how did you meet your oh

Well, how we met wasnt very romantic.

We met on Yahoo! Personals. He sent me the first message, and he told me that I had a beautiful smile. I responded


he didn't respond back to me for months. Finally, he sent me another message. We went to dinner, and I made him take me somewhere expensive.

We hit it off, and the rest is history. :)
wow i am so impressed with all the replies to this thred!! even those that dont think its all that romantic there is stil romance in there!! everyones stories are lovely!
love an hugs to all (ok yeh stil in a loving soppy mood)
My uncle runs a business and my OH was the manager, i use to go up there on a sat to wait for my cousin to finish work. One night me and cousin and friends went out and my cousin said to me that OH sends his love (jokingly) so i said give me his number and ill txt him, it was a bit of a joke in the beginning, Oh thought it was my cousin txting, in the end we just started going out, that was 5 1/2 years ago.

I was in 6th form at the time and he was 24, he had the coolest car ever and as i had just past my test he let me take the car to school etc, i was buzzing LOL!

Here we are now, bought a house, loving life and waiting for our wedding in mexico next december and waiting for a liitle bubba x
When I was 16 at a local nightclub! Not the most romantic setting but I loved his smile. 12yrs later and we're happily married :happydance:
I met my OH while we worked at the bank together...definitely not romantic! But his proposal was VERY least I think so.

He took me to this beautiful restaurant for dinner and told me we were meeting friends of his there that were visiting from Australia. The entire restaurant was in on it apparently! We were brought to our table which was a small private room with candles lit everywhere! The table was set for 4 (to keep the secret going) and I was in shock they put us at such a private table. I honestly cannot believe I didn't figure it out sooner! After ordering drinks and me thinking it was a touch rude how late our friends were, Rob said to me "I have a confession, John and Tash aren't coming to dinner". that's when I knew...he got down on his knee and asked me and it was AMAZING! He had the ring custom made and designed it himself and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I cried and cried. Then he said "I have another surprise, we're staying the night here". Above the restaurant is an old manor with beautiful rooms! What a night. We ended up getting married there a year and a half later. They had beautiful gardens outside the manor :) *sigh* I'm such a lucky girl!
Me and the OH went to high school together and were friends there :)
We didnt start dating till 5 years or so later, after having drifted apart, then randomly meeting up again and starting to spend time together, it wasnt till he started dating someone else that I wanted to be more than just friends with him, but even when they split up we didnt start dating as he was moving away again for at least a year. He moved, and i went down to visit him, and decided to move too!

That was 17 months ago now, and im still very in awe of him
ok so i am in a really soppy mood today an i was wondering if anyone has any really romantic stories bout how they met their oh's or how they proposed!!
i met my oh when we were 11 at secondary school! we didnt see each other when we left an then i went out to celebrate my birthday with the girls one night an there he was we talked til silly time in the mornin i went on holiday the next day! so he had stolen my number off my fone! and he text me! he came over when i got back an never went home an we are getting married next week and the way he proposed was he got down on one knee in the middle of our lounge buck naked ok so my story is not all that romantic! but there has to be some romance some where?

Well, i got my dh off the internet!!!! I had been in a very mentally and sometimes physically abusive marriage for 7 years , ifelt that i would never be able to leave as i was too ugly, too thick, etc...the usual abusive stuff that makes you feel so worthless. Then a week after watching my father die a horrific death from cancer, idecided enough is enough. My mim lent me the deposit on a gorgeous tiny victorian cottage to i moved in with just my clothes and a duvet, my frineds all rallied round and soon it was furnished!! it was a struggle to pay all the bills as my rent alone was £500 a month and i was only earning £800...i was a beauty therapist so wages were never good. But i had an absolute ball. 2 years later my brother who was alecturer at our local college said i should apply to teach beauty i did and i got the job...learnt how to use started internet dating...and met my gorgeous hubby who was in the Raf....he left the raf and moved in with me after just 3 months...and in the 2o months since that we have got our own place, i qualified as a lecturer and got my degree, he got a new job that he loves...still to do with planes....and we got married last Nov in a beautiful winter , snow queen themed wedding. We have been trying to concieve since we met!!!! but no luck it really would be the icing on the cake...but no luck ...but compared with a few years ago my life is just bloody fantastic!!!! the only sad thing is that my mum is now terminally ill too, but she gave me the money to start my new life and my dad gave me the incentive.....i was adopted at 6 weeks old but they were the best parents anyone could ever wish for x
I met my OH in secondary school. I was going out with his best friend at the time (lasted nearly 4 years). We used to pick on each other lol. Towards the end of my relationship, he was the one who was there for me as it got a bit tough. Two days after splitting up with that boyfriend, I told my OH I really liked him and he said he liked me too. So after sneaking around for a few days, we finally got together and I've never looked back. That was nearly two years ago. He actually came to my house the night we broke up and sat up with me all night just holding me. Was actually quite sweet.

The way he asked me out was hilarious..
Friend: So are you going out or what?
OH: Dunno.
Later that evening...
OH: Are we going out then?
Me: Uh.. Guess so.

Hope you don't mind me gatecrashing. I just like to come back and check in once and a while. lol.

So mine and my OH's whole story is not very romantic, and if you can make it to the end of this story, I will be completely surprised. lol

So my OH and I have known each other for years, we just weren't really friends. My high school is actually a kindergarten - 12th grade school, and we've both been there our whole school careers. When I was in 7th grade and he was in 8th, he had liked me, but I was wrapped up in my own little world. He started dating one of my best friends a little while after that. Fast forward to when I was in 10th grade. I had been through a few bad relationships by then and I started crushing on Tommy. I gotten to know him much better because of him dating my friend and I knew he was a great guy. My best friend and I had a major falling out that was completely unrelated to Tommy. I ended up moving, but moved back because of problems with my step-mom. My ex-friend was treating Tommy like garbage (worse than before) and their relationship was falling apart. Me and Tommy started talking, but it was just as friends. They broke up in March and in May a mutual friend of us all had a graduation party. We got really close at the party and then I went back to his house. We were kinda friends with benifits for that week and then we made it official. It's been almost 2 years since then and now we have a son, Aiden and are expecting another little one. We didn't get together under the best circumstances, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

He hasn't proposed yet :( but he does have plans to. He was going to on Valentine's Day, but didn't have the money. He was working odd jobs after he was done with school and before I got home, so that he could make money. I think that's really romantic.

By the way, I live in a really small town, so dating your friends' exs is very normal. Any girl in my "group" has dated another one of the girl's exs.
I wouldn't class how me and my OH got together that romantic really. I knew him from sixth form college, I was 16 and he was the year above on the same course. We never really spoke that often, he was one of those friends who I liked but definitely not in the romantic way lol. He left college and contact was lost, until a couple of years later when he randomly 'poked' me on facebook.
We got talking again, he was going through a very rough time with his girlfriend and they eventually split up. After that we we're constantly talking on facebook and such, decided to meet up to go to the cinema and for a good couple of months after he kept gatecrashing my house with pizza.
He had told me that he liked me, but I couldn't figure out where I was at the time. For Valentines last year, he gave me a dozen roses :blush: which admittedly made me go kind of gooey and a month after that we were going out. I'm glad he didn't give up on me! :happydance:
I met my OH while we worked at the bank together...definitely not romantic! But his proposal was VERY least I think so.

He took me to this beautiful restaurant for dinner and told me we were meeting friends of his there that were visiting from Australia. The entire restaurant was in on it apparently! We were brought to our table which was a small private room with candles lit everywhere! The table was set for 4 (to keep the secret going) and I was in shock they put us at such a private table. I honestly cannot believe I didn't figure it out sooner! After ordering drinks and me thinking it was a touch rude how late our friends were, Rob said to me "I have a confession, John and Tash aren't coming to dinner". that's when I knew...he got down on his knee and asked me and it was AMAZING! He had the ring custom made and designed it himself and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I cried and cried. Then he said "I have another surprise, we're staying the night here". Above the restaurant is an old manor with beautiful rooms! What a night. We ended up getting married there a year and a half later. They had beautiful gardens outside the manor :) *sigh* I'm such a lucky girl!

Awww that's beautiful!!! *tear*
Sorry it's so long!...Well me and my DH's parents were family friends, so 3 christmas' ago (I was 17, it was senior year of high school) me and my parents went to his house for christmas day. He was up in his room for a while but while I was showing off my portfolio (I'm an artist), he came down stairs and the second I saw him I had the biggest crush of my life! He loved my art and though I was really good, and I could feel the sparks between us right away. And when we hugged goodbye I tried not to melt. Here's the thing, he's 7 years older then me :blush:
so time went on and I saw him a couple months later at passover (our parents are friends with all the same people) and we were shy at first but once we started talking we didn't stop until it was time to go home. Then another couple months later was my graduation party, and he showed up a couple hours late, but again from the second he arrived I couldn't stop talking to him.
So after the party I get a call from my godmother, who by the way is my DH's godmother too, and she tells me that he likes me! I was just so thrilled. So I call him up the next day and invite him to the dog park (he kept mentioning that we should go whenever we saw each other). After an amazing day at the park, I walked him to his car and he kissed me *sigh* I knew then that this was it.

As for the proposal: last april he took me out to my fav restaurant (I very rarely go, only once a year, because it's very expensive), leading me to believe we were celebrating his new job. He couldn't even wait until the appetizers arrived, he started saying such sweet things, how much he loved me how wonderful I was, etc. and then he kept fumbling around in his jacket (that was folded up on the seat) then he actually distracted me by saying "what's that?!" and I fell for it, while he pulled out the ring box. It was so sweet, and he got me a diamond with 2 sapphires on either side and 2 tiny diamonds on the side of those. He picked it out by himself and it was so me.

Ahh, feels good to look back on such wonderful memories.
I met my husband through a friend. She had a huge crush on his roomate/bestfriend and all she would talk about was his friend. She begged me to meet them for about 2 months when I finally said ok. I went to their house where she was, my husband was the one who actually called me to ask me to come over. I ended up talking to him for about 6 hours and we have literally been togather ever since that first day. Its been 4 years now.
Mine isn't that romantic but it was very unexpected for me.

I met my OH while engaged to another man. He told me his feelings for me but I brushed it off because I thought my fiancee (who turned out to be a jerk) was 'the one.' I was smitten if you will. Anyway, I called that engagement off and got the douche bag out of my life for good.

I decided to spend some time enjoying the single life since I had been in that relationship for years. My now OH stopped contacting me assuming I was getting married to the douche bag. I did a lot of growing up during this time.

One year later, word had gotten back to my now OH that I called off the engagement and that I was single again. He found my new number somehow and called me one night and we ended up talking for hours. (long distance relationship) He came to visit 2 months later and proposed, 8 months after that we got married and moved in together :) and the rest, as they say, is history :) (dumping the douche bag was the most empowering thing ever, I love my OH and can't imagine my life without him!) :cloud9: We'll be celebrating our 18 month wedding anniversary in 10 days :happydance: Yes, we celebrate the half years too :rofl:
every ones replies are amazing an they are all romantic in their own way! stil really soppy just got back from my honeymoon thank you all for replying to my thred!!
every ones replies are amazing an they are all romantic in their own way! stil really soppy just got back from my honeymoon thank you all for replying to my thred!!

Aw congratulations! I hope you had a fantastic time! Do u mind me asking where you decided to go?
Not sure about the romance level of mine. We both met in Basic Training (Boot Camp) which is just about the worst place on earth IMHO. I knew by our second date that I was in love with him and that I would marry him (don't ask me how I knew, I just knew). We lucked in and got a posting to the same place, he arrived there three weeks ahead of me and waited for me.

Three and a half months later, one night when we were out of barracks and staying in a hotel, he did the whole drop to one knee and asked me to marry him. Apparently I said something that resembled a yes and three days later we eloped.

That was almost two years ago now and the best impulse decision of my life.
I met my oh while he was playing cricket against my dad. I can hardly remember speaking to him on the day but he gave my dad his number and asked me to call him. I did and 9 nearly 10 years later we are engaged and we have a lovely little boy and thoughts of having another.

He practiced his proposal with the cat for some weeks before he took the plunge and asked me. The cat never told me and I was shocked that I hadn't realised he was up to something as he is the worst secret keeper ever.

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