Help me survive cutting molars


1DD, 1 pup, WTT#2
Nov 11, 2012
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I'm at my wits end!

She does nothing but cry. As in, she has cried for maybe 10 hours within the last 24 hours.

She wont sleep. We were up 3 times last night, each for over an hour (constant screaming in that time) - she has always slept really well, going 8+ hours since four weeks. I am not used to this! She also physically hurts us when we are trying to resettle her - slapping us in the face, pulling hair, biting us etc - when she does that we lie her down and step away for a few seconds.

She will only eat olives and cherry tomatoes (yes, odd!) and has therefore gone from 1 dirty nappy per day to 3+, they are almost liquid in consistency. She refuses all the food she normally eats like breakfast cereals, fruit, toast, meat, potato etc. Due to the runny poos we are going through 4 outfits most days. Sometimes more. That is tops, trousers, and vests. My washing pile is sky high.

We are both working full-time and its totally exhausting. I spent all week living for the weekend (so I could sleep and get my house tidy) but she's refilling the laundry basket faster than I can empty it!
Well, not sure if this will help, but look at it this way: You should be counting your blessing if your baby has mostly slept through the night. Mine is almost 15 months old - and I have never seen 8+hours (none of my 3 kids slept through until much later). I am up 2-3 times most nights still, when teething or not. So in your case, it's likely just a WILL get through this, and so will she.:thumbup:
That does sound hard!

I think it would be easier if I was not up again at 6am for work! I'm literally on the go from 6am, getting us all ready, out the door for 7:30, at work until usually 4pm (to leave at that time I need to work through lunch) home for 5pm, make dinner, tidy up, eat dinner, walk dog - suddenly its 8:30. Then I need to do baby bedtime routine, which just now is taking nearly two hours since she wont sleep. Then I still have housework and lesson planning to do, so I'm not in bed til midnight usually, then I'm up every few hours. I'm maybe getting four and a half hours sleep a night.

I literally feel like a zombie.
If you are not breastfeeding, can you take turns with OH? He does one night, you the other, and when it's not your turn, you sleep with ear plugs in a different room? Hopefully it won't last much longer!
I am sad that my baby days are over, but I am looking forward to sleeping through the night again eventually...sleep deprivation IS exhausting!
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.
If you are not breastfeeding, can you take turns with OH? He does one night, you the other, and when it's not your turn, you sleep with ear plugs in a different room? Hopefully it won't last much longer!
I am sad that my baby days are over, but I am looking forward to sleeping through the night again eventually...sleep deprivation IS exhausting!
We already do this, but we live in a four in a block type house, with only two bedrooms (ours and our daughters) and you can hear everything in every single room. Most of the time she ends up in our bed as its the only way she settles, so its sleepless nights all round.
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.
Gracie cut two bottom incisors together at 5 months, then cut a third lower tooth at 7 months and a fourth at 9 months. She then cut her top two together and 11 months and has just cut two more at the top. Apparently 12-16 months is average for first molars. Its hell! She was only a bit unsettled for her other teeth, maybe slightly harder to settle and a bit grouchy but this has been hell!

Yep, feeling like I'm going to die pretty much sums it up! I have such a headache which hasn't left in about three weeks, every muscle in my body aches and I'm struggling to form proper sentences sometimes!

My mum has got her overnight tonight, thank goodness. I'm celebrating by tackling the laundry pile and tidying the house!

Ps congrats on the pregnancy you crazy lady!!!!!
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.
Gracie cut two bottom incisors together at 5 months, then cut a third lower tooth at 7 months and a fourth at 9 months. She then cut her top two together and 11 months and has just cut two more at the top. Apparently 12-16 months is average for first molars. Its hell! She was only a bit unsettled for her other teeth, maybe slightly harder to settle and a bit grouchy but this has been hell!

Yep, feeling like I'm going to die pretty much sums it up! I have such a headache which hasn't left in about three weeks, every muscle in my body aches and I'm struggling to form proper sentences sometimes!

My mum has got her overnight tonight, thank goodness. I'm celebrating by tackling the laundry pile and tidying the house!

Ps congrats on the pregnancy you crazy lady!!!!!

Haha, thanks! Don't really know what we were thinking since Isla is still up 4-8 times a night, but I am just going to have to take my advice and remind myself this too shall pass! Luckily I am having no pregnancy symptoms, which makes me very nervous, but I am grateful I'm not having to battle exhaustion and nausea while getting up with Isla all night.
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.
Gracie cut two bottom incisors together at 5 months, then cut a third lower tooth at 7 months and a fourth at 9 months. She then cut her top two together and 11 months and has just cut two more at the top. Apparently 12-16 months is average for first molars. Its hell! She was only a bit unsettled for her other teeth, maybe slightly harder to settle and a bit grouchy but this has been hell!

Yep, feeling like I'm going to die pretty much sums it up! I have such a headache which hasn't left in about three weeks, every muscle in my body aches and I'm struggling to form proper sentences sometimes!

My mum has got her overnight tonight, thank goodness. I'm celebrating by tackling the laundry pile and tidying the house!

Ps congrats on the pregnancy you crazy lady!!!!!

Haha, thanks! Don't really know what we were thinking since Isla is still up 4-8 times a night, but I am just going to have to take my advice and remind myself this too shall pass! Luckily I am having no pregnancy symptoms, which makes me very nervous, but I am grateful I'm not having to battle exhaustion and nausea while getting up with Isla all night.

I really wanted a close age gap too but my OH is having none of it. I run out of my prescription for the pill in March so we will reassess then!
This sounds familiar. DD has been really bad at night recently. She doesn't wake up as such but she will tense up and cry out every minute or two for a while. She settles down and then re-starts. She's also had bad nappies for over a week. We weren't sure whether it was a bug or teething but my OH thinks he can see a molar cutting. She's only got the top 2 bottom and top teeth though.
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.

Wow! My son had at least 10 teeth by your LO's age.

This is a hard age for sleep regressions so that's probably not helping either. Your days sound so hard OP - are you a teacher? Emma is suddenly waking 3-5 times a night from having slept through and it is hard. I get up at 5:30 to help my OH get ready and Sophie also gets up that early.

Hang in there!
This sounds familiar. DD has been really bad at night recently. She doesn't wake up as such but she will tense up and cry out every minute or two for a while. She settles down and then re-starts. She's also had bad nappies for over a week. We weren't sure whether it was a bug or teething but my OH thinks he can see a molar cutting. She's only got the top 2 bottom and top teeth though.
I hate to tell you but that is exactly what happened with Gracie a month or so ago! She only had 3 bottom teeth when it all started, now she has cut 5 teeth at the front and her molars are emerging (nearly) - I hope your LO doesn't go the same as Gracie has!

Ps. I always admire your kids names when you post. Reuben was our boys name and Freya was my #1 girls name when I was pregnant but it didn't go with her last name!
I can't believe your LO is cutting molars already! She is only two months older than Isla, and Isla is just cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom incisors. At least you are getting all the teething over with rather than it dragging on forever, Isla has been cutting this one damn tooth for over two weeks and it just keeps going up and down and up and down and not coming all the way through!

No advice but to say you will survive this. I have been in several sleep deprivation situations with my LO where I feel like I am literally going to die, like my body is just going to give up and I am just going to cease to exist. But we always got through it and we all survived. I know it's not any tangible help or advice, but I think you need to just keep telling yourself that it won't last forever, and this too shall pass.

Wow! My son had at least 10 teeth by your LO's age.

This is a hard age for sleep regressions so that's probably not helping either. Your days sound so hard OP - are you a teacher? Emma is suddenly waking 3-5 times a night from having slept through and it is hard. I get up at 5:30 to help my OH get ready and Sophie also gets up that early.

Hang in there!

Yeah I am a secondary school teacher (11-18) and I have just started a new (permanent) job in August so I'm still settling in and trying not to look incompetent! I miss maternity leave and summer holidays!
This sounds familiar. DD has been really bad at night recently. She doesn't wake up as such but she will tense up and cry out every minute or two for a while. She settles down and then re-starts. She's also had bad nappies for over a week. We weren't sure whether it was a bug or teething but my OH thinks he can see a molar cutting. She's only got the top 2 bottom and top teeth though.
I hate to tell you but that is exactly what happened with Gracie a month or so ago! She only had 3 bottom teeth when it all started, now she has cut 5 teeth at the front and her molars are emerging (nearly) - I hope your LO doesn't go the same as Gracie has!

Ps. I always admire your kids names when you post. Reuben was our boys name and Freya was my #1 girls name when I was pregnant but it didn't go with her last name!

Thanks! Freya has been my favourite girls name for years. I was terrified of my friends using the name as loads of them have had girls but thankfully it remained free! We also struggled with boys names but I love the name Reuben. If we had had a second boy, he probably would have been nameless!

Oh no, is freya's teething likely to get worse? Has your little girl settled down a bit now?
This sounds familiar. DD has been really bad at night recently. She doesn't wake up as such but she will tense up and cry out every minute or two for a while. She settles down and then re-starts. She's also had bad nappies for over a week. We weren't sure whether it was a bug or teething but my OH thinks he can see a molar cutting. She's only got the top 2 bottom and top teeth though.
I hate to tell you but that is exactly what happened with Gracie a month or so ago! She only had 3 bottom teeth when it all started, now she has cut 5 teeth at the front and her molars are emerging (nearly) - I hope your LO doesn't go the same as Gracie has!

Ps. I always admire your kids names when you post. Reuben was our boys name and Freya was my #1 girls name when I was pregnant but it didn't go with her last name!

Thanks! Freya has been my favourite girls name for years. I was terrified of my friends using the name as loads of them have had girls but thankfully it remained free! We also struggled with boys names but I love the name Reuben. If we had had a second boy, he probably would have been nameless!

Oh no, is freya's teething likely to get worse? Has your little girl settled down a bit now?

Reuben was the only boys name we both agreed on. We decided on one name for each gender the day before our gender scan, girls name was easy but we found the name Reuben at like 2am and we both really liked it, then found out she was a girl haha! If I ever have a boy he will definitely be Reuben!

She was much better for my mum last night and is okish today, except from being a bit quieter than usual. Hopefully Freya doesn't end up the same, it was horrible! It looks like one of the molars has popped through so hopefully that will relieve some of the pressure. Only 11 more teeth to go!!!!

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