Hi everyone,
I had my HSG test today early in the morning. I was absolutely terrified of the test as I read up about it too much on the net and uTube. From yesterday evening it has been on my mind - I was so stressed in the morning that I got diarrhea and had chest pains.
Anyways I went for the appointment, my poor husband had to listen to me acting like a baby the whole way there. I didnt have to wait for long before they called me in. I was told to remove bottom clothing and then sit on a bed which was attached with a large machine. My husband was not allowed to come into the examination room. There was 2 nurses and 1 doctor. The bed was quite high up so I had stand on the steps then get on. I actually started crying before I even removed my clothing (SCARED) -
Once I was lying down the doctor told me to relax and he inserted a speculum (I am assuming) and that hurt! (This was my fault because I was not relax and the muscles were not relaxed) after that he was checking/taking some samples etc. which didnt hurt, by then I was feeling a bit more relaxed as it was not hurting but my heart was beating fast and I was dreading the moment the doctor would say: "I am going to put the dye in now'' (As I read about it that it hurts on uTube)
After couple of minutes... The doctor said what I was so scared of ''I am going to put the dye in now, just relax and dont worry'' Oh ma goodness soon as he said that I started crying like a fat baby (So embarrassing when I think about it now) My tears was rolling down my cheeks and as I am wiping my cheeks and crying away, not even a minute went pass and the doctor said ''Ok brilliant, wer finished'' I was like....

Why the hell was I crying!
Thank god, I did not have a blocked tube, It was all fine. Overall my HSG test went well, there was little cramps after the test. No pain during the test apart from when the speculum was inserted which I was not relaxed, the rest was slightly LITTLE discomfort.
1) Please do not read about experience of HSG too much especially on uTube. Its sometimes best you dont know whats going on down there, I was freaked out over nothing. It honestly is not that bad. Stay positive, I know it varies person to person.
2) Be relax, Dont stress because then it hurts. Think positive in your head that its worth it if theres a baby after.

, Also you could maybe have ibuprofen an hour before the appointment (Thats what I did)