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How do you just relax about it?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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I have been away for a bit. Got married, had holiday etc etc. My and my now husband have been trying for around 6 months and nothing.
I was treated for Endometriosis in 2008 and had a Lap and HSG just the other day. The results were really good, tubes are nice and open and no more Endo was found (which was a shock as I have been in pain but they think it's IBS related) so consultant said she sees no reasons why we couldn't conceive naturally. Its too early to go for more testing but now we know that I should be ok. I just need to relax and go with the flow for a while. How the heck do I not obsess and fret about ttc? I know people without fertility problems can take a while to conceive but I am a worrier, how do I stop and just be 'normal' about it all?

Vics xx
Hi there - Congrats on your wedding - Cuba sounds lovely!
I have to say I wonder about relaxing too!
Although as far as i know, I haven't got any of the health concerns that you have and we've only been trying for a month, I'm the sort of person who likes to have everything organised and planned down to minute details so I dont have to worry about it!!!
This is something I cant plan cause you just never know when it will happen.
A month ago I thought NTNP would be fabulous and we'd just plod along.....seems different at this end of the month! lol!
For me the only way I can try to be cool with it, is that we haven't told anyone else we are trying, so we only talk about it when we are alone.
However the brain doesn't switch off and I have a boring job, so I do think about it alot.
what do the other ladies out there think?
It is very hard to just relax about trying hen you have health issues going on....I had problems with my tubes where they were scarred inside and out and twisted from an std (from my ex partner) which hospital drs failed to pick up on....I had an ectopic pregnancy from this ad they tried to correct it for me, it must have worked as I now have had 4 children since.....I know my tubes are still bad, plus only 1 side works, so it is hard to not think about it at times, but I jut go with it......Enjoy the baby dancing hun, go with the flow....You will start to relax about it, just takes a little while, in the mean time you have us lot to take your mind off it lol.....
thanks Ladies.

I have been so worried but since Lap and dye they have said I should be fine. It is hard to think of anything else but I am really going to fill my time with other stuff and try and go with the flow without obsessing. I too am an organizer but I just have to face the facts that I can't control this one!

I was all for casually ntnp ... but I can't do it :blush:!

Hi VWills

Since we decided to officially start trying 2 cycles ago, I have been so obsessive, thinking it about it all hours, deciding on baby names, looking at cot, prams etc and listening to pregnancy podcasts etc, which I enjoyed doing for the most part but during the TWW the tension builds and I feel like I'm going to go insane because I've done nothing but think babies that the idea of getting a :bfn: seems like the worst thing imaginable. Anyway when AF came last I decided enough was enough and that this month was going to be different. So I'm going to resist the urge to POAS and just start living my life again. So I'm focussing on spending more time with my friends (whilst I still can :winkwink:) going out, planning gigs and shows etc, me and the OH are planning a 3 day break later in the month and I'm also getting more involved with work stuff. Anything to take my mind of TTC and so far so good, lets just hope I can keep it up :happydance: Anyway thats my advice, when ever you find your self obsessing about it, go obsess about something else. I too am an obsessive organiser, so I'm putting that energy into our 3 day trip at the moment. hope you find something that works for you :hugs:

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