Well I meant as in regards to the fact that when my girls eat at night they eat less the next day. Are other babies eating additionally? As far as nutritional needs. And I also don't want my girls to associate food with comfort. I soothe both my girls at night, but without food unless they act hungry. I still go to jordan when she wakes at night after waiting to see if she can fall back asleep herself. If she falls asleep within 5 minutes without sounding upset then I don't go in. As she can soothe herself back to sleep. It's pretty obvious when there is an issue like needing help with a burp or leaky diaper or something. I still go to megan at night if she needs me as well. But 99% of the time what they need isn't food. Comfort yes, a diaper change, help burping, or help looking for a lost blanket, yes. But food why feed them if they really aren't needing it. Wont that lead to thinking food can comfort ( which is not the message I want to send to my kids)
If Jordan doesn't protest with only 2 oz or water then I don't really think she is hungry. Just waking out of habit. And in the morning she doesn't drink her bottle if she has eaten in the night, so she hasn't gained any calories.