I started my last cycle on March 26th. I know I O'd. Since my cycles are 32 days, I should have been due for my period the 26th or 27th. At max I've been maybe 2 days late. I've had some AF like cramps, need to pee all the time, lots of clearish (one day was yellowish) CM, and a niggling backache. My nipples are really sensitive, but my breasts don't hurt (last month I wanted to rip them off). Just before my AF was supposed to be due, I had 3 days straight of headaches. I'm exhausted all the time (I know it's not attributed to starting work because I've been getting 9+ hours of sleep each night and I'm still tired). I tested on the 26th and got a . I'm trying to hold out until next week to test again, but I'm trying to see if my symptoms sound good. I hate waiting!