One of my FOB friend is going around and harassing me while I trying to go places. First encounter I went to my local craft store and I was walking back from the store and I was waiting at the corner waiting for the walk light to come on and a girl in the car looks over and continues to give me dirty looks. I just ignore her because I just wanted to get home and when the walk light turn on I walked pass the car and she screams out HAHA really loudly so I just assumed it was someone being a idiot. Second time around I was walking with my family to order some birthday cookies for my brother's birthday party he is having next week. I was walking and the same car was driving pass me and this time it was a girl and a guy in the car. Didn't look like the same girl but it could of been I wasn't paying much attention first time around and the girl pointed over to me and the girl and guy both looked over at me and whispered stuff. I don't think they would yelled out anything because my parents was with. But this is annoying because I'm pretty sure it was the same car and I'm trying to move with my life and the world am I suppose to do that if people are harassing me every time I go to a public place?