Holiday Bucket List!

It's tiring for the adults too :haha: we're considering it for next year, but we're also ttc so depends how that goes. I'm also considering Disney in California instead of Florida, but we'll see what happens. I'm very keen to take the kids to South Africa (we honeymooned there) but if we do end up conceiving (giving ourselves a time limit) then that's not an option for a few years.
LOVE holiday chat!

We visited Lapland with Santa's Lapland Dec 2016. It was thee most magical most special holiday so far. It's not cheap, and I really struggled when it came to booking it to actually hit that button with the amount it was costing, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We'd try Thomson Thomas cook etc who had worked out roughly a thousand cheaper, but it included only 2 minute tasters of activities and the cost to add those one seperately were usually £100 each, even looking independently. Also the meeting with Santa were to be group meetings with them, at hotels! I felt we could do that here! With Santa's Lapland we were taken to the artic circle centre and amongst so many other activities we took a snowmobile pulled sleight over a frozen lake through a forest to meet some elves who then took us to the only cabin you could see and Santa was inside, Truly magical. Santa had our kids letters they'd sent off earlier in the year and knew their names. From the moment you land in the airport to the moment you leave, it's amazing!

I wouldn't recommend DIY unless you already had the snow kit for everyone, just buying merino wool basic layers hat and spare gloves we were almost £400 on top of that youd have top of the range snowboots and Snows unit to be, we were also advised that what we can buy here in the uk isn't as good as what they suppl, whether that's a con to get you to book who knows.

Regarding the snow gear, many safari companies rent it out at a decent price especially if you’re doing activities with them. Google Ylläs for example and you can find loads of great info to piece together a DIY holiday here.
LOVE holiday chat!

We visited Lapland with Santa's Lapland Dec 2016. It was thee most magical most special holiday so far. It's not cheap, and I really struggled when it came to booking it to actually hit that button with the amount it was costing, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. We'd try Thomson Thomas cook etc who had worked out roughly a thousand cheaper, but it included only 2 minute tasters of activities and the cost to add those one seperately were usually £100 each, even looking independently. Also the meeting with Santa were to be group meetings with them, at hotels! I felt we could do that here! With Santa's Lapland we were taken to the artic circle centre and amongst so many other activities we took a snowmobile pulled sleight over a frozen lake through a forest to meet some elves who then took us to the only cabin you could see and Santa was inside, Truly magical. Santa had our kids letters they'd sent off earlier in the year and knew their names. From the moment you land in the airport to the moment you leave, it's amazing!

I wouldn't recommend DIY unless you already had the snow kit for everyone, just buying merino wool basic layers hat and spare gloves we were almost £400 on top of that youd have top of the range snowboots and Snows unit to be, we were also advised that what we can buy here in the uk isn't as good as what they suppl, whether that's a con to get you to book who knows.

Regarding the snow gear, many safari companies rent it out at a decent price especially if you’re doing activities with them. Google Ylläs for example and you can find loads of great info to piece together a DIY holiday here.

I've just been looking at that site and at a quick glance can get 3 nights for approx £1000 and flights for approx £1600 although i wasnt sure which airport to put in. Im not sure how transfers would work and i know all the activities are extra plus the snow gear etc but that would still be a fraction of the cost of that i was quoted 😊
Kittilä airport is the nearest airport to us. It’s 50 km away.
I want to D'S too

Disneyland paris ( would live florida.... bit with my ME I am not sure if I could psycally do it)

I have family in Nwe Zeland i would like to take D'S to see

We want to do lego land next year.

I would love to go to New york and Canada-but need to find someone to go with!

I love the peak district and scotland
We have been lucky enough to visit Orlanda, Florida 5 times DH actually proposed to me there which was magical ( he didn’t propose at any theme parks ) . Went to all the theme parks and Discovery Cove !! All I can say is amazing just amazing ! Always holds a special place in my heart ! We didn’t do any water parks because DH can not swim lol .It was one of my top places to go . We are saving now to take the children when they are a bit older !

My other places would be :-
Lapland again for the children and I’d love to see the northern nights

We want to go to Flamingo Land and Lego land bu they are a long drive for us and the children would drive me crazy in the car lol
We live in the U.K. and I’ve not visited many places really. There’s so much on our doorstep ... if the weather is nice !
This thread makes me want to go on holiday for bad! Can’t go anywhere pricey though until we’ve saved up a house deposit ! Waaaaaaa. After that’s done though I’m desperate to go to Florida and Japan (kyoto) I’m also really keen on taking a trip to Edinburgh, that’s the mostly likely trip I’m going to make in the next few years tho haah
Well I already knew I had different ideal places to most but am even more convinced now!

Next on my list is St Kilda and that's happening in 6 weeks!

After that Galapagos which we are going in August.

We don't avoid long drives, Scotland took nearly 15hrs. We just stop every few hours and usually drive over night. It's really not that bad. Even better when it's boring as the kids sleep in car Then!

Ummm after those 2 I would like to visit the goddess temples in Malta.
I would love to go to the Galapagos too! Definitely one for when they kids are teens though. Or a sneak away on our own :haha: we managed a week in Vegas for hubby's 30th this year on our own, was bliss!
I can cross Iceland oand Holland off my list soon, all booked 😁 so excited!

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