My baby girl Leah was born on August 31st at 3:11 AM weighing 4lbs.11oz. at 32w6d gestation
She's doing amazing and has been right since birth. She needed NO help with breathing AT ALL and scored 9.9 on the Apgar after birth. She is still in the NICU and the staff there is amazing
She's being tube fed (through her nose) for now until the doctors are confident she will be able to feed by mouth without choking, but she has tolerated every single feeding perfectly with no problems at all
I'm pumping my colostrum so far for her and it gets added to the formula. For the feedings that I'm there, we have her "breastfeed" while she's being fed through the tube and she suckles away for a little while until she gets tired and falls asleep. She was put under lights for a little bit high billirubin today, but should only need it for about 2 days and is otherwise thriving and perfectly healthy
I'll just briefly give her birth story for now - Thurs. after around lunch time I started cramping but it wasn't anything to painfull. I did notice though that they were coming every 7 minutes or so, so I told my nurse and was put on the monitor. Sure enough I was having regular contractions, "pre"-labor ones. The doctor gave me an injection that wasn't anything aggressive like magnesium and he said if I was in "true" labor the drug wouldn't stop it. Well, it did work but around midnight they came back...with a vengance lol. I told the nurse I was really in labor this time, dr. came to check me, said I was 4 cm. and ordered my epidural (I was in pain pretty good by this point) and I called my husband and mom to come quick (it was about 1:30 AM). The contractions got more and more painful
FAST and before my husband even got there I was begging my nurse to make the anestesia people hurry up!! LOL Next thing I know I can barely stand the pain (my poor DH felt helpless) and I felt the urge to push. Nurse ran for dr., he checked and I was 10cm. - I'm about to give birth with NO epidural!! 3 big pushes and me screaming at the top of my lungs LOL and out she came
I'll keep posted here on her progress