How do you deal with worry?! I'm a mess!


Trying for #2
Jul 5, 2012
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Hey ladies. I know I'm not alone on this train of constant worry and I'm wondering how you deal with it? Sometimes it's so bad that I will be up all night crying! Always worried that something is wrong or will go wrong. Glad that I have weekly doctor appointments now as I always feel better after the appointment but I don't know if I can go 26 more days this worried about everything!

My appointments tomorrow and I'm having a scan done (last weeks showed low fluid) and I've got it in my head that the scan is going to show she hasn't grown or something horrible. I'm doing everything I can to distract myself but I know there won't be sleep tonight!
its probably not much help but I worry all of the time too..

I've had to use my doppler at 5am the last two mornings as I've woke up so scared something is wrong and can't get back to sleep..!

Not sure how much more my body can take with this much stress or my poor DH who is at his wits end with how to make me feel better :wacko:

hope everything is ok tomorrow xx
its probably not much help but I worry all of the time too..

I've had to use my doppler at 5am the last two mornings as I've woke up so scared something is wrong and can't get back to sleep..!

Not sure how much more my body can take with this much stress or my poor DH who is at his wits end with how to make me feel better :wacko:

hope everything is ok tomorrow xx

I don't have a good Doppler just a little machine my sister gave me that really doesn't work well and with only a few weeks left OH wont let me purchase a good one. The poor thing said he hopes she hurries up and comes because he can handle waking up to her crying in the middle of the night but is almost at his wits end with me. He just says that she's fine and me worrying wont change anything but its impossible not to! I get this worked up before every scan and its always something different that gets into my head.

Thanks and I hope you find a way to relax and enjoy your pregnancy as well.
I don't worry, because I tell myself that I can't really do anything about it if something does happen. Plus, worrying and getting all worked up is stressful. I read that the baby can feel your emotions and will feel similarly. Try to watch comedies or something to laugh more and enjoy your pregnancy.
I hate to say it but the worrying only gets worse when the baby is born- it is a horrible feeling and I would advise getting some help with it as it will only get you down and stress you out more. Maybe you could get some counseling? My Mum and I are real worriers and although I was not so worried when pregnant, I am a terrible worrier now. I hate taking my child to soft play and the park as I am constantly protecting her from others. I have to tell myself to let her be and act like a child should, but it is hard. Also, I worry about illness, accidents, a lot! It's just a MUm thing I guess but if you are this worried before the baby is born, you will find it hard when they are born and in your arms. You must remember that more often than not- babies are born healthy and happy! People only post/write about negative stories- there are many more positive ones that you never hear about! Giving birth is amazing and worrying will only make it a negative experience, when it should be exciting and wonderful!

You must try hard not to read ANY negative things - I try to avoid any films/tv that involves children being hurt or turn off news that upsets me- it's my way of coping! I am also going to see someone about it as I don't want to be too over protective a parent that my child is smothered by it. Not healthy!

Maybe you could look into hypno-birthing as it shows good relaxation techniques that will help you through the stress! Good luck!!
I'm terrible, its a joke now, everyday, 24/7 i worry about her movements and all the time i'm just worried if somethings wrong and if shes still there. I've been to triarge 4/5 times now for decreased fetal movement, everytime everything has obviously been fine, except last week when i went and there was dips in the heart monitor so they kept me in overnight, did heart monitoring and had a scan and she was perfectly fine, and i have growth scans every 3 weeks now this is not because something has ever been wrong, its just to keep my mind at ease. I've basically had a normal pregnancy,nothing has ever gone wrong, my midwife says i'm sailing through it but its just my paranoia and worry that's making it 10x harder on myself. Its alright saying "Oh you shouldn't worry because there's nothing you can do about it" but its your child at the end of the day and you wanna know its safe as much as possible. Though i know the worrying won't get any easier when shes here, I'd atleast be able to see her and know whats she doing and take action when needs be, even if i am still being paranoid. lol!

Thank gawd for the people around me that know me so well and have the time and patience and without the doppler and the service of Triarge i don't know how i would be getting through this. I am a real worrier infact, i'd win an award for it.

I know i probably am gonna get shouted at because all this stress effects the baby bla bla bla.. I KNOW! lol! but just wanted to let you know your not alone, i just want the next 9 weeks to hurry up.
*hugs* x
i used to worry about everything all the time, and right now I have a ton of things i could worry about but I dont have time to sit and worry anymore. If you find things o distract yourself you will find you have less to worry about. Also as long as you are doing your best at things, there isnt much you can do about the outcome of it. If you are worrying abut labor- try and remember that your body was designed for this. If you are worrying about having a newborn try and remember your instinct will tell you what to do and there is no "wrong" way to raise your child.

I am a religious person so its easy for me to just leave it up to God, you can leave it to fate or whatever views you have but anyway you look at it stress will stress the baby out. The more chill you can be the more chill your baby will be.
Thanks everyone. Went to scan today and fluid level is back to normal so wont be having any more scans. My doctor is an arrogant bitch, sorry for the language but after any question she just had something cocky and rude to say back. Hope these last few weeks fly by. I'm SO OVER the stress and the response from my doctors.
i worried about everything until my mother firmly told me that worrying would get me nowhere - what was going to happen was going to happen, despite my worrying. in fact, my worrying might cause the baby stress! worrying causes more harm than help. if i worry, i put my iPod on with some calm music, take a bath, read a book, or call a reasonable friend who can talk me down "from the worry ledge." :)

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