Hi ladies,
I just want a bit of reassurance really. I keep hearing how you're more fertile after a miscarriage and seeing all these stories of women who conceive quickly after but I'm now onto my third cycle since MC (didn't ovulate between MC and first AF) and nothing. I'm not even sure I'm ovulating because the signs I normally get are not as obvious as they were before. I think I'm just feeling a bit down because even though I was pregnant in the middle it's been 8 months now since we started trying for number 2.
As I say, everything I read seems to be straight away or not for ages and I would really like to hear there is a middle ground and that the fact it's not happened yet doesn't mean we'll still be trying this time next year.
I just want a bit of reassurance really. I keep hearing how you're more fertile after a miscarriage and seeing all these stories of women who conceive quickly after but I'm now onto my third cycle since MC (didn't ovulate between MC and first AF) and nothing. I'm not even sure I'm ovulating because the signs I normally get are not as obvious as they were before. I think I'm just feeling a bit down because even though I was pregnant in the middle it's been 8 months now since we started trying for number 2.
As I say, everything I read seems to be straight away or not for ages and I would really like to hear there is a middle ground and that the fact it's not happened yet doesn't mean we'll still be trying this time next year.