Know exactly how you feel and I'll repeat what the other ladies have said that its still early days and so things like house work can wait. Your health is more important so you need to rest and eat well
For me it got easier. From about 4months I started bathing and showering with DD so I'd get us both washed in one

I still do it sometimes. My LO is now slightly easier in some ways. You can put her down to do something.

do you have a baby swing or rocker? They're great and you can put LO in one and take it in the bathroom or kitchen etc. and then when LO is older you can put them in a jumperoo or high chair

Isabella would go in them (and still sits in her high chair) for a good hour so I can get things done like cooking or whatever I need to do
Another idea I had is have you looked into baby wearing? You could purchase a wrap or sling so you can keep baby close to you but have your hands free to do things