How is that even possible?????


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
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OH just back from taking Anna to her infant follow up appointment.

Their scales show she has LOST 0.4grams since 25th may.

Reeaaalyy???!!! I mean, at the rate she eats, how is that even possible?! For her to not have put any weight on in a month. WTF.

Despite my HV telling me that all the scales here are regularly balanced or whatever it is, I don't believe her. Once she came back a few days later to re-check a weight and the original one had been waay off.

SO, I am bidding on a pair of seca scales (the exact ones the HV here have) on ebay Il blimmin weigh her myself.
Going to get a metal weight too and check it before I use it every time. Maybe they should be doing that every time they use the scales, I mean, being moved around that much cannot be good for them surely???

Then they had a go at OH cause I missed the occupational therapist. I've had no blimmin house phone! And as far as Im concerned, it was voluntary! They don't help, tbh they are more interested in cuddles from LO and they just annoy me, they never give me any tips etc. I'm fed up of folk in my house :cry: I just want to be normal! Fed up of it all!

ETA: I do have an appointment at the doctors, I am getting depressed... I feel like I have had a small baby for a year she can't even sit up yet it's so tiring and frustrating :cry: 3 weeks away from being a year since she came home I feel like she is so behind :cry: they just say, she will catch up, etc, yes, but WHEN?? :(
I'm so sorry.
I hope it's no big deal...
Abby's weight was all over the place from about 9 months old. She had gained steadily then it went nuts. No matter what she ate, sometimes she gained weight and sometimes she lost it. We eventually learned not to be bothered by it.
Im with you on the weight thing, Niamh eats loads, has two bottles a day and has only put on an oz in a month. I just dont get it.
My son was severe iugr and is still having problems with his weight sometimes he gains sometimes not he is going to turn one this week and is still very small, even though he is drinking and eating. He is not fully rolling over but can turn to each side and can sit up when he wants to but that's about it, the nurses etc are not concerned with his development more about the weight gain. It is hard and I feel what am I doing wrong for him not to gain steady weight but it's just one of those things I guess which we don't have much control over. Take care sending positive thoughts to you

My son was a severe case of iugr also. He was born 2nd percentile. Fast forward a year of eating a LOT and often and now he's... 3rd percentile :dohh: so I understand the frustration of no weight gain! Seems nothing we do makes a difference :nope: I hope the scale will allow you to at least manage her weight yourself :hugs:
Oooft I hear you Hun, Alex was the same, I'm like, wtf, WHERE is it going??!!
It is possible that they got it wrong. My LO was weighed incorrectly twice while on the neonatal unit.

The first time was at birth when they weighed him at 6lb 11 rather than 5lb 1 which he actually was. They didn't realise their mistake until the next day, despite the nurse on my ward calling to query it as she thought it unlikely that a 6 week prem baby would be 6lb 11oz.

Then, a couple of days before I brought him home, they weighed him and told me that he had lost weight which devastated me as I had been trying to breastfeed him and thought it was going really well. It wasn't until they weighed another baby on the unit who was bottle fed and it showed that she had also lost lots of weight, that they questioned it and realised it was the scales that were the problem.

I hope that the scales were wrong for you too. x
It is possible that they got it wrong. My LO was weighed incorrectly twice while on the neonatal unit.

The first time was at birth when they weighed him at 6lb 11 rather than 5lb 1 which he actually was. They didn't realise their mistake until the next day, despite the nurse on my ward calling to query it as she thought it unlikely that a 6 week prem baby would be 6lb 11oz.

Then, a couple of days before I brought him home, they weighed him and told me that he had lost weight which devastated me as I had been trying to breastfeed him and thought it was going really well. It wasn't until they weighed another baby on the unit who was bottle fed and it showed that she had also lost lots of weight, that they questioned it and realised it was the scales that were the problem.

I hope that the scales were wrong for you too. x

Its not impossible, my lo was 8lb 15 5 weeks early.
thanks everyone :)

ive had mixed responses off forum so just going to do it my way and then if the scales are right, i will know for sure they are right.
either that or just buy a metal weight and ask them for my piece of mind can they weigh it first LOL they will prob look at me like Im crazy.

she seemed to have put on more than 'normal' (for her) last time, so maybe it could have been that the scales were off that time. Doesn't help that its different scales when she gets weighed at the hospital etc.
Hiya Dixie, we're in same boat with Ella, last time she got weighed she'd lost over 4oz in a month and she's fed by tube still so is getting ALL the calories she needs for her weight and age and still lost weight, she's not yet been above the 0.4centile. Ive learnt now not to be bothered by what scales say, i can see she's growing and getting bigger xx
It is possible that they got it wrong. My LO was weighed incorrectly twice while on the neonatal unit.

The first time was at birth when they weighed him at 6lb 11 rather than 5lb 1 which he actually was. They didn't realise their mistake until the next day, despite the nurse on my ward calling to query it as she thought it unlikely that a 6 week prem baby would be 6lb 11oz.

Then, a couple of days before I brought him home, they weighed him and told me that he had lost weight which devastated me as I had been trying to breastfeed him and thought it was going really well. It wasn't until they weighed another baby on the unit who was bottle fed and it showed that she had also lost lots of weight, that they questioned it and realised it was the scales that were the problem.

I hope that the scales were wrong for you too. x

Its not impossible, my lo was 8lb 15 5 weeks early.

I know it's not impossible but unusual enough for the nurses to question it. I was also surprised that the neonatal nurse who weighed him didn't double check it as I would have though that in the business they are in, they would be able to tell the difference between a 5lb and a 7lb baby.
Well I now have reason to question her last weigh in!

from the 25th may she was 13lb 3oz
then when she was weighed on the 4th july she was 13lb 1oz

But now she has been weighed on the 20th july she is 14lb 14.5oz!! There is NO WAY she can have put on a whole pound in just over two weeks!! She has never put weight on that fast in her life!!

I haven't been doing anything differently, she has been eating just the same as she was before! But at least it means the HV isn't going to try and come every week, ok she wants to come back in two weeks.
And I told her I wasn't finding the occupational therapists helpful- they wrote a letter saying they had highlighted concerns but they NEVER said anything to me! They told the HV they wanted to give me equipment to help her sit up and I said well I don't need that now she can sit.
HV said well she's still not sitting unsupported- Yes, because she is on my KNEE Im not going to let her go incase she falls off! (stupid woman) and said she wanted to see her sitting (hello, don't you believe me?!) I said Im not putting her on the floor because she will want to crawl and she has just had her dinner so she will be sick.
She kept on about the OT coming out to give me some info etc I said I really don't feel like I need it I managed with my son to get him to sit stand and walk without people telling me how to do it, she will do it when she is ready, she has only just learned to sit up and walk!

She was here for like half an hour would not take the hint to go away! Grr. And she had a go at me because I wasn't going to be available the day she wanted to come back! I said I can't do that I have an agility display with my dog at the stewartry show and I don't know what time I will be there or back. My son asked where he was going that day and I said will have to find a babysitter so HV went on at me why can't the kids come and watch? Well I have no one to watch them while I run and sure I want to leave my two kids on their own where its really busy??! DUH so then she went on to my son about how I can't be distracted. WTF is she on?! Agh lol.

Hmm and then she had the nerve to tell me that she wasn't sure about amber teething necklaces and she would have to do some research on it first! Ehhh heloo- MY baby!!! I said Oh it just promotes natural pain killers when its on the skin.

I had to get my son to go put his jumper and shoes on to go to the shop to get her to leave! Now she has been here that long Ive missed the dry part of the day and its now peeing it down!

I wish I had a nice HV but now I just can't wait for her to bugger off :(
She sounds like an utter witch!!!! :hugs:

Funny you should say about the scales though, Alex was weighed this week and was noted down as 24lb 1oz, because the scales stated '24.1'. If Alex was 24lb 1oz it would say 24.01 not 24.1.... Go figure ;)

Worryingly this woman weighs all the babies, just how wrong does she get it??

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