How do you cope with the tiredness?


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2010
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I'm really truly starting to understand why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture :cry:

Last night Izzy had a feed at 12.00and slept until 3.30 which was bliss, but then after getting her back to sleep at 4.20am she woke up again at 5.10am crying for food, and after getting her back off once more at 6.10am she was awake again at 7.30 crying for a feed again.

I'm an 8 hours a night girl (or I was before this baby lark) and I'm really struggling to cope with 5 or 6 hours of broken sleep a night, sometimes less.

I've tried napping during the day when she sleeps, but it's sods law that she normally decides to sleep whilst in the car or out in her pushchair, and if she sleeps in the house it tends to be for short bursts, so it's not really happening for me.

I feel sooooooooo tired though. When does this get better?
haha who knows? no seriously, it will get better :) that's what iv'e found tough having a baby again all my lot go to bed at 8pm and stay there till 6am unless ill lol so this baby stuff has knocked me for 6 lol hope you get sleep soon x
Have you tried co-sleeping? It has worked wonders for us.
Know how you feel - I'm three weeks in and don't know how I'm still conscious. I got a taste of the sleep deprivation before she was even born as my contractions started 1am on a Wednesday morning and I didn't give birth till 11:44 on the Saturday night - and they were uncomfortable enough that I couldn't sleep through them (or even stay lying down, I had to kneel, pace or rock). So I feel like I'm 4 weeks sleep deprived even though she's only three weeks old nearly.
At the moment my main concern is that, as she is wanting to feed constantly, I'm going to fall asleep and drop or squash her. Another thing that I can't understand is that there are parts of the day where even if she's sleeping I have too much adrenalin to get to sleep myself - I'm so tired and can't nap!! Hence why I have time to be on this forum - she's taking a rare nap and my eyes are stupidly fixed open; come eight o'clock I'll be able to sleep on my feet.
How long is the baby feeding for when they wake up for a meal? And are you sure that baby is hungry? It's so easy to misread their cries.

If the baby isn't feeding for very long, then they aren't getting enough to keep the tank full, so to speak.
Our babies are roughly the same age. I had the same last night too. Maybe it's a bit of a growth spurt?

Keep strong x
Sleep deprivation is for sure the hardest part of being a mummy! :coffee:

you kind of get used to it after a few months! your baby is still very young too hon, it is unfortunately in their nature to feed at night, but it doesn't last forever, though saying that my toddler now wakes every night while baby girl mostly sleeps through! :wacko:

some nights i get only a few hours kip and knowone loved to sleep more than me, i get through it by telling myself it wont last forever, lots of cups of tea and chocolate! :hugs:
I found that the 5 to 6 week period was the toughest. LO sleep was erratic and just when I thought he had a pattern it would change. I survived by finding a good book to read during night feeds so I had something to look forward too. I would also have someone take LO during his normal playtime during the day and nap.

You are doing great!:flower:
I could have written this post! Sol is only 2 weeks old and it was ok at first but he has wanted to feed every 90-120 mins or so last night and night before. My mum came to stay to help and toook him for me at 5am this morning when she brought him to me for a feed at 6.30am i burst into tears!
I recommend having a day in bed with the baby. Or even a week, if needed.

Sleep deprivation - agh!!! Yes, I totally get how awful it is.

But as a new mum - particularly if you only have one baby - you might be able to cut back on what you do during the day, even though you're on duty at night.

Some mums of two set up a toddler-proof room and then take the baby to bed with them in it. A mattress on the floor can be used by mum to nap!!! Dozing on the sofa isn't safe with a baby - that's a big sids risk - but co-sleeping isn't when the safety guidelines are followed esp as the risk of sids is so much lower for EBF babies. And even mums who aren't wanting to take baby to bed with them (and some mums know that they sleep too heavily to be confident) may be happy to take the baby to bed with them during the day!

The first 6 weeks were the roughest for me - my lo put on 5lbs in this time by eating constantly, 14hr cluster feeds and constant crying.....then it all calmed down. By 6/7weeks there was a clear pattern at night, we had a nightly routine with bath and feed which I think lo finally cottoned on to and started sleeping between 8-10 hrs at night (and I always went to bed when he did!!) and he feeds 2.5hrly during the day.

I'm a big sleeper and had a very long traumatic birth so was completely exhausted and overwhelmed but once you come out the other side it is so much better!!
There is usually a growth spurt around 6 weeks that could mess with sleep. The general exhaustion is just part of it all in the beginning. The world seriously feels like it stops spinning for a few weeks. I became more accustomed to the new broken sleep pattern after a couple months. I always slept for 8 hours at least before LO came along... nap in the day. I recall taking naps with the baby in bed in the afternoon which helped. We co-sleep too so I usually fall back to sleep while LO nurses.
co sleeping :lol:
Its one of the only things that has kept me sane, Along with wearing a sling.
Can you pull her into bed with you in the morning for some extra sleep? I think I stopped co sleeping around that time but would sometimes bring her in with me..still do if she wants to get up too early.
lack of sleep was one thing they didn't prepare me for when i had my lo. i know where you're coming from and i'm dreading it second time around.

with my first she just wouldn't sleep on her back and usually only left me with about an hour between feeds once i'd settled her - we ended up letting her sleep on me - which sounds scary but it was all we could do to remain sane. eventually we found sleeping on her front was the only way to go so we bought an angelcare pad but that was after about two months of sleep depravation.

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