How consistently do you feel movement?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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I've been feeling movement for about two weeks or so now, but I feel like he's been quieter since yesterday. I feel the odd tap or rumble here and there, but no big kicks and no periods of intense wriggling about. Does this happen to anyone else? I feel like it might be partly because it is the weekend, and I'm not sitting down quietly at my desk like I do doing the week, so maybe its happening and I just don't notice? Just not sure if I should be concerned at this stage.
I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and it different everyday for the last 2 days she been quiet sometimes the odd kick here and there but then other days she goes mental and won't stop moving I love them days.
At first I was worried but realised she has a couple days of quiet and then a day of going crazy longs I feel her move a couple times a day I try not to worry :)
Where is your placenta? I have anterior placenta and I find I only feel the kicks when baby kicks/punches very low down or way out to the side so anything more to the front it a squirming sensation. If I am up and about or baby it's pressing straight outwards it can be so faint I don't really notice or don't feel anything at all for several hours at a time. This past few days I have been feeling more movement but mostly because baby has been punching me in the bladder and lady bits lol! Head was tucked way down in my left hip/pelvic bone, facing downwards with hands up over it's head on the scan a few days ago so the little monkey it having a boxing match with my insides!
Ok feel kicks mainly when im sitting relaxing or in bed ready to sleep, but i had the same as you and for 2-3 days hardly felt anything, i really did worry, i had hardly any kicks and they were much lighter than before, but sure enough a couple of days later the kicks were more often and stronger again lol try not to worry we are still quite early on for consistency
Despite the baby being really active a few nights ago, it's been really quiet since. It's still early to be feeling consistent movement.
I've been feeling some consistent flutters, a few kicks every other day. They get more frequent and longer the further along we get. I've concluded that until week 30 I probably won't have the super pronounced kicking and constant wiggling :)
Thanks everyone!! It's good to hear your experiences. I kind of figured it was normal to have bursts of movement and then lulls, but you always wonder :-D I got a few big kicks this afternoon, so I'm sure everything is fine.
28 weeks with twins, and my babies still have quiet days where I only feel a few movements a day, then other times they are both going crazy!
I am 21 weeks today, and I feel flutters reasonably often...but a good solid kick only randomly.
I think they knacker themselves out sometimes must be a lot of work jiggling about like a loon!
I have an anterior placenta but I've felt kicks for about a week or so now. It's very sporadic and not often. Usually at night just when I get into bed. They're not very strong yet either. It's totally normal at this gestation for them to be sporadic as baby is only small still :)
Im 16 weeks +4 and feel movement several times daily.
I feel her maybe once some days. Other days she's all over the place!
My dr told me not to really worry about counting movements until 25 wks or so. I didn't start to really feel consistent movements til after 20-21 wks. Also I have an anterior placenta so only feel movements around the sides and bottom at this time.
Awesome, this is very reassuring. I know I have a posterior placenta, which is I think why I was able to feel him at all so early. I really think it being the weekend and me being busier has a lot to do with it too. When I'm at work I'm mostly just sitting quietly in front of the computer, so I think I just notice him more. On the weekends we're always out and about so I'm sure he is wriggling and I just don't pay as much attention (until a few hours pass and I start to feel anxious about it :)).

Thanks for all your responses though! Makes me feel a lot better. I also got an huge kick that I was able to feel on the outside last night before sleeping, so that put a smile on my face! :cloud9:.
I have an anterior placenta so I didn't feel consistent kicks until 21 weeks, now I feel strong kicks everyday and dh has only just felt the baby move. I felt flurries on and off from very early, but could go days between them.

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