How hardcore a cloth nappy user are you?

We are 100% cloth i have used one sposie on him when i had to do a strip wash so i washed all his nappies! But now i have too many too fit in the washing machine in one go so if i need to strip wash then i have to do it in 3 loads :shy:
we have been in cloth full time for nearly 3 months but have been using cloth nappies for about 4 1/2-5 months :)

we have used disposables when we stay at my OHs parents because they live in a static caravan and dont have a washing machine or anywhere to dry them , so we dont really have much of an option there
but last time, we managed to take night nappies and a few fluffies for the day which was good :D
I'd say I'm 99%. I have a pack of sposies which I got when LO was going through a stage of pooing just before bed after I'd put her night nappy on and I kept running out of dry night nappies! Luckily she's at the bottom end (lol no pun intended) of the weight range so they should last for ages!!

I have only just enough nappies at the moment so it's good to have some as back up, especially when I keep getting vouchers for money off. I have some terries as back up as well, I actually quite enjoy using them sometimes, don't know if it will be as easy when she starts moving! :)
100% here :)

K was in disposies till 9 days old, and 50-50 till he was 3 weeks old because I didn't have enough teeny nappies. He's been full time since day 21 and never had a sposie on him since. I love my cloth and find it no hassle at all when out and about.

I do use disposie wipes when i'm out and about though! Jackson Reece ones cos they smell yummy and are lovely and organic. Think they're the only disposable thing I really use though... cloth wipes at home, csp for me, reusable bags, etc. A
full time clothbum here, hate disposables so much !
100% cloth here.

we did use sposies when we visited family for 2 weeks, she was in cloth for a couples day but then my dads washing machine packed up so we bought sposies as we were staying with him and it was easier at the time, he got a new one a day or so before we left but we just left her in the sposies until we got home n then she was straight back in cloth, she also had a sposie day last week while i strip washed all her nappies over and over as a bucket full had turned a horrid colour, but she was straight back in clotht the next day, didnt like her small sposie bum, plus it made her look tiny. she is small for a 6 month old but the cloth makes her look a little bigger and gives her a cute big butt, love it!
We're 100% now, no sign of a disposable in our house anymore xx
Full time cloth when she's with me, sposies when she's at nursery(3 days a week) although I did have a fortnight of full time sposie use a few weeks back when she had a monster growth spurt & I still had a box of size 3 Pampers that she was about to outgrow & I didnt want to waste. Once they'd been used up, we went back to cloth.
we;re pretty hardcore :) but did use sposies when on holiday as it wasnt a relaxing one it was up n down all day in Paris :p but other than that he is all cloth all the time!
Full time except for the hours which she is at nursery (3 days/week). She is changed into a disposable shortly before going to nursery and then back into cloth after her bath (or if she needs a change after getting home from nursery).

Only recently made the switch back to cloth at night. Had series of leaks when she was younger than turned me off. I have better nappies now.

Use cloth whilst on holiday if we have access to a washing machine. Also use cloth if we're going away for the weekend - pretty rare these days.
we use sposies at night as I have really been struggling with cloth at night.
I also use sposies if he is being watched by someone who can't manage the cloth ones (MIL mainly).
I will also use sposies if we go away and a washing machine isn't available (such as camping), but we tend to have cottage holidays.
Nearly all cloth when I'm home. He's in cloth overnight if I'm home the next day. But if I'm working the next day, his night nappy is disposable and then he's in disposables during the day I'm working because his daddy doesn't think he can do cloth (I use AIOs, SIOs and pockets though!). Hopefully, he'll come around.
We were full time fluff till Evie started out wetting our night boosted Popins :( So now I've admitted defeat on those for now and she's in sposies for night time. I also keep a couple in her change bag for when we're out.. just in case!
Oh, and I use Flips when we go away for long weekends.... i've got 20 stay dry and 4 organic so that does us for a 3 night stay at my mums :)
Terries at home full-time, but sposies for childminder (she's there now and then, not all the time), days out and when we're on holiday. If I'm taking the pushchair, I'll take terries out, but mostly we take a little changing bag and sposies.
100% cloth he has worn dispossibles on 2 occassions, once when my washer broke and for 2 weeks when we were in Spain but they just make him soo sore
he has sposies at night some nights (maybe 4 nights a week) when my only reliable night nappies are in the wash :haha: or if OH has got him ready for bed.
If OH gets him dressed he's usually in a sposie!
Otherwise he's in cloth the rest of the time. I make sure I put the 'easy' cloth for when he's with someone else (velcro aio's or pockets that I've got ready) but occasionally he ends up in a sposie then too.
Means we probably buy about 1 pack every 6-8 weeks haha! Sainsbury's Eco :thumbup:

Oh and as for 'hardcore' :) we used mostly cloth on holiday (but there was a washer and dryer even if i had to fight for them lol) and used some cloth on holiday in a yurt in a field!!!! used BG V3's and flips with SD or compostible inserts and crept down to the cabin on site after dark to rinse them out in the sink, then hang them up in the yurt over the fire! the compostible ones went in the compost toilets on site! I was determined to at least try it lol!
We're hardcore, 100% cloth since day 1. :). We've never used sposies so cloth is our norm.

Cloth during the day - even on nursery days (they took a good few sessions to get used to how to deal with the nappies - were even rinsing them out for me to start (dry pail!))
Disposable at night.

Currently have had no heating or hot water for a week (dead boiler) so we've been disposabling! brrrrrr
we use them 100% of the time - even my mum loves them which is handy as she is my childcare!! We had to use sposies on holiday though as there were no washing facilities..6 day old poo would not only stink, it'd ruin the nappy!! So sposies it was.

we've used them since day 3, which is pretty impressive i think. We used sposies at night until just over a month ago, when i have found a few night nappies that work for us!

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