Heres something I cant quite figure out. Can u help me?


Proud mum to baby Nick
Jan 12, 2007
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Ok, so when discussing due dates and determing how far along you are, if using an online calculator it will ask you the first day of your last period, correct? Now, for instance, mne would be 15 dec 06- making me 4 weeks 2 days pregnant apparently- but hypothetically that is not correct because a woman would not conceieve until the week after her period; how do the doctors determine how far along you are, is it the same process?
That's been confusing me for a few days now as I cant understand why they would take the conception date from the first day of your last period because that's simply wrong.
In saying that, every pregnancy calculator online is asking for the same information and giving out the same answers. Will someone explain this to me please! ((if you dont mind))

Thank ya! x
Dates are worked out from the day of your last period. Your due date may get changed on your dating scan though sometimes its only by a couple of days or so maybe not at all :D
Wobbles said:
Dates are worked out from the day of your last period. Your due date may get changed on your dating scan though sometimes its only by a couple of days or so maybe not at all :D
But it doesnt make sense. If a baby didnt implant itself into the womab until, lets say, between 7 10 dpo, how on earth can a person be 4 weeks pregnant!!
Maybe I sound dumb but honesstly, that makes no sense at all.
hiya, i know it makes no sence but it is right and thats how they calculate it !! so when you just find out your 4 weeks pregnant, like you said, your technically only 2 weeks !
stephlw25 said:
hiya, i know it makes no sence but it is right and thats how they calculate it !! so when you just find out your 4 weeks pregnant, like you said, your technically only 2 weeks !
2 weeks? jesus, I don't like the sound of that, AT ALL..... :(
i have no idea but i love the name for girls you have under ur ticker
Yeh, but technically, you are only really pg for 38 weeks!!!! :shock: :lol:
Iwantone!!! said:
i have no idea but i love the name for girls you have under ur ticker
Ooooo, thank ya!

I already have the boys name chosen which is why I didn't put it in my signature.
Shaun Antony Frances :)

Preferably for a girl I love Delilah Louise, but not many people are keen on it. I also like Lilly-Anne but that is a very baby-ish crosssed with old, kinda name (if that makes any sense)
You can imagine a child from the age of 0-8 years being called Lilly, and a woman who is between 70-80, but the inbetween years? it sounds a bit.. I dunno, not quite right! Does that make any sense at all?

I also like Jezabelle Jaide, but my dad reminded me what a Jezabelle actually was so Im kinda 'blah' about it now.

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