How long did you breastfeed for?


Mum to two :)
Jul 30, 2011
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Just out of curiosity really!

I breastfed my first for 10 days, stopping because of mastitis & not being able to feed through my terribly cracked nipples.

I'm still feeding my 7week old but I don't enjoy it like many other people say they do, so I can't see myself feeding for much longer than 3 months.

I'm currently bf my 5.5 month-old, and bf ds1 for about 4 months.

Bf is tough, but it has gotten easier for me this time.

I am a big fan of doing what you think is best and standing behind your reasons.

I hope your path gets easier :)
I fed DD1 for 9 months, the last three were a struggle because she had issues with weight loss and getting sick, my supply was low and nothing helped. It was horrid. Not to mention that she would nurse for 1-2 hours at a time, plus clusterfeeding so I was ALWAYS bfing. I hated it then. I expected the same with my twins but they're still going strong and I've only had minor problems with them which have been solved with an increase in drinking water and fenugreek pills. If it continues like this, I plan to go to 2 years or whenever they self-wean! I love it this time!
My son self weaned, on the early side, just after 18 months.

I found it very difficult in the beginning, I had a severe tear so couldn't sit up, my milk didn't come in until day 6 so my son lost over 12% of his birth weight. My nipples were cracked and bleeding - to the point my son threw up my blood when we were in hospital (midwife said was fine and not to worry but I felt horrible). It was awful. Our health visitor was also pushing formula because he was a slow weight gainer (GP assured me he was healthy). It was hard going but I'm glad i kept going because it did get better. I can't remember when but it really did get easier x
I breastfed LO for 10 months. The first 8 weeks weren't very much fun as it hurt so much to start with then we both got thrush, but glad I stuck with it, as really enjoyed bf'ing in the end x
I've ticked 12-18m, thinking about weaning slowly after her 1st bday but actually might not & just let her self wean when she's ready. She feeds morning & night now so very easy to keep going
Oldest self weaned at 4.5 years.
Tandem feeding 3 year old and 8 month old.
Been bf for 25 months. I am planning to let her self wean although she shows no signs of being ready for that anytime soon.

I hope it gets easier for you. It's so hard at first but it does get easier I promise. Maybe make a topic in the bf section, there are lots of ladies there who will be able to offer advice :hugs:
Been bf for 25 months. I am planning to let her self wean although she shows no signs of being ready for that anytime soon.

I hope it gets easier for you. It's so hard at first but it does get easier I promise. Maybe make a topic in the bf section, there are lots of ladies there who will be able to offer advice :hugs:

I was also going to say maybe post a poll in the toddler section, as you may get more accurate responses (ie I voted 3-6 months but my son is still bf :))
I bf my DD1 until she was just over a year, it was hard at first, but I kept going and glad I did, I just think it's so much easier and convenient as DD1 and now DD2 like to be fed now and don't like waiting!! But agree with another poster, I think people should do what they find best for themselves and their baby. I'm not planning on feeding DD2 for as long as I'll be going back to work earlier.
Only 9 weeks unfortunately. Had terrible pain with latching, even though it looked right it never didn't hurt and combined with formula.
Then got ductal thrush ushered out door by two drs and told to stop bf as I was Imagining the pain.... floods of tears do not quite describe how much I cried in the room when the doctors told me that!!
Then with the support of my support workers I only fed her once a day, and then really enjoyed it, but within a couple of weeks my milk dried up and my daughter frustrated with sucking but not getting enough milk.

It was my dream to ebf for at least 6 months but just couldn't.... the guilt I felt at stopping was awful, but now she is piling on the weight and becoming a right little chunk!!
Currently at 10.5 months. Not planning on stopping any time soon. First 3 months were horrendous, felt like she was attached 24/7. Its great now though, stops baby tantrums and stops tears after a tumble!!
My first I fed for 9 months so I voted that (although we were combi feeding from 7 months) I'm still BF DS2 now at 4 months, I really dislike BF for lots reasons but I will push myself to feed exclusively for 6 months, after that point I will stop being so hard on myself and will probably combi feed on top of weaning.
I breastfed for 3 weeks and expressed for 6 weeks. The reasons I stopped were so silly when I look back -
I worse alot of floaty dresses that are quite high necked so I couldnt breastfeed wearing them, I had barely any other suitable clothes and was totally skint (really vest tops are about £1.50)
I was anxious having people over to visit and me having to breastfeed infront of them or go in another room.

in public id end up breastfeesing in a toilet cubicle or hidden away somewhere which made me want to sray in alot more than I would have.

this time iv decided not to give a shit about others, because realistically very few people actually care ..... so my aim this time is at least 3 months but hoping for 6 months
I breastfed my first for 6 months and my God it was hard, I really struggled. With my LO now I am going to see how I get on, so far so good...I am having a better experience thank God! xx
1 year for my 1st, 9 months for my 2nd. With my 2nd I really didn't enjoy it, it was always uncomfortable (not really painful, but my nipples seemed to become super sensitive and I cringed through feeds) and and I got mastitis a lot (I had it for 8 weeks solid at one point, had an abcess and was on so many different antibiotics which made me feel worse). However when DD was 9 months she stopped feeding out of no where (after being a total milk guzzler) and I was really sad and emotional about it, I wasn't ready for her to stop!
16 months with dd1. Dd2 started refusing the breast at 3 months, so after many stressful boob battles with her I started exclusively expressing. Introduced formula a couple of weeks ago and now combi feeding.
I'm still breast feeding my 27 month old, it was lovely when he was younger and I'm really proud of how far we've come especially having a difficult start but right now I would like to stop ASAP! Think 2 years is enough for us but my son has other plans lol x
Thanks everyone for your replies. It's good to see such a range of experiences. Xx

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