home birth... what made your mind up?


Mummy to Madalyn :)
Jun 27, 2011
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So, we are meeting the midwife on Monday to talk through a home birth.

Just wondering what it was that made you decide on a home birth?

:) thanks ladies.
I read a book called Catching babies by Sheena Byrom. That started me questioning hospital births and wanted to learn more. Also I really really want a water birth, I'm booked in at the LGI where OBEM is filmed. I went on the first waterbirth talk after they'd showed a water birth on there and the room was crammed full. I was worried it might get more popular and that proved me right. So I also decided on a homebirth so I was guaranteed a water birth. The more I read tho the more I wanted one.
The hospital ruined my first birth and I didn't bond with my son. Unnecessary interventions and all.
I was taking a medical history course and came across the Business of Being Born... since my degree gives me cause to question my sources, I did further research and the more research I did the more I decided I want a home birth...

Whether I'll actually get one is another story; I've got an anterior placenta and partial placenta previa so may end up with a Csection for medical reasons anyhow :'(
Initially i saw a HB as a student nurse. I was amazed at how in control and natural, unrushed, un medical the birth seemed in cmparrison to the ones I witnessed in hospital.
For my first I had in hospital and was directed by the midwives, timed and monitered and it was out of control.
With my second i wanted a HB but OH was not comfortable and wanted medical intervention at hand etc so we compromised and I had a domino birth (quick in and out), but the hospital part was still out of my control. I was still tied to monitering machines and told how to position.
For number three i read at legnth including the amaazing sheila Kitzinger homebirth book. My Oh trusted me and I totally dictated what happened and when it happened and I had really great midwives who knew to back off. It was the birth of my dreams.
was going to have another with the baby I recently lost and if I am lucky enough to conceive again, i will birth at home under my control again.

So for me control is the key word!
My major reason is that going into unfamiliar surroundings stresses me. It slowed my labour hugely last time, and I felt quite out of control. I feel that as I'm not ill, there's no need to be in a hospital. I'd just prefer the comfort of home.
So many things! What really sealed the deal for me was trying to envision where I'd be the most comfortable. TBH, having a homebirth scares the daylights out of me. I'm very risk-oriented. I want the lowest risk and the proper tools to deal with ANY of the what-ifs (not a great personality for motherhood...), BUT when I think about how nervous I get at just the thought of having to go to the hospital, I know there's no way I would physically be able to birth there. I've started to realize how much stress plays into my physical well-being and the thought of going back to a hospital and being powerless makes me realize that it is not the safer environment for me. I've hired the most experienced and cautious midwife I could find and am taking the most proactive role in my pregnancy that I can.
After my yukky hospy birth, I think I knew deep down for a long time that I'd never willingly birth there again. But it was reading pos. stories of other women and reading "Birthing The Easy Way" and "Stand and Deliver" that sealed it.... Alll these other non-hippy, totally normal, responsible, informed women made me think.... hey maybe I can do that too!
There was no way in hell I was going to give birth at stafford hospital again so I knew I'd be having him at home :)
I dont like hospitals or needles so knew i didnt want any drugs, the stress of having to go to hospital would raise my bp so knew home birth was what i wanted! Just had my 2nd home birth this week and had a pool, all was well and relaxed.
I preferred my home comforts and the thought of OH being sent home overnight made me very nervous.
I attempted a homebirth with my first but voluntarily transferred in from not being well informed and narrowly avoided medical intervention (they want to speed things up etc but didnt get time in the end!)

Trying for a homebirth again this time and much more determined to stay at home!
I preferred my home comforts and the thought of OH being sent home overnight made me very nervous.
I attempted a homebirth with my first but voluntarily transferred in from not being well informed and narrowly avoided medical intervention (they want to speed things up etc but didnt get time in the end!)

Trying for a homebirth again this time and much more determined to stay at home!

This was a major factor for why we very early on have chosen to have a home birth. The thought of my OH not being able to be with me afterwards/sent home really does make me nervous, and it makes him worry as well. When we talked about it and discussed his level of involvement should we have a home birth, he doesn't want anything else now. :)

I dont like hospitals or needles so knew i didnt want any drugs, the stress of having to go to hospital would raise my bp so knew home birth was what i wanted! Just had my 2nd home birth this week and had a pool, all was well and relaxed.
As weffi said, the other reason for me is i really dislike hospitals (i've been all too aquatinted with them in the past) and my dislike for needles really helped with my decision to home birth naturally :) x
originally id planned to hypnobirth in hospital but the more of the hypno book i read the more i started to wonder if id relax more at home.
when i started researching HB i soon realised where things had gone wrong in my hospital birth last time which started turning my mind from hospitals automatically being the safest places. the more questions i raised and research i did the more i realised HB was more preferable for me.
Is it Monday yet?? Really excited to talk to midwife!!
I would love a HB but the Hubs is not comfortable so we are doing a birthing center (free-standing) where there are only mid-wives. I have visited and it feels the closest to being at home. I can also have a water birth there.
My last hospital experience, I was bleeding and in preterm labor and faced a c-section, which considering my son's gestational age and position I was fine with it. However, a verbally and physically abusive nurse and an OB who didn't bother to inform me of what was going on other than giving her name and what she wouldn't "allow" me to do triggered not going back. It was one of the most degrading experiences I've ever had. :nope:

It took years to heal from that nightmare and in a lot of ways, I'm still not over it. The hospital is trying to make some amends, as I'm meeting with a mediator, a new OB and the chief nurse in L&D later this month. For me, the damage has already been done and I truly don't feel my baby and I would be safe there but I'm still willing to talk to them. Hopefully they can he more sensitive and aware for future patients. I feel very confident about my HBAC plans and would only go into that hospital under true emergency circumstances.
After I had my first in the hospital I knew I couldn't do that again unless I had to. My DH agreed. Now that we've had a homebirth it just makes complete sense to have homebirths (unless there is something wrong of course).
Although its my first, having a baby at home scares me a lot less than going into hospital. I don't know many people who've had good hospital birth experiences. I think I'll be much more relaxed at home.

I was also told I couldn't be guaranteed a birthing pool if I chose hospital...

I also like the idea of getting into my own bed after the birth, not having to be away from OH, and having all the home comforts like nice food in the fridge!

I'm open to the fact that I might need to go to hospital, but if everything is fine I'm going for home birth!

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