High Blood pressure - help!!!


Sep 23, 2006
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Just been for anti-natel today and got high blood pressure which they're really worried about - so am having lots of tests and have to go to the doctors every week :-( Bit scary as was talking about kidney and liver failure and baby not growing properly - fingers crossed it sorts itself out - oh well - looks like we'll be getting used to seeing lots of doctors in the next 6 months! Any advice much appreciated - bit scared and worried now!

hi fizz

just keep n your mind that the docs will do everything for you and bump, you are in THE best possible care. don't be afraid to ask them a million questions, i know from being under the care of my local EPAC unit with this pregnancy that they are very much on your side and will do the best for you bothxxx :hugs:
Having been through all this with maddie all i can say is just chill and relax as much as you can! The more you panic the more you wind yourself up and the blood pressure gets higher!!!

As long as you keep up with your appointments and keep yourself as de-stressed as possible, you should be fine hun!!

Be happy, and enjoy the rest of your PG :D
Thanks so much for your support - I've been worrying so much since the appointment I can tell my blood pressure has risen even more because of it!

If you don't mind me asking - how high was your blood pressure? Was your birth ok?

I'm just such a worrier
I have no advice Fizz but best of luck & as Imi says .... try :hugs:
mine started off at 96 over 66 or something like that and ended up being 130 over 98 .... kept going up and down alllllll the time

I was so poorly i ended up having maddie induced which wasn't nice at all!

This time i am determined to make up for my mistakesbecause i will not have another pregnancy like that again.

The girls will tell u i swore blind neve to have another baby again EVER!!!

Lol you will be fine sweetie just chill

garlic lowers blood pressure how about getting that in to ur diet as much as poss
Cheers guys

I love garlic and always put loads into what I cook so will continue with that

My blood pressure is 140/95 when I go the doctors but more like 120/75 when at home.
It would always be sky high when I go the docs before I was pregnant - so got bit of white coat syndrome - but doctors won't take any chances - so am being thoroughly investigated and may have to go on medication - really worried as don't want to harm the baby by having to take medication
I started off my pregnancy with high blood pressure, but luckily it didn't last, the same may happen for you too hun......how long have you had it?

I was 130/96 for about 2 weeks I think it lasted, and they decided it was just one of those things rather than someting I was suffering with as it corrected itself.

Good Luck hun! :hugs: x
I always have high blood pressure at the docs (white coat syndrome) even before I was pregnant.
But always checked it at home and was fine (but still on high side)

Showed doc home readings - but he said they were still too high (120/85)
fizz_gig said:
I always have high blood pressure at the docs (white coat syndrome) even before I was pregnant.
But always checked it at home and was fine (but still on high side)

Showed doc home readings - but he said they were still too high (120/85)

That is fine........what is he going on about? that is not considered high?! :shock: Unless he was purely on about the ones he does!
he was really crap - wouldn't take my readings on board really
However, contradicted himself - as said at the end that if my readings are in the 80's he's not bothered (even though previously he said 80s was too high)
Trouble is - because of my white coat syndrome - there's no chance I'll ever get readings in the 80s at the doctors!! So he'll probably want to put me on medication when I go back to hospital in January


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