ME: 30, DH: 31
DH and I are on cycle #3, and I am an every month spotter. Before AF I spot 5-7 days. I was getting worried about my progesterone and wondered if maybe my LP was too short. I started taking Vit B complex to lengthen it, but it didn't even have a chance to do anything! I got my BFP at 10 DPO!!
What tricked me was that I got my regular pre AF spot at 8DPO and felt gutted because I thought I was out this month. I didn't really think it could be IB because it was dark brown just like my first spotting always is. But I started having strange BMs...they really slowed down. Like I couldn't empty all the way. (sorry TMI). That was my only symptom. I took a FRER on a whim on my lunch break at 10 DPO and two lines popped up right away! Because of the spotting I called my dr just in case. They went ahead and checked me out. Doc said that if the spotting stopped and I had no pain, I shouldn't worry. I had one spot at 10 DPO and one more at 11 DPO. Both brown and very light. Then it stopped completely. Dr took my blood at 10 DPO and again at 12 DPO and my HCG more than doubled.
I go back for my first ultrasound next Friday which should be about 5 weeks. (I don't expect to see much. I am just praying it is in the uterus where it's supposed to be.)
So girls, if you spot and you're worried about your LP, get checked to rule it out, but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have trouble. And when you see that spotting and think you're out, it doesn't have to mean AF is on the way! Baby dust to all!!!!!! I hope this can give hope to some of my spotting sisters!!
P.S. Used conceive plus
DH and I are on cycle #3, and I am an every month spotter. Before AF I spot 5-7 days. I was getting worried about my progesterone and wondered if maybe my LP was too short. I started taking Vit B complex to lengthen it, but it didn't even have a chance to do anything! I got my BFP at 10 DPO!!
What tricked me was that I got my regular pre AF spot at 8DPO and felt gutted because I thought I was out this month. I didn't really think it could be IB because it was dark brown just like my first spotting always is. But I started having strange BMs...they really slowed down. Like I couldn't empty all the way. (sorry TMI). That was my only symptom. I took a FRER on a whim on my lunch break at 10 DPO and two lines popped up right away! Because of the spotting I called my dr just in case. They went ahead and checked me out. Doc said that if the spotting stopped and I had no pain, I shouldn't worry. I had one spot at 10 DPO and one more at 11 DPO. Both brown and very light. Then it stopped completely. Dr took my blood at 10 DPO and again at 12 DPO and my HCG more than doubled.
I go back for my first ultrasound next Friday which should be about 5 weeks. (I don't expect to see much. I am just praying it is in the uterus where it's supposed to be.)
So girls, if you spot and you're worried about your LP, get checked to rule it out, but it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have trouble. And when you see that spotting and think you're out, it doesn't have to mean AF is on the way! Baby dust to all!!!!!! I hope this can give hope to some of my spotting sisters!!
P.S. Used conceive plus