I recently lost my first baby. It wasn't planned but I was thrilled to become a mother. The father & I have a part-time relationship. He plays sports professionally & I don't want to be in the spot light. After I found out I was pregnant I didn't know his to tell him, but only days later I miscarried. I work in health & knew its common to lose your baby early on. But when I told him (over two weeks ago) he said he needed time to process it. He never can and saw me. Wasn't there to hold my hand through the D&C. I'm continually sad & as our relationship isn't one we acknowledge publicaly, I have nobody else to turn to. I've tried explaining how sad, devastated I am. That I'm scared I'll never be able to carry a baby to term. He just stated he was more upset he got me pregnant. I know grief is different for everyone, but I feel like I'm doing this alone. It's worse now as he's on break & away & I'm at home studying for exams. All he's said is he's bringing me a present home. I don't need a present. I need a shoulder to cry on. Has anyone else been in this situation? What should I do? Thank you in advance.