How long did you breastfeed for?

I can understand where you are coming from as I am also one of the more unusual people who dislike breastfeeding. It's just not that amazing bonding exprenice most people seem to have to me. I am breastfeeding my 10 week old still and will until about 6 months old as I'm going back to work at 7 months.

People tell me that it's difficult and that I will learn to love it but it hasn't been difficult this time, no pain, no major bouts of cluster feeding, no latching issues. I just don't enjoy it.
I bf my first for 4 months but that was alongside formula (he had tongue tie and I had low supply - a bad combination!).

Still bfing exclusively this time. But, honestly, I'm not enjoying it much either! I am getting sleep in half hour snatches at best, because my baby (who sleeps FINE during the day of course) is so unsettled at night with what seem to be gas pains or something. I am pushing through because I wanted soooo much to ebf last time and I owe it to myself to do this, but sleep deprivation to this degree just means I am in tears most of the time. :( I hope it get easier soon, because my mum is leaving next week and I have a toddler to care for too!
People can't believe me even I tell them I'm not enjoying breast feeding, I don't feel any closer to my son than my daughter who was ff. it's easier for night feeds, but saying that he is a terrible sleeper day and night anyway so not much easier really :( xxx
I'm still BFing but aiming to move over to formula in the next few weeks. DD is now 25wks and starting to wean onto solids. I've said once she's on solids, I'd like to swap to formula as BFing is becoming difficult now. My supply drops every month as AF has returned so we have a week of fighting due to low supply, add that to her getting so easily distracted during every feed. I'm just not enjoying it any more.

I'm happy I got to 6 months, and emotionally I'm okay with stopping now. I never thought I'd breastfeed to begin with anyway. I had it all set in my mind that we would ff from day 1 but OH wanted me to try BFing. We did really well until week 4 when I very nearly gave up. We both got thrush that lasted 2 months! The treatment the GP gave us just wasn't doing the trick, until finally they agreed to let us try something else. The thrush was gone within a week! I actually started to really enjoy it after that.

I'm a big believer in doing what you feel is best. It's got to work for you and LO, and if BFing isn't, formula will. No pressure, no judgement. :thumbup:

ETA - I've just noticed you're from Norwich, I'm about 20mins outside of Norwich. Small world :)
I planned to bf for a year, but we are still feeding 3-5 times (plus whatever numbers of just suckling to sleep during the night) a day at 15 months. I'm okay with stopping now but I'm too scared of the drama that would ensue if I were to try to prevent him from getting to my/his boobs. Right now, it's the easier path.

If you've set a goal of 3 months, get there and then reevaluate. For me, once I got to 3 months, I figured I would get to 6 months, and after that I felt like it would be a waste to stop because it was beginning to get easier and this is what all the hard work for the last few months was for. There are still problems that come up, but there's more good than bad now. If you're unhappy, then you can move on to formula knowing you've tried.
My initial goal was 6 weeks so I've now changed it to 10 weeks. I'll reevaluate then like you say. I'm just waiting for the day it all gets easier and I still feel like he's a couple days old the way he feeds ! xxx
I BF my first for 19mo (he weaned once I lost my supply while pregnant)
I am tandem feeding my 2.5yo and 4 week old.
I lasted 5.5 months and I had major supply issues so it was not an enjoyable experience for me either...
For me, once BF is established I can't imagine FF being easier. Buying bottles, sterilizing, packing them with me all the time, etc. I have to chase my other kids and we're out and about so much that being able to feed LO at a moment's notice anytime anywhere is just way too convenient. And free.

But really, I don't really "enjoy" BF. I do it because it's the best for LO, it's easy, it's free, and it's extremely convenient. But I don't hate it either - if I had real problems with it then I would have to reevaluate my plans!
Started combi-feeding sometime after 4 months, and combi-feeding was the end of bf'ing for nutrition for us...she wants boobie only when she's sleepy. Even though I chose "bf-friendly" bottles, she just doesn't want boob anymore when she's hungry, but will want it when she's sleepy/tired and it is the fastest thing that helps her sleep. However, I do think she will be off the boob completely soon. I won't really get into how this all happened as we ebf till 4 months, but it was mostly "going with my gut" based on all information I had in front of me.

I didn't love bf'ing as I thought I would also and it was very painful until 3 months. The funny thing is, her latch improved SO much now that she is only nursing shortly once a day and getting bottles the rest of the time.
I bf my first until 18 second ten months (she weaned herself) and am currently bfing my ten month old and he LOVES it so no stopping any time soon!
I think small goals are good!:):)
I'm not enjoying it either. I have to pump a lot because she isn't too efficient and I need to get sleep. When I don't sleep I get stressed and weepy (hormones + no sleep = bad combo for me) and then I don't produce much milk. I've had one issue after another. First it was milk production, resulting in cracked and bloody nipples. Then it was crap latch making it hurt. Then it was my diet, where she had horrible diarrhea from whatever was in my milk. I threw out everything in the fridge and started anew (that was week 2). This week it was her rejecting my milk and I discovered the enzyme in milk goes bad after a certain time -- it had a metallic and soapy smell. I had to chuck out 75% of what was in the fridge. Again. Now I think my right nipple might slight thrush. She can't latch properly on the left most times because it's flat and doesn't protrude. My nipples always feel wretched and occasionally (though not often) I get random sensations running through my breasts. And did I mention the hormones and libido? I have none right now. Oh, and I periodically get weepy or mad at my husband for no damned reason. I feel like I have PMS symptoms on steroids some days.

So, yes, sterilizing bottles and nipples isn't much fun, but then neither is being up constantly at night, or being unable to go anywhere (without the baby) all because the sole person responsible for feeding is me. I prefer to pump and sterilize everything because - for example - last night I got 8 hours of sleep, only woke once around 3.5-4 hours to pump and my husband fed the baby. I have also begun exercising again and was able to go out for a jog today. On a more serious note, last week I had a bureaucratic appointment on the other side of the city in which I didn't want to take her because I had to be in a waiting room full of foreigners from around the world. I was worried she might catch something either from the public transit on the way there or from the 50+ sitting in close proximity to each other. If I didn't have her father feeding her from a bottle then none of these situations would have been easily possible this early on.

I don't think this is going to last for me. I've made it into month 2 now, so my plan is to take it week by week. I hope to make it to the end of month 2. If I can do that, then I believe I can make it to 12 weeks. Not that anyone is counting (yeah, right) but for me that will be the third week in June I believe. But even 8 weeks would make me happy. I've started freezing my milk to see if that helps with the enzyme issue (midwife says it likely will if I then use the milk quickly after it's thawed, like within half a day or less).

In any case, I don't like this at all. I just feel pain and upset and guilty for not enjoying it. In contrast I feel much more bonded with my daughter when we're cuddling, napping, and "playing" together. She's already smiling at me when I talk to her and she gets excited when she hears my voice. She gladly takes the bottle from me even if she does that eye movement, rooting for, and sniffing towards my breasts (this actually really bothers me and makes me feel depressed because I feel like a dairy cow and that's it...).
I'm not enjoying it either. I have to pump a lot because she isn't too efficient and I need to get sleep. When I don't sleep I get stressed and weepy (hormones + no sleep = bad combo for me) and then I don't produce much milk. I've had one issue after another. First it was milk production, resulting in cracked and bloody nipples. Then it was crap latch making it hurt. Then it was my diet, where she had horrible diarrhea from whatever was in my milk. I threw out everything in the fridge and started anew (that was week 2). This week it was her rejecting my milk and I discovered the enzyme in milk goes bad after a certain time -- it had a metallic and soapy smell. I had to chuck out 75% of what was in the fridge. Again. Now I think my right nipple might slight thrush. She can't latch properly on the left most times because it's flat and doesn't protrude. My nipples always feel wretched and occasionally (though not often) I get random sensations running through my breasts. And did I mention the hormones and libido? I have none right now. Oh, and I periodically get weepy or mad at my husband for no damned reason. I feel like I have PMS symptoms on steroids some days.

So, yes, sterilizing bottles and nipples isn't much fun, but then neither is being up constantly at night, or being unable to go anywhere (without the baby) all because the sole person responsible for feeding is me. I prefer to pump and sterilize everything because - for example - last night I got 8 hours of sleep, only woke once around 3.5-4 hours to pump and my husband fed the baby. I have also begun exercising again and was able to go out for a jog today. On a more serious note, last week I had a bureaucratic appointment on the other side of the city in which I didn't want to take her because I had to be in a waiting room full of foreigners from around the world. I was worried she might catch something either from the public transit on the way there or from the 50+ sitting in close proximity to each other. If I didn't have her father feeding her from a bottle then none of these situations would have been easily possible this early on.

I don't think this is going to last for me. I've made it into month 2 now, so my plan is to take it week by week. I hope to make it to the end of month 2. If I can do that, then I believe I can make it to 12 weeks. Not that anyone is counting (yeah, right) but for me that will be the third week in June I believe. But even 8 weeks would make me happy. I've started freezing my milk to see if that helps with the enzyme issue (midwife says it likely will if I then use the milk quickly after it's thawed, like within half a day or less).

In any case, I don't like this at all. I just feel pain and upset and guilty for not enjoying it. In contrast I feel much more bonded with my daughter when we're cuddling, napping, and "playing" together. She's already smiling at me when I talk to her and she gets excited when she hears my voice. She gladly takes the bottle from me even if she does that eye movement, rooting for, and sniffing towards my breasts (this actually really bothers me and makes me feel depressed because I feel like a dairy cow and that's it...).

You're doing amazingly :hugs: however long you end up BF for you should be SO proud of yourself, whether you stop today or in 12 months.
We're at 2 years and still going strong.

I didn't like breastfeeding at 7 weeks, either, and at that point I thought it'd be a miracle to get to 6 months.

It gradually got easier and more enjoyable, sometime after 3 months. Looking back, those first few months are a blur and have, for the most part, been lost in happy breastfeeding memories. I know it's so terribly miserable at the time, though. :hugs:
Started combi-feeding sometime after 4 months, and combi-feeding was the end of bf'ing for nutrition for us...she wants boobie only when she's sleepy. Even though I chose "bf-friendly" bottles, she just doesn't want boob anymore when she's hungry, but will want it when she's sleepy/tired and it is the fastest thing that helps her sleep. However, I do think she will be off the boob completely soon. I won't really get into how this all happened as we ebf till 4 months, but it was mostly "going with my gut" based on all information I had in front of me.

I didn't love bf'ing as I thought I would also and it was very painful until 3 months. The funny thing is, her latch improved SO much now that she is only nursing shortly once a day and getting bottles the rest of the time.

I don't know why they don't tell new mums that the latch gets better when they get bigger - their mouth is bigger and they have better control of their head and just know what to do.

If you want to continue you could try increasing your supply with meds like domperidone etc, a morning feed when you're most full could jump start it again. Don't want to push you, just get a sense you're not ready to fully stop.
I'm not enjoying it either. I have to pump a lot because she isn't too efficient and I need to get sleep. When I don't sleep I get stressed and weepy (hormones + no sleep = bad combo for me) and then I don't produce much milk. I've had one issue after another. First it was milk production, resulting in cracked and bloody nipples. Then it was crap latch making it hurt. Then it was my diet, where she had horrible diarrhea from whatever was in my milk. I threw out everything in the fridge and started anew (that was week 2). This week it was her rejecting my milk and I discovered the enzyme in milk goes bad after a certain time -- it had a metallic and soapy smell. I had to chuck out 75% of what was in the fridge. Again. Now I think my right nipple might slight thrush. She can't latch properly on the left most times because it's flat and doesn't protrude. My nipples always feel wretched and occasionally (though not often) I get random sensations running through my breasts. And did I mention the hormones and libido? I have none right now. Oh, and I periodically get weepy or mad at my husband for no damned reason. I feel like I have PMS symptoms on steroids some days.

So, yes, sterilizing bottles and nipples isn't much fun, but then neither is being up constantly at night, or being unable to go anywhere (without the baby) all because the sole person responsible for feeding is me. I prefer to pump and sterilize everything because - for example - last night I got 8 hours of sleep, only woke once around 3.5-4 hours to pump and my husband fed the baby. I have also begun exercising again and was able to go out for a jog today. On a more serious note, last week I had a bureaucratic appointment on the other side of the city in which I didn't want to take her because I had to be in a waiting room full of foreigners from around the world. I was worried she might catch something either from the public transit on the way there or from the 50+ sitting in close proximity to each other. If I didn't have her father feeding her from a bottle then none of these situations would have been easily possible this early on.

I don't think this is going to last for me. I've made it into month 2 now, so my plan is to take it week by week. I hope to make it to the end of month 2. If I can do that, then I believe I can make it to 12 weeks. Not that anyone is counting (yeah, right) but for me that will be the third week in June I believe. But even 8 weeks would make me happy. I've started freezing my milk to see if that helps with the enzyme issue (midwife says it likely will if I then use the milk quickly after it's thawed, like within half a day or less).

In any case, I don't like this at all. I just feel pain and upset and guilty for not enjoying it. In contrast I feel much more bonded with my daughter when we're cuddling, napping, and "playing" together. She's already smiling at me when I talk to her and she gets excited when she hears my voice. She gladly takes the bottle from me even if she does that eye movement, rooting for, and sniffing towards my breasts (this actually really bothers me and makes me feel depressed because I feel like a dairy cow and that's it...).

I read that heating it before freezing it works. I don't think freezing stops the milk from getting the soapy smell. Some babies do get used to it, so before throwing them away you could try giving it first before giving her fresh ones.
I stopped bf chloe between 13-14 months. I didn't particularly enjoy bf (think she had an un diagnosed tongue and lip tie) but I am pleased we made it as long as we did. I'm hoping next time I enjoy it more :)
With DD1 I bfed til she was 1 year and maybe a week.. I woulda gone a bit longer except I was pregnant and it gave me horrid bfing aversion.

This time I've so far made it a 1 month and its seeming like such a breeze.
I’m breastfeeding my 16 month old. My advice would be to not quit on your worst day! It does get easier, and lots of women grow to enjoy it more and more as time goes by and you get past the tenuous first days.
I Breast fed my first for 5.5 months, i am almost 12 months in with my second :flower"

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