hiya, got mine next month soon - just waiting for AF!
Im not that clever on computers but a poll would be good to show how long after and those still waiting to get a BFP.
Hopefully its all we need Babycareyand we will get our BFPs!!!!!
Hiya Bex
Yeh i think we r close in our cycles.Think mines due Oct 14th?
For once in a long time im wishin "she arrives ontime"!!!
13th oct I hope to have hsg. I see some ppl have any time. I was told to use contraceptives that mth.
I can get results next weds wiv gp but won't have fs appt until after hsg. So yeah we r going thru it all the same babycarey. Take care. Xx
hi i had a hycosy sept 09 & unfortunately didnt get a bfp....started on clomid in the oct 09 & had a lap & dye in feb 2010....i timed it so i would ovulate a few days after the lap & dye as heard fab things bout the dye flushing ur tubes....i conceived that mth!!!! that was 4th cycle of clomid xx
Ive gotta book mine in on cd1. Not sure when im due af but assuming i go to 14 dpo, she'll be here a week tomorrow!x