Hi all,
I'm wondering if anyone has any insight. I am very new to this. And it's probably getting a little late in the game for me, 38yrs old! But we are in our 3rd cycle of ttc.
I have (had!) a super regular cycle - been using a period tracker for years. 27/28 day cycles with 4 day of AF. Like clockwork. Very little, if any cramping or period pain.. My only symptom had only ever been tender breast and this could be controlled by my coffee in take!
Anyway, 1 st month of ttc was pretty amateur! Guessing when I was ovulating from my period tracker, really thought I nailed the whole thing. I started having cramping and twinges, gurgling, headaches, nausea and all sorts of symptoms that left me thinking we did it! Then AF showed 2 days late and reality hit. I started googling and searching and I learned all about the dreaded TWW and the symptom spotting and all the lunacy that goes with it and it all made sense. So AF stuck around for 4 days, the usual. And so I started again. This time with OPKs. We dtd 3 days over my fertile days. And then we were in TWW. So like the previous cycle, it seems I get light waves of nausea 3 to 4dpo. So that was normal. But on 7dpo I woke to spotting. I knew that was something I could not imagine, it was very real, I could see it. Light, brownish spotting. By the end of the day - btw 6-8pm, I realized it was actually AF. But 6 days early. Never happened to me before in my 20 odd years of cycles. This one lasted two days longer too. Then on CD6, not sure why, but I decided to OPK with clearblue digital and I got a smiley face. Next day, the same. CD8, nothing. Last night, CD9, I noticed pale purple discharge (sorry!). Not when I wipe though. CM was light, lotiony, when I checked. I thought maybe it was just my underwear (cream colored) reacting ?!?! This morning, more of the same pale purple discharge. Not huge amounts. But it's sticky-ish.
I am not even going to bother this month cos I have no idea what the hell is going on with my body - the one I thought I knew so well.
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Has this happened to you? Should I mention it to my doctor? Wait till next AF?
I would love to hear people's thoughts. Sorry for the novel!

I'm wondering if anyone has any insight. I am very new to this. And it's probably getting a little late in the game for me, 38yrs old! But we are in our 3rd cycle of ttc.
I have (had!) a super regular cycle - been using a period tracker for years. 27/28 day cycles with 4 day of AF. Like clockwork. Very little, if any cramping or period pain.. My only symptom had only ever been tender breast and this could be controlled by my coffee in take!
Anyway, 1 st month of ttc was pretty amateur! Guessing when I was ovulating from my period tracker, really thought I nailed the whole thing. I started having cramping and twinges, gurgling, headaches, nausea and all sorts of symptoms that left me thinking we did it! Then AF showed 2 days late and reality hit. I started googling and searching and I learned all about the dreaded TWW and the symptom spotting and all the lunacy that goes with it and it all made sense. So AF stuck around for 4 days, the usual. And so I started again. This time with OPKs. We dtd 3 days over my fertile days. And then we were in TWW. So like the previous cycle, it seems I get light waves of nausea 3 to 4dpo. So that was normal. But on 7dpo I woke to spotting. I knew that was something I could not imagine, it was very real, I could see it. Light, brownish spotting. By the end of the day - btw 6-8pm, I realized it was actually AF. But 6 days early. Never happened to me before in my 20 odd years of cycles. This one lasted two days longer too. Then on CD6, not sure why, but I decided to OPK with clearblue digital and I got a smiley face. Next day, the same. CD8, nothing. Last night, CD9, I noticed pale purple discharge (sorry!). Not when I wipe though. CM was light, lotiony, when I checked. I thought maybe it was just my underwear (cream colored) reacting ?!?! This morning, more of the same pale purple discharge. Not huge amounts. But it's sticky-ish.
I am not even going to bother this month cos I have no idea what the hell is going on with my body - the one I thought I knew so well.
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Has this happened to you? Should I mention it to my doctor? Wait till next AF?
I would love to hear people's thoughts. Sorry for the novel!