i had a chemical last month, and people are telling me i am very fertile now, i was wondering when i could expect my period, or if i could try again before i get my period if i see signs of ovulation..like maybe 14 days after MC
i miscarried in april,got af exactly 4 weeks after and fell pregnant again that cycle and i'm almost 19 weeks now. unless there is any medical reason not to and you feel ready then i don't think there is any reason to wait.
Everyone told me that you are more fertile for about 3 months after mc but i don't know how true it is.xxx.
i think if its a chemical they just tell you to wait for AF so they can date the next pregnancy, I had one a week ago and the doctors didn't even consider me "pregnant" they just said it was a late period for the most part since it doesn't really implant
I read your more "fertile" bc your progesterone levels are higher when pregnant & still in your body, so they help make you more sperm friendly