Homebirth of Liev


Mommy of 1 & Expecting #2
Dec 31, 2008
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I had been in prodominal labor for 8 days leading up to labor. Each day I would wonder if it would finally turn into labor. At the end it feels like it will never happen, I’m going to be pregnant forever. Finally on April 14 at 1 am my water broke. I was relieved and excited that it would finally happen. I called out for Brian, my husband, to tell him that my water broke. I decided to have him go back to bed and that I was going to stay up for awhile to see what was going to happen. The contractions weren’t too bad at this point, and were around 20 minutes a part. At 2:30 am I called my mom to let her know my water has broke and that I would call her later when things have picked up. I decided at 3 am to go back to bed and get some rest. I was going to have a long day ahead of me. I couldn’t get much sleep. Laying made the contractions worse, and they would speed up as well. At 5 am the contractions were around 5-10 minutes a part, so I woke up Brian and told him that we should probably start getting things ready.

Brian and I got up and laid the birth kit out on the table. Then we made phone calls to my mom, Brian’s mom, Susie Brian’s Aunt, and of course to our Midwife and her apprentice. We then laid down tarp on the dinning room floor and got out the birth pool. We set up the pool on top of the tarp, and got the hose out. Blowing up the pool took about 5 minutes. We used an electrical pump which was really loud. I’m surprised we didn’t wake up Hunter who was still sleeping. We got out the hose and started to fill the pool from the kitchen sink, and put pots of water on the stove to boil some for the pool. After we got everything going we sat together and talked, as it was going to be one of our last quietest mornings for awhile.

Between 7 am and 9 am everyone started to show up at our home. Everyone came into our living room and we talked for a bit. Hunter woke up around 9:30 am and 10 am and came out. He was very surprised to see everyone here and assumed they were all here to see him. He ran around the house for a bit and got some toys out to play with everyone. Meanwhile my contractions were staying pretty consistent with 10ish minutes a part and lasting around 1 minute. They were a little painful, but not too bad. I decided I wanted things to start picking up so I made myself a peanut butter sandwich, ate it, and took a shower. That didn’t seem to do much, so we decided to go for a walk. Myself, Brian, my mom and Hunter went on a decent walk in the morning. When we got home everyone but the Midwife and her apprentice decided to go up to the local Cafe and grab some breakfast. We talked in the living room for awhile and discussed how to get things going a little faster. Once everyone returned home we went on another walk, just Brian and I. This walk was a little longer, and the contractions started to get stronger.

When we got back home contractions tapered off again. It was really frustrating. I was not nervous or anxious, and it didn’t bother me at all that there was a lot of people at my home for the birth. But my body didn’t see to like it and was sending me signs. The Midwife suggested everyone go to the park except for Brian and I. So they all left and my contractions started to pick up again and get more intense. I paced the house and sat on my birth ball. I was excited that things were going good. But of course, as soon as everyone comes back, they taper off again. Labor never completely stopped at any point, it would always just become less intense. This went on for awhile, everyone leaves, labor picks up. Everyone comes back, labor stalls a little.

At around 5 pm my dad decided to go home. He had a few things to do and it didn’t seem like baby was going to make his arrival any time soon. Brian’s dad and Aunt also decided to go back home, and Brian’s mom took Hunter to a near by hotel to go swimming. Myself, my mom, Brian, the Midwife and her apprentice were the only ones left here at home. I ate some supper and we talked about what to do. My Midwife decided to check me to see what was going on, which was the first and only internal exam I have had in this pregnancy. When she was done she told me that baby was posterior. Which means baby is sunny-side up. My Midwife told me that this is probably why baby is taking a little longer, and that I should spend some time on my hands and knees to get him to move into a better position, and that once he does labor will pick up and it wouldn’t be much longer after that. My mom and the Midwife decided to go home for the night at around 7:30 pm. They told me to try to get some rest, which sounded good to me.

Brian went to the store to return a movie, and I went into the bedroom to get some rest. I decided to try the hands and knees thing before I laid down. I did that for only 5 minutes and then tried to sleep. Almost immediately I had a really intense contraction. I decided to stay in bed until Brian returned home, which was 30 minutes later. Once he got home I told him that the contractions were pretty intense now and that there was no way I was going to be able to sleep. I paced the house a little bit and every time a contraction would come I would have to stop and hold onto the back of a chair and sway front to back. At 10 pm we called my mom and the Midwife back. They were all coming back to our house as I knew this was it.

The contractions were really painful and I started to cry. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to do this. It had been a really long day, I was exhausted, and now the contractions were more intense as ever. I sat on the birth ball for awhile while Brian sat in front of me and he would move the ball in a circular motion to help my contractions. I kept telling him I couldn’t do it, but he encouraged me and reminded me that I could. After awhile I decided to get into the birth pool to see if that would help. It felt really nice in between contractions, but I had to stand during one. I tried one contraction to just sit in the pool and move front to back, but that did not help and it was very intense. I just had to stand, my body just needed it and I couldn’t stop it. So when I would have a contraction I would raise myself, stand in the pool with my hands on the edge and I would bob up and down like doing squats. Once the contraction would stop I would submerge myself back into the pool. I did that for awhile, probably an hour to 2 hours. The Midwife still hadn’t shown up, she lived a little ways from us, but we were keeping in touch with her while she drove back.

I couldn’t be in the pool any more, I just had to get out. So we took some chux pads and laid them on the floor in the living room. I would sit on my knees and once a contraction would come I would raise myself up again. All I wanted to do was push, but I didn’t have the urge to do so. I could feel myself getting ready though. Finally the Midwife and her apprentice showed up. I continued to labor.
After hours of laboring the way I was things got even more intense as I was getting real close to pushing. Every time a contraction would hit I would stand and do some squats. Brian was behind me, Midwife was on my right, apprentice on my left and mom in front of me. There was a birth stool underneath me so I could relax in between, but there was no in between. Everything was right on top of each other. Then the urge came. At first not very strong. But then when the head was making it’s way the urge was the strongest thing I have ever felt before. I had my left hand on the apprentice’s shoulder and my right hand on the Midwives’ back. I was using them as support. Brian was holding tissue with almond oil on it on my perineum to help with not tearing. Every time I would have the urge to push I would so some subtle squats to help baby come out.

Finally after about an hour of pushing the head appeared 1:50 am on April 15. His face was facing my backside and looking at his daddy. I kept pushing and finally his hold body came. I sat down on the birth stool and they placed him by my abdomen and started to stimulate him. He came out pink with big chipmunk cheeks and very alert. He had some fluid in his lungs so the Midwife suctioned him out. Brian was still behind me and I was leaning on him. I sat there until my placenta was delivered and then Brian cut the cord. We moved to our bedroom and got into bed. Baby was very alert. His eyes were wide open and he was looking around. We started to nurse within a few minutes of getting into bed and he had a great latch and very powerful suck. Everyone went out to clean up while baby and I stayed in the bedroom getting to know each other. After awhile everyone came in to weigh him and do all his stats. He was still very alert and he didn’t close his eyes until after 5 am.

Liev Garatoni was born on April 15 2010 after 24 hours of labor. He was born in our living room and weighed 8 lbs and is 21 inches long. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He was welcomed into this world with loving support, in the comfort of our own home. The birth was intense, very painful, and very hard at times. But it was worth it. The recovery has been going great so far. No tear for me and I was up and walking within hours after birth, and I can actually sit this time too. Liev is doing great. We have had some minor bumps in nursing, but we are getting the hang of it, and soon my milk should be in. Brian and I are loving our new life as a family of 4, and couldn’t be more blessed to have two amazing sons.
Another wonderful home birth story :cloud9:

Cngratulations - you did great and he's a peach :)
Fabulous home birth story, thanks for sharing :D

And congrats!!!! He's gorgeous xx
Lovely story, you sound like you were very calm! Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous son. :) xx
Great birth story hun

Big congrats to you both on the birth of your little man xxx

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