babies. It's been too long. xxxx
Hi NotNic, I was wondering if anyone was still around :)

How are you and LO doing?

We're doing really well, Niamh is a superstar, she's growing and developing brilliantly and has the loveliest cheeky personality coming through now. It's amazing how much they change and grow in such a short time; Niamh even cut her first tooth yesterday!
It's fantastic that she's doing so well, but I kinda want her to slow down a bit!
Hi ladies.

Derek is 4.5 months and we've hit sleep regression HARD. He goes down all right. Wakes twice for feedings. Then he's waking at 3 or 4 AM and has been for over a week now. Before that it was 5 AM for a week or two. I don't know if it's teething. He just learned to roll, so that could be it. Or it could just be a mystery...

I'm breastfeeding still and JUST introduced some solids this week for fun and flavor. We've tried squash and apples and rice cereal so far.

He loves his Jumperoo. We're still co-sleeping with an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper and this works well for us. And I'll leave you with some pictures from his three month photo session!

Baby Derek Three Month Photo Album
Hi girls!

Lovely to hear your updates!
I found the first few months quite hard but really love it now. My little girl adores her baby brother. She plays with him, gives him lots of kisses and cuddles and helps me out quite a bit bless her!
Lo is just the most happiest and chilled out baby. We feel very lucky and complete now.

Hope you are all still doing well.

P.s thought you would find it interesting that mrsctobe has created another account under username mummythree!
Funnily enough Admiral one of the other girls told me that. I took a look at some of her posts and its amazing how much she hasn't changed! :)

It's so great to hear how everyone is getting on. We combi-fed until 4 months and then we started to wean early. Finlay's colic improved, but he had suspected reflux and the more bottles he had the more he was sick, do we were advised to start early. He has problems with orange food but wolfs everything else down.

He's a big boy. Cheeky and very, very nosy. Such a delight to see him learning things - though I think he has a short attention span. :haha:

Serenity sleep is bad for us too. He sttn from 8 weeks - 12/13 and has been rubbish ever since. :(

Vixx - a tooth already? We have screaming, teething issues but no teeth to show for it yet!

Great to hear how you're doing xxx

Things just aren't the same this time around in 3rd tri :(
I miss everyone but doesn't look like I'll be having anymore unless I am blessed with a miracle baby!!! How are you ladies??
I do miss yous lol... And mrsctobes antics, and all the symptom spotting, and generally just fitting in with the people on this thread, good times :) xx

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