Pumping colostrum is waaay more miss than hit. Hand expression of colostrum into syringes is a more effective way of actually collecting any.
Other than that, just keep pumping, pumping, pumping. Even if you aren't removing anything, the frequent nipple stimulation will help your supply come in and set the stage for a
good supply once it
is in. If you can stand to do it more often than two hours, I would do so. If you remember DS1's first week of nursing, I would try to imitate that.
Does your hospital have a pump for you to use? If they don't, make sure you request that they borrow one in. It can get there from a neighboring hospital fast.
Are they supplying donor milk? If you happen to be in a hospital that doesn't do so, Eats on Feets on facebook is a person-to-person milk sharing resource. I'm sure there's a mom there happy to deliver milk to you and supply her medical screen records.
Congratulations, Dk! And