How long did you breastfeed for?

1st 8 months, 2nd 2&1/2 years (he loved it)! This one want to stop at 6 months for various reasons xx
Boobies are the answer to around 98% of a breastfed babies problems.
Tired? Boobie!
Hungry? Boobie!
Bumped head? Boobie!
Bit bored? Boobie!

I think I'd struggle to parent if I had to FF as I'm so use to just being able to pop a boobie in babies mouth and solve almost everything.

exactly this! I have no idea where id be without boobies lol.
Boobies are the answer to around 98% of a breastfed babies problems.
Tired? Boobie!
Hungry? Boobie!
Bumped head? Boobie!
Bit bored? Boobie!

I think I'd struggle to parent if I had to FF as I'm so use to just being able to pop a boobie in babies mouth and solve almost everything.

exactly this! I have no idea where id be without boobies lol.

And unlike TV or sweets boobies are a quick fix you don't feel guilty about using :)
I'm still feeding ds2 and he's almost 3years 3months and still feeding ds3 who is 8.5 months
I didn't even want to breastfeed when I was pregnant, OH said I should at least give it a go, I don't know why but I didn't like the thought of breastfeeding at all, my mum use to breastfeed by brother at 2 and just found it weird so anyways towards the end I thought ok ill give it a ago but I'm gonna combi feed.

So my son was born and once I saw his little face I just wanted to give him that which was best and breastfeed, I wouldn't even latch, I cried and thought I was failing my own baby, the midwives were hand expressing the colostrum an it was so painful, eventually I used the hospital medela electric pump and was giving him lil drops, it so sad because he wouldn't latch yet I didn't want to give up, we used syringes and he finally latched to the left side but it always took about ten mins to get him on, what I'm saying is breastfeeding can be really difficult during the first few weeks.

I even had a tub of Aptamil in the house but refused to give it to him, I don't know what came onto me, I was just set on breastfeeding and breastfeeding only.

Anyways cut long story short but my son is now 23 months and is still breastfeeding, doesn't look like he will be stopping any time soon, his boob obsessed, I've tried to cut it down because once I began breastfeeding my goal was to get to 6 months then a year but now I would like to stop at 2 which he will be very soon!

I'm proud we've come this far, especially after everyone thinking I'm mad and getting told everyday that I should formula feed even by health visitors!

Still till this day I'm getting told I should stop now, my OH is also asking when I'm gonna stop lol.

Good luck :flow:
I didn't even want to breastfeed when I was pregnant, OH said I should at least give it a go, I don't know why but I didn't like the thought of breastfeeding at all, my mum use to breastfeed by brother at 2 and just found it weird so anyways towards the end I thought ok ill give it a ago but I'm gonna combi feed.

So my son was born and once I saw his little face I just wanted to give him that which was best and breastfeed, I wouldn't even latch, I cried and thought I was failing my own baby, the midwives were hand expressing the colostrum an it was so painful, eventually I used the hospital medela electric pump and was giving him lil drops, it so sad because he wouldn't latch yet I didn't want to give up, we used syringes and he finally latched to the left side but it always took about ten mins to get him on, what I'm saying is breastfeeding can be really difficult during the first few weeks.

I even had a tub of Aptamil in the house but refused to give it to him, I don't know what came onto me, I was just set on breastfeeding and breastfeeding only.

Anyways cut long story short but my son is now 23 months and is still breastfeeding, doesn't look like he will be stopping any time soon, his boob obsessed, I've tried to cut it down because once I began breastfeeding my goal was to get to 6 months then a year but now I would like to stop at 2 which he will be very soon!

I'm proud we've come this far, especially after everyone thinking I'm mad and getting told everyday that I should formula feed even by health visitors!

Still till this day I'm getting told I should stop now, my OH is also asking when I'm gonna stop lol.

Good luck :flow:

Hi babyjan,
Thanks for sharing your experience. It's really encouraging to know that you didn't give up and your little one got the hang of it too. I do think it will be trial and error at first but I want to be like that and not give into formula just because it's easier. At a later date I probably will combi feed and give baby boobies when they're tired of in need of comfort and slowly ween them off that way but I would like to do it as long as he/she needs x
I think you BF a lot of people are going to tell you to stop or to suppliment no matter how well it goes. Unfortunatly most people really don't know much about BFing. There are constant questions and comments from well meaning doctors, HVs, relatives, friends and strangers.

"You have to give formula until your milk comes in"

"Are you sure you have enough milk because so and so didn't and the doctor told them they had to switch to formula"

"if you gave a bottle at night she'd sleep better"

"aren't you giving her water (or herb tea, or baby rice etc)".

"You can use the formula that is just like breast milk"

"Do you still have enough milk?"(look of aw and wonder on their face)

"He's too old for that now"

"How is he going to learn to be independant while your still breastfeeding him"

I have never actually received any nasty or disaprooving comments yet but it was the well meaning ones that got to me. I was surprised by how much the comments shook me at first, especially when LO had trouble putting on weight. In the end I found the best thing is just to smile and quietly get on with it. Just make sure when you do stop it's because it's right for you and LO, not because of some one else. And it is such a satisfying and natural relationship once you get the hang of it.
My first I ended up having to pump for and I pumped for 14 months until I got pregnant and my supply dropped too much. So far breastfeeding with DD#2 has gone off without a hitch and I would love to make it until 2 years with her.
My first I formula fed,my second I breastfed for 23months,my third self weaned at 34 months.

If you expect that you might encounter problems,might experience negative attitudes,may even doubt yourself,but you still want to do it,with the right support,you can succeed.

I had tongue and lip ties,mastitis,several bouts of thrush and a baby who was born at 10lb5 which the midwifes told me meant I wouldnt satisfy him.I still did it.My mum even said I would fail,cos she couldnt do it.That just made me more determined.

The breastfeeding section of bnb has been a total lifeline throughout!
My first I formula fed,my second I breastfed for 23months,my third self weaned at 34 months.

If you expect that you might encounter problems,might experience negative attitudes,may even doubt yourself,but you still want to do it,with the right support,you can succeed.

I had tongue and lip ties,mastitis,several bouts of thrush and a baby who was born at 10lb5 which the midwifes told me meant I wouldnt satisfy him.I still did it.My mum even said I would fail,cos she couldnt do it.That just made me more determined.

The breastfeeding section of bnb has been a total lifeline throughout!

Totally agree with this. I think I might have stopped by now without this section, not because I don't like bfing, but because the overwhelming attitude of the people in my life are "well, it's time." My mom advised me to stop at 12 months. I think that reading experiences of full-term breastfeeders has opened my eyes to the fact that I don't have to stop. Truly, I have no reason to. My milk is still good. It's free. It's convenient. My boy likes it.

Of all the things I do all day, nursing is the easiest and most relaxing. And I'm supposed to give it up?? :shrug:
Still tandem nursing here, although only once a day for Alice now (she was 4 in August).

I've been very fortunate in having very few issues, and a load of support. Getting that support really is crucial I think. I honestly don't know how I'd have coped if I'd had to use bottles. I don't think I'm organised enough!
I think you BF a lot of people are going to tell you to stop or to suppliment no matter how well it goes. Unfortunatly most people really don't know much about BFing. There are constant questions and comments from well meaning doctors, HVs, relatives, friends and strangers.

"You have to give formula until your milk comes in"

"Are you sure you have enough milk because so and so didn't and the doctor told them they had to switch to formula"

"if you gave a bottle at night she'd sleep better"

"aren't you giving her water (or herb tea, or baby rice etc)".

"You can use the formula that is just like breast milk"

"Do you still have enough milk?"(look of aw and wonder on their face)

"He's too old for that now"

"How is he going to learn to be independant while your still breastfeeding him"

I have never actually received any nasty or disaprooving comments yet but it was the well meaning ones that got to me. I was surprised by how much the comments shook me at first, especially when LO had trouble putting on weight. In the end I found the best thing is just to smile and quietly get on with it. Just make sure when you do stop it's because it's right for you and LO, not because of some one else. And it is such a satisfying and natural relationship once you get the hang of it.

This is true. I'm sure I will hit alot of things like that.. my OH family aren't really that supportive of us anyway, spending more time with my partners stepsister than him so I can imagine I may be discouraged along the way but I don't want to give up :) and as for people not liking public breastfeeding, it's ridiculous! I saw a ladies siggy the other day and It said " Don't like me breastfeeding in public? Put a blanket over YOUR head" made me laugh x
Charlie is 13 months old and I still BF right before her bedtime. Other then that she's on 3.25% milk. And i'm newly pregnant so i kinda want to wean her off when DS gets here lol. But OMG it's almost heartbreaking thinking about it. I love BF.

And to make mathers worse my best friend who is completly against breastfeeding due to the fact that she believes breasts should actualy only be considered sexual has flat out told me multiple times that i'm weird and should of cut out BF a long time ago. Kinda hurts u know when people dont understand and try to inforce their pov on others. You went with formula and that's fine for you. But i love bf and that'S that LOL.

Any others in that type of situation? Does it make your stomac sick thinking of giving up breastfeeding???
Charlie is 13 months old and I still BF right before her bedtime. Other then that she's on 3.25% milk. And i'm newly pregnant so i kinda want to wean her off when DS gets here lol. But OMG it's almost heartbreaking thinking about it. I love BF.

And to make mathers worse my best friend who is completly against breastfeeding due to the fact that she believes breasts should actualy only be considered sexual has flat out told me multiple times that i'm weird and should of cut out BF a long time ago. Kinda hurts u know when people dont understand and try to inforce their pov on others. You went with formula and that's fine for you. But i love bf and that'S that LOL.

Any others in that type of situation? Does it make your stomac sick thinking of giving up breastfeeding???

Honestly..... I don't think she's be my best friend any more. I think its weird to see breasts as just sexual. The reason men like them so much is a good pair of knockers shows that a woman is gonna be able to feed any children he produces by mating with her.... at least that's what the primal male brain is thinking whilst the "modern" male brain is just drooling with that stupid "I can see boobs" look.
Charlie is 13 months old and I still BF right before her bedtime. Other then that she's on 3.25% milk. And i'm newly pregnant so i kinda want to wean her off when DS gets here lol. But OMG it's almost heartbreaking thinking about it. I love BF.

And to make mathers worse my best friend who is completly against breastfeeding due to the fact that she believes breasts should actualy only be considered sexual has flat out told me multiple times that i'm weird and should of cut out BF a long time ago. Kinda hurts u know when people dont understand and try to inforce their pov on others. You went with formula and that's fine for you. But i love bf and that'S that LOL.

Any others in that type of situation? Does it make your stomac sick thinking of giving up breastfeeding???

Honestly..... I don't think she's be my best friend any more. I think its weird to see breasts as just sexual. The reason men like them so much is a good pair of knockers shows that a woman is gonna be able to feed any children he produces by mating with her.... at least that's what the primal male brain is thinking whilst the "modern" male brain is just drooling with that stupid "I can see boobs" look.

Exactly!!! Sad since she's always been the type of person that can say what she thinks but if you say something it's WW3. Then again the first words out of her mouth after giving birth was finaly i have my body back (while getting up to check for stretch marks) soooooo u kinda understand the type of person she is :(
I wouldn't tell someone they are wrong for thinking of boobs as only sexual because they may not be able to help feeling like that due to how they were raised but it is weird and they can't expect every one to feel like they do.

I don't really see what the problem with boobs being for more than one thing is. I mean I use my mouth to eat and speek but it doesnt stop me from kissing with it :).
I see everyone saying how many months they made it...DS is 1 day shy of 2 weeks and we are having such difficulty...he only latches with nipple shield and it is too big for his mouth so he doesn't get all of it...and he only latches I have to pump and give it via bottle too...very frustrating situation...trying so hard not to give up as he doesn't seem to care for formula which I don't want him to really not yet...and he likes the breastmilk...just wish he would take it from me...hope we can make it even half as far as you ladies have...
I see everyone saying how many months they made it...DS is 1 day shy of 2 weeks and we are having such difficulty...he only latches with nipple shield and it is too big for his mouth so he doesn't get all of it...and he only latches I have to pump and give it via bottle too...very frustrating situation...trying so hard not to give up as he doesn't seem to care for formula which I don't want him to really not yet...and he likes the breastmilk...just wish he would take it from me...hope we can make it even half as far as you ladies have...

Hey, I don't have much time to reply to this atm, but I didn't want to read and run. I hear you, I had so many problems at the start too, but I didn't give up and we have made it 15 months smooth sailing now. You will get help here and try to use your local resources!
Mom2hope,I know, it is so hard at the beginning!

How long have you been using the nipple shield?You need to try and let baby practise more without the shield as the longer you use it the harder baby will find latching onto you.
Using bottles is easier and babies can start to see that as a lazy option when they have to work at the breast.
It will be hard but cutting out. the bottles will really help.Have you got any local bf groups you can attend to get help?

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