I think it's the press as usual reporting wrongly!
The hospital have clearly said it will still be provided if needed. In my hospital it was provided for free, and they used to give a days supply, but they had to stop doing that as people were basically stealing it! Honestly, the midwife told me this!
she was. Coming round to top up the trolleys (with nappies, cotton wool etc) and asked if I needed formula, but I said no, I was bf, then we started chatting, she said they had to dole it out one or two bottles at a time now as before, the mums would take the days supply and bag it, then get more! So it was costing the hospital a fortune! She said it was really annoying as they were forever running out for mums/babies that really needed it. She said they usually gave the mums some extra bottles to take home anyway.
I like the idea of scraping "breast is best" as it does inflame some people. And let's go for "breast is normal"! I want to live in a country where I don't have to break into a cold sweat at the thought of feeding my baby. I was disgusted by some of the comments!
I do feel sorry for all the ladies that have had to give up bf for one reason or another, and they are still grieving over it. But I honestly don't care how people feed their babies, so long as they feed them!
I'm glad I got through my problems, mainly cos I'm lazy and love the convience of bf now.