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Homebirth stories and advice please!


Mumma to 6
May 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hello ladies,

I'm just over 5 weeks pregnant and thinking about labour. I've always liked the idea of a homebirth but with my first I was nervous so ended up using the delivery suite. That labour from first contraction was about 16hrs long, with 4 hours pushing (he had turned back to back and my contractions slowed) and no pain relief. I had a molar pregnancy and chemo in between my first and second so again I felt nervous as I was worried something may happen. This time round though I used the midwife led unit. From first contraction my labour was about 4 hours with only 6 minutes pushing and no pain relief. Sooooooo I'm thinking if I feel comfortable at the end I would like a homebirth! I'm around 10-15 minutes from our hospital so would be close if I needed a transfer.

Just would love to hear some stories and advice about homebirth!

What's it like? Is it messy? What did you do with your other little ones? Etc!

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks lovely ladies xxx
I had a home water birth. My first was a hospital birth without meds. Home birth was amazing! Less stress, relaxing, less painful, quick. Water birth gave great back labor relief and kept everything very clean and contained. My 2 year old was asleep in the next room and only woke when the newborn started crying!
Thank you. Home births seem lovely. I like the thought of getting in my own bed with bubba straight away and having my other little lovelies about.

HB was a wonderful experience for me. Being in my own space helped me feel in control during labour, which was 38hrs total.

As for mess. It's not as messy as you'd think and the MW cleans most of it up. Disposable bed protector pads catch most of the mess and can be roled up and put in the bin. A few old towels on hand and a waterproof sheet or shower curtain on the bed is a good idea. Of course if you end up giving birth on your new cream carpets without putting anything down it will make a mess but usually it's fine.

The most common reason for transfer is to get pain relief but seeing as you have already had two births you know what to expect.
Another fab home birth. Had the same labour in hospital with my first. Water birth with no pain relief or g&a. Decided to have home birth with second and had a quicker, less painful labour. Was perfect and very minimal mess.
All sounding great so far. We have some vinyl flooring downstairs so that's ok. I think I'll be consultant led until my 20 week scan as I e had a molar pregnancy so fingers crossed xxx
Hi, I had my homebirth on Monday night and would tell anyone thinking about it, go for it. It has been the most wonderful experience.

It was baby number 5 for me and labour's tended to get shorter so I was not expecting it to be long but also did not expect it to be 1hour 43mins from first contraction to baby being born.
1st labour was 24hours, 2nd 8hrs 3rd 3hrs 4th 2 and a half but that one was induced.

I had my first contraction at 1905, then regular contractions there after every 3/4mins. Phone the midwife at 1945 and started filling the pool. By the time there was enough water to get in, it was 2020 and contractions were every few mins and lasting longer than a minute. Got in the pill and after a few minutes my waters went, nice clear fluid. Midwives arrived at 2030, and baby arrived after a few pushes at 2048. It was wonderful, yes painful and I do remember saying to my hubby I can't do this lol, just before she arrived! I got gas and air when the midwives arrived, and the pool itself was wonderful for pain relief.

We were team yellow, and getting to check her gender ourselves was wonderful, the cord was left until finished pulsating. We had no interventions from midwives at all, no VE etc, the midwife assisted me to lift baby onto my chest.

Afterwards, midwives dealt with the placenta and clinical waste. They made me and hubby tea. Hubby emptied the pool and tidied up and by 2230 you would never have known there has been a birth, other than the baby xx

Definitely recommend it, I am still on a high.

That sounds so lovely! These stories are defo swaying me! Thank you

I'll post my story if i get my homebirth! But i will be a first timer and all these stories are the reason why i want one.
I look forward to your story! Fingers crossed you get your homebirth honey xxx
I've been blessed with two home births, and am hoping for a third. The birth pool is amazing, and I was in the most comfortable environment possible (home).

wannabubba, huge congrats on your home birth!!!!
I live near Diss, so I may be near to you!
My first home birth was fantastic it would break my heart if I had to go the hospital this time,
I woke up at 6am with light pain.
My waters broke 15 mins later,
Contractions were 6 minutes apart so I rang the hospital at 7am
The Midwife arrived at 7:30 and left at 8:30 saying that I was only 2cm dilated
By 10am I was ready to push, I phoned the Midwives
They arrived at 10.30 and I was fully dilated
They put the shower curtains, towels out etc and I started pushing at 10:45
My LO arrived at 11:27
The worse pain was having a cramp in my leg whilst having the stitches!
My official labour time is around 2 1/2 hours there is no way that I could have sat in the car to get to the hospital.

I'm planning another Home Birth but this time I have a toddler and I am a bit worried about her but hopefully it'll work out fine :)
I used to live in eye but I'm now in norwich!

That sounds great! I have two now but I don't mind them being about. I would love a homebirth. I hope I feel confident enough about it nearer the time!


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