High School 2023


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2011
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I’ve not been here for years! But nice to see it’s still here!
I just wanted to post because I can’t believe my first LO goes to high school in September!
Same here, I remember posting when I'd just found out I was pregnant with my first and now she's a few months off starting secondary school. Hard to believe sometimes!
Hello and welcome back!

My oldest graduated high school in 2012 and my second son in 2016. My twins are Seniors in high school and my youngest has one more year to go before high school. Had I not taken less credits at the university there would have been someone in my family graduating every 4 years 2012, 2016, 2020 (me), 2024, and 2028. I graduated in 2021 instead.

Welcome back! Same. My daughter was a 6 month old baby when I joined this site, and now she's off to high school this year. Where does the time go?!
He settled really well into his new school, despite a delayed start due to the concrete issues!!

That's great he's settled in really well at his new school :)

Holly has settled in well too and really surprised me. She suffers with anxiety but she's done well. She is being assessed for ADHD and there have been so many forgetful moments, mainly around homework!

I hope all the other 2023 high school kids have settled in well?
Gosh yes! I joined here when I was 6 weeks pregnant cause I was worried about some cramps I was having and now my twins are in secondary school! :cry: I adore them as much as ever but I do sometimes wish I could have my cute little babies back! In many ways life was more straighforward then!

They both love their new school which is such a relief! They only thing that concerns me is that they can choose when to eat and what to eat as I just have to upload credit to their school account. I can check what they have had and so far, one of my twins (after a normal breakfast at home!) has regularily had hashbrowns for second breakfast, chocolate cupcakes for morning snack and pizza and cupcakes pretty much for every lunchtime! He has already put on weight and I am really worried about how unhealthy and insanely plentiful the offering is of snack type foods! My other twin is picky and has on several days had no food at all.

Any one else have similar problems? I know I should make them packed lunches but apart from not having the time, that basically will be sandwiches or houmous everyday as my picky eater wouldn't like anything else. At the old school he did at least eat (Not cold!) pasta and jacket potatoes occasionally. Sigh.

Welcome back! Same. My daughter was a 6 month old baby when I joined this site, and now she's off to high school this year. Where does the time go?!
Hey! You probably dont know me but i recognise your name from years ago when i was pregnant with my LB back in 2012! He just started high school this year, oh how time flies! Hope you are all doing well xx
Hey! You probably dont know me but i recognise your name from years ago when i was pregnant with my LB back in 2012! He just started high school this year, oh how time flies! Hope you are all doing well xx

Hi, welcome back! :) Wow I can't believe how time flies! Hope you're all well :)
Wow! Congratulations and I wish you a lot of patience because this is already a teenager. I remember how great it was in high school and university. It's sad that I found out quite late that you can use the services of do an assignment for me Do https://ukwritings.com/do-my-аssignment . But better late than never. Therefore, the last year at the university was quite easy for me
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